#! /bin/bash #tests that dist works #usage: testdist gforth-version.tar.gz #gforth-version.tar.gz must be in the working directory MACHINE=`hostname` GFORTH=`basename $1 .tar.gz` result=ok for CC in `(shopt -s nullglob; for i in /usr/sfw/bin /opt/csw/gcc4 \`echo $PATH|sed 's/:/ /g'\`; do for j in $i/gcc-*; do basename $j; done; done )|sort -u`; do last=broken rm -rf $CC mkdir $CC cd $CC PATHDIR=`pwd` DIR=`cygpath -m \`pwd\` 2>/dev/null` || DIR=`pwd` chmod -R +w $GFORTH rm -rf $GFORTH gunzip -cd ../$1 | tar xf - (if make --version|grep -q GNU then echo building in build with $CC chmod -R a-w $GFORTH rm -rf build mkdir build cd build ../$GFORTH/configure --prefix=$DIR/install CC=$CC else echo building in $GFORTH with $CC cd $GFORTH ./configure --prefix=$DIR/install CC=$CC fi && make && #gforth locals-test.fs #gforth test-counted-loops.fs make install && #make all-bench && chmod -R +w ../$GFORTH/vmgen-ex ../$GFORTH/vmgen-ex2 && cd ../$GFORTH/vmgen-ex && PATH=$PATHDIR/install/bin:$PATH make check GCC="$CC -O" YACC=yacc LEX=lex && cd ../vmgen-ex2 && PATH=$DIR/install/bin:$PATH make check GCC="$CC -O" YACC=yacc LEX=lex && cd .. && cd .. && install/bin/gforth test/tester.fs test/coretest.fs test/postpone.fs test/dbltest.fs -e bye >&/dev/null && make -f build/Makefile onebench ENGINE_FAST=install/bin/gforth-fast && install/bin/gforth-fast --debug -e bye 2>&1 |grep 'Compiled with' ) && last=ok echo $CC $last chmod -R +w $GFORTH cd .. test $result = ok -a $last = ok || result=broken done echo test $result