File:  [gforth] / gforth / gforth.el
Revision 1.87: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Fri May 4 00:11:04 2012 UTC (11 years, 11 months ago) by pazsan
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
correct environment query in sockets.fs
added timeout wait for events
added event: as definer

    1: ;;; gforth.el --- major mode for editing (G)Forth sources
    3: ;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,2000,2001,2003,2004,2007,2008,2010,2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    5: ;; This file is part of Gforth.
    7: ;; GForth is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    8: ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
    9: ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
   10: ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
   11: ;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
   12: ;; License for full details.
   14: ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
   15: ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
   16: ;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
   17: ;; supposed to have been given to you along with Gforth so you
   18: ;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
   19: ;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
   20: ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
   22: ;; Author: Goran Rydqvist <>
   23: ;; Maintainer: David Kühling <>
   24: ;; Created: 16 July 88 by Goran Rydqvist
   25: ;; Keywords: forth, gforth
   27: ;; Changes by anton
   28: ;; This is a variant of forth.el that came with TILE.
   29: ;; I left most of this stuff untouched and made just a few changes for 
   30: ;; the things I use (mainly indentation and syntax tables).
   31: ;; So there is still a lot of work to do to adapt this to gforth.
   33: ;; Changes by David
   34: ;; Added a syntax-hilighting engine, rewrote auto-indentation engine.
   35: ;; Added support for block files.
   36: ;; Replaced forth-process code with comint-based implementation.
   38: ;; Tested with Emacs 19.34, 20.5, 21 and XEmacs 21
   40: ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   41: ;; A Forth indentation, documentation search and interaction library
   42: ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   43: ;;
   44: ;; Written by Goran Rydqvist,, Summer 1988
   45: ;; Started:	16 July 88
   46: ;; Version:	2.10
   47: ;; Last update:	5 December 1989 by Mikael Patel,
   48: ;; Last update:	25 June 1990 by Goran Rydqvist,
   49: ;;
   50: ;; Documentation: See forth-mode (^HF forth-mode)
   51: ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   53: ;;; Code:
   55: ;(setq debug-on-error t)
   57: ;; Code ripped from `version.el' for compatability with Emacs versions
   58: ;; prior to 19.23.
   59: (if (not (boundp 'emacs-major-version))
   60:     (defconst emacs-major-version
   61:       (progn (string-match "^[0-9]+" emacs-version)
   62: 	     (string-to-number (match-string 0 emacs-version)))))
   64: ;; Code ripped from `subr.el' for compatability with Emacs versions
   65: ;; prior to 20.1
   66: (eval-when-compile 
   67: (defun forth-emacs-older (major minor)
   68:   (or (< emacs-major-version major)
   69:       (and (= emacs-major-version major) (< emacs-minor-version minor))))
   71:   (if (forth-emacs-older 20 1)
   72:       (progn
   73: 	(defmacro when (cond &rest body)
   74: 	  "If COND yields non-nil, do BODY, else return nil."
   75: 	  (list 'if cond (cons 'progn body)))
   76: 	(defmacro unless (cond &rest body)
   77: 	  "If COND yields nil, do BODY, else return nil."
   78: 	  (cons 'if (cons cond (cons nil body)))))))
   80: ;; `no-error' argument of require not supported in Emacs versions
   81: ;; prior to 20.4 :-(
   82: (eval-and-compile
   83: (defun forth-require (feature)
   84:     (condition-case err (require feature) (error nil))))
   86: (require 'font-lock)
   88: ;; define `font-lock-warning-face' in emacs-versions prior to 20.1
   89: ;; (ripped from `font-lock.el')
   90: (unless (boundp 'font-lock-warning-face)
   91:   (message "defining font-lock-warning-face")
   92:   (make-face 'font-lock-warning-face)
   93:   (defvar font-lock-warning-face 'font-lock-warning-face)
   94:   (set-face-foreground font-lock-warning-face "red")
   95:   (make-face-bold font-lock-warning-face))
   97: ;; define `font-lock-constant-face' in XEmacs (just copy
   98: ;; `font-lock-preprocessor-face')
   99: (unless (boundp 'font-lock-constant-face)
  100:   (copy-face font-lock-preprocessor-face 'font-lock-constant-face))
  103: ;; define `regexp-opt' in emacs versions prior to 20.1 
  104: ;; (this implementation is extremely inefficient, though)
  105: (eval-and-compile (forth-require 'regexp-opt))
  106: (unless (memq 'regexp-opt features)
  107:   (message (concat 
  108: 	    "Warning: your Emacs version doesn't support `regexp-opt'. "
  109:             "Hilighting will be slow."))
  110:   (defun regexp-opt (STRINGS &optional PAREN)
  111:     (let ((open (if PAREN "\\(" "")) (close (if PAREN "\\)" "")))
  112:       (concat open (mapconcat 'regexp-quote STRINGS "\\|") close)))
  113:   (defun regexp-opt-depth (re)
  114:     (if (string= (substring re 0 2) "\\(") 1 0)))
  116: ; todo:
  117: ;
  119: ; screen-height existiert nicht in XEmacs, frame-height ersetzen?
  120: ; 
  122: ; Wörter ordentlich hilighten, die nicht auf Whitespace beginnen ( ..)IF
  123: ; -- mit aktueller Konzeption nicht möglich??
  124: ;
  125: ; Konfiguration über customization groups
  126: ;
  127: ; Bereich nur auf Wortanfang/ende ausweiten, wenn Anfang bzw Ende in einem 
  128: ; Wort liegen (?) -- speed!
  129: ;
  130: ; 'forth-word' property muss eindeutig sein!
  131: ;
  132: ; Forth-Menu 
  133: ;
  134: ; Interface zu GForth Prozessen (Patches von Michael Scholz)
  135: ;
  136: ; Byte-compile-Code rausschmeißen, Compilieren im Makefile über Emacs
  137: ; batch-Modus
  138: ;
  139: ; forth-help Kram rausschmeißen
  140: ;
  141: ; XEmacs Kompatibilität? imenu/speedbar -> fume?
  142: ; 
  143: ; Folding neuschreiben (neue Parser-Informationen benutzen)
  145: ;;; Motion-hooking (dk)
  146: ;;;
  147: (defun forth-idle-function ()
  148:   "Function that is called when Emacs is idle to detect cursor motion
  149: in forth-block-mode buffers (which is mainly used for screen number
  150: display in).  Currently ignores forth-mode buffers but that may change
  151: in the future."
  152:   (if (eq major-mode 'forth-block-mode)
  153:       (forth-check-motion)))
  155: (defvar forth-idle-function-timer nil 
  156:   "Timer that runs `forth-idle-function' or nil if no timer installed.")
  158: (defun forth-install-motion-hook ()
  159:   "Install the motion-hooking mechanism.  Currently uses idle timers
  160: but might be transparently changed in the future."
  161:   (unless forth-idle-function-timer
  162:     ;; install idle function only once (first time forth-mode is used)
  163:     (setq forth-idle-function-timer 
  164: 	  (run-with-idle-timer .05 t 'forth-idle-function))))
  166: (defvar forth-was-point nil)
  168: (defun forth-check-motion ()
  169:   "Run `forth-motion-hooks', if `point' changed since last call.  This
  170: used to be called via `post-command-hook' but uses idle timers now as
  171: users complaint about lagging performance."
  172:   (when (or (eq forth-was-point nil) (/= forth-was-point (point)))
  173:     (setq forth-was-point (point))
  174:     (run-hooks 'forth-motion-hooks)))
  177: ;;; Hilighting and indentation engine (dk)
  178: ;;;
  179: (defvar forth-disable-parser nil
  180:   "*Non-nil means to disable on-the-fly parsing of Forth-code.
  182: This will disable hilighting of forth-mode buffers and will decrease
  183: the smartness of the indentation engine. Only set it to non-nil, if
  184: your computer is very slow. To disable hilighting, set
  185: `forth-hilight-level' to zero.")
  187: (defvar forth-jit-parser nil
  188:   "*Non-nil means to parse Forth-code just-in-time.
  190: This eliminates the need for initially parsing forth-mode buffers and
  191: thus speeds up loading of Forth files. That feature is only available
  192: in Emacs21 (and newer versions).")
  194: (defvar forth-words nil 
  195:   "List of words for hilighting and recognition of parsed text areas. 
  197: Hilighting of object-oriented Forth code is achieved, by appending either
  198: `forth-objects-words' or `forth-oof-words' to the list, depending on the values of `forth-use-objects' or `forth-use-oof'.
  200: After `forth-words' changed, `forth-compile-words' must be called to
  201: make the changes take effect.
  203: Each item of `forth-words' has the form 
  204:    (MATCHER TYPE HILIGHT . &optional PARSED-TEXT ...)
  206: MATCHER is either a list of strings to match, or a REGEXP.
  207:    If it's a REGEXP, it should not be surrounded by '\\<' or '\\>', since 
  208:    that'll be done automatically by the search routines.
  210: TYPE should be one of 'definiton-starter', 'definition-ender', 'compile-only',
  211:    'immediate' or 'non-immediate'. Those information are required to determine
  212:    whether a word actually parses (and whether that parsed text needs to be
  213:    hilighted).
  215: HILIGHT is a cons cell of the form (FACE . MINIMUM-LEVEL)
  216:    Where MINIMUM-LEVEL specifies the minimum value of `forth-hilight-level',
  217:    that's required for matching text to be hilighted.
  219: PARSED-TEXT specifies whether and how a word parses following text. You can
  220:    specify as many subsequent PARSED-TEXT as you wish, but that shouldn't be
  221:    necessary very often. It has the following form:
  224: DELIM-REGEXP is a regular expression that should match strings of length 1,
  225:    which are delimiters for the parsed text.
  227: A non-nil value for PARSE-LEADING-FLAG means, that leading delimiter strings
  228:    before parsed text should be skipped. This is the parsing behaviour of the
  229:    Forth word WORD. Set it to t for name-parsing words, nil for comments and
  230:    strings.
  232: PARSED-TYPE specifies what kind of text is parsed. It should be on of 'name',
  233:    'string' or 'comment'.")
  234: (setq forth-words
  235:       '(
  236: 	(("[") definition-ender (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  237: 	(("]" "]l") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  238: 	((":") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  239: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  240: 	(("event:") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  241: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  242: 	(("immediate" "compile-only" "restrict")
  243: 	 immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  244: 	(("does>") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  245: 	((":noname") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  246: 	((";" ";code" ";abi-code") definition-ender (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  247: 	(("include" "require" "needs" "use") 
  248: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1) 
  249: 	 "[\n\t ]" t string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  250: 	(("included" "required" "thru" "load")
  251: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  252: 	(("code" "abi-code")
  253: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  254: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  255: 	(("end-code")
  256: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  257: 	(("[char]") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  258: 	 "[ \t\n]" t string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  259: 	(("char") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  260: 	 "[ \t\n]" t string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  261: 	("'.'?" non-immediate (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  262: 	(("s\"" "c\"" "s\\\"") immediate (font-lock-string-face . 1)
  263: 	 "[\"\n]" nil string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  264: 	((".\"" ".\\\"") compile-only (font-lock-string-face . 1)
  265: 	 "[\"\n]" nil string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  266: 	(("abort\"") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  267: 	 "[\"\n]" nil string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  268: 	(("{") compile-only (font-lock-variable-name-face . 1)
  269: 	 "[\n}]" nil name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 1))
  270: 	((".(" "(") immediate (font-lock-comment-face . 1)
  271: 	  ")" nil comment (font-lock-comment-face . 1))
  272: 	(("\\" "\\G") immediate (font-lock-comment-face . 1)
  273: 	 "[\n]" nil comment (font-lock-comment-face . 1))
  275: 	(("[if]" "[?do]" "[do]" "[for]" "[begin]" 
  276: 	  "[endif]" "[then]" "[loop]" "[+loop]" "[next]" "[until]" "[repeat]"
  277: 	  "[again]" "[while]" "[else]")
  278: 	 immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2))
  279: 	(("[ifdef]" "[ifundef]") immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  280: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  281: 	(("if" "begin" "ahead" "do" "?do" "+do" "u+do" "-do" "u-do" "for" 
  282: 	  "case" "of" "?dup-if" "?dup-0=-if" "then" "endif" "until"
  283: 	  "repeat" "again" "leave" "?leave"
  284: 	  "loop" "+loop" "-loop" "next" "endcase" "endof" "else" "while" "try"
  285: 	  "recover" "endtry" "iferror" "restore" "endtry-iferror"
  286: 	  "assert(" "assert0(" "assert1(" "assert2("
  287: 	  "assert3(" ")" "<interpretation" "<compilation" "interpretation>" 
  288: 	  "compilation>")
  289: 	 compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 2))
  291: 	(("true" "false" "c/l" "bl" "cell" "pi" "w/o" "r/o" "r/w") 
  292: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-constant-face . 2))
  293: 	(("~~" "break:" "dbg") compile-only (font-lock-warning-face . 2))
  294: 	(("break\"") compile-only (font-lock-warning-face . 1)
  295: 	 "[\"\n]" nil string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  296: 	(("postpone" "[is]" "defers" "[']" "[compile]") 
  297: 	 compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  298: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  299: 	(("is" "what's") immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  300: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  301: 	(("<is>" "'" "see") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  302: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  303: 	(("[to]") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  304: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  305: 	(("to") immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  306: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  307: 	(("<to>") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  308: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  310: 	(("create" "variable" "constant" "2variable" "2constant" "fvariable"
  311: 	  "fconstant" "value" "field" "user" "vocabulary" 
  312: 	  "create-interpret/compile" "interpret/compile:")
  313: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2)
  314: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  315: 	("\\S-+%" non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2))
  316: 	(("defer" "alias" "create-interpret/compile:") 
  317: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 1)
  318: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  319: 	(("end-struct") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  320: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-type-face . 3))
  321: 	(("struct" "end-c-library" "c-library-name") 
  322: 	 non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2))
  323: 	(("c-library") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  324: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  325: 	(("c-variable") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 1)
  326: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3)
  327: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  328: 	(("c-function" "c-value") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 1)
  329: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3)
  330: 	 "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3)
  331: 	 "[\n]" nil comment (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  332: 	(("\\c") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  333: 	 "[\n]" nil string (font-lock-string-face . 1))
  334: 	("-?[0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]*e\\(-?[0-9]+\\)?\\|\\.?[0-9a-f]*\\)" 
  335: 	 immediate (font-lock-constant-face . 3))
  336: 	("-?\\([&#][0-9]+\\|\\(0x\\|\\$\\)[0-9a-f]+\\|%[01]+\\)"
  337: 	 immediate (font-lock-constant-face . 3))
  338: 	))
  340: (defvar forth-use-objects nil 
  341:   "*Non-nil makes forth-mode also hilight words from the \"Objects\" package.")
  342: (defvar forth-objects-words
  343:   '(((":m") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  344:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  345:     (("m:") definition-starter (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  346:     ((";m") definition-ender (font-lock-keyword-face . 1))
  347:     (("[current]" "[parent]") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 1)
  348:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  349:     (("current" "overrides") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  350:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  351:     (("[to-inst]") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  352:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  353:     (("[bind]") compile-only (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  354:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-type-face . 3)
  355:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  356:     (("bind") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  357:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-type-face . 3)
  358:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  359:     (("inst-var" "inst-value") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2)
  360:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  361:     (("method" "selector")
  362:      non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 1)
  363:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  364:     (("end-class" "end-interface")
  365:      non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  366:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-type-face . 3))
  367:     (("public" "protected" "class" "exitm" "implementation" "interface"
  368:       "methods" "end-methods" "this") 
  369:      non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2))
  370:     (("object") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2)))
  371:   "Hilighting description for words of the \"Objects\" package")
  374: (defvar forth-use-oof nil 
  375:   "*Non-nil makes forth-mode also hilight words from the \"OOF\" package.")
  376: (defvar forth-oof-words 
  377:   '((("class") non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  378:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-type-face . 3))
  379:     (("var") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2)
  380:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  381:     (("method" "early") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2)
  382:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  383:     (("::" "super" "bind" "bound" "link") 
  384:      immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  385:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-function-name-face . 3))
  386:     (("ptr" "asptr" "[]") 
  387:      immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2)
  388:      "[ \t\n]" t name (font-lock-variable-name-face . 3))
  389:     (("class;" "how:" "self" "new" "new[]" "definitions" "class?" "with"
  390:       "endwith")
  391:      non-immediate (font-lock-keyword-face . 2))
  392:     (("object") non-immediate (font-lock-type-face . 2)))
  393:   "Hilighting description for words of the \"OOF\" package")
  395: (defvar forth-local-words nil 
  396:   "List of Forth words to prepend to `forth-words'. Should be set by a 
  397:  forth source, using a local variables list at the end of the file 
  398:  (\"Local Variables: ... forth-local-words: ... End:\" construct).") 
  400: (defvar forth-custom-words nil
  401:   "List of Forth words to prepend to `forth-words'. Should be set in your
  402:  .emacs.")
  404: (defvar forth-hilight-level 3 "*Level of hilighting of Forth code.")
  406: (defvar forth-compiled-words nil "Compiled representation of `forth-words'.")
  408: (defvar forth-indent-words nil 
  409:   "List of words that have indentation behaviour.
  410: Each element of `forth-indent-words' should have the form
  411:    (MATCHER INDENT1 INDENT2 &optional TYPE) 
  413: MATCHER is either a list of strings to match, or a REGEXP.
  414:    If it's a REGEXP, it should not be surrounded by `\\<` or `\\>`, since 
  415:    that'll be done automatically by the search routines.
  417: TYPE might be omitted. If it's specified, the only allowed value is 
  418:    currently the symbol `non-immediate', meaning that the word will not 
  419:    have any effect on indentation inside definitions. (:NONAME is a good 
  420:    example for this kind of word).
  422: INDENT1 specifies how to indent a word that's located at the beginning
  423:    of a line, following any number of whitespaces.
  425: INDENT2 specifies how to indent words that are not located at the
  426:    beginning of a line.
  428: INDENT1 and INDENT2 are indentation specifications of the form
  429:    (SELF-INDENT . NEXT-INDENT), where SELF-INDENT is a numerical value, 
  430:    specifying how the matching line and all following lines are to be 
  431:    indented, relative to previous lines. NEXT-INDENT specifies how to indent 
  432:    following lines, relative to the matching line.
  434:    Even values of SELF-INDENT and NEXT-INDENT correspond to multiples of
  435:    `forth-indent-level'. Odd values get an additional 
  436:    `forth-minor-indent-level' added/substracted. Eg a value of -2 indents
  437:    1 * forth-indent-level  to the left, wheras 3 indents 
  438:    1 * forth-indent-level + forth-minor-indent-level  columns to the right.")
  440: (setq forth-indent-words
  441:       '((("if" "begin" "do" "?do" "+do" "-do" "u+do"
  442: 	  "u-do" "?dup-if" "?dup-0=-if" "case" "of" "try" "iferror"
  443: 	  "[if]" "[ifdef]" "[ifundef]" "[begin]" "[for]" "[do]" "[?do]")
  444: 	 (0 . 2) (0 . 2))
  445: 	((":" ":noname" "code" "abi-code" "struct" "m:" ":m" "class" 
  446: 	  "interface" "c-library" "c-library-name")
  447: 	 (0 . 2) (0 . 2) non-immediate)
  448: 	("\\S-+%$" (0 . 2) (0 . 0) non-immediate)
  449: 	((";" ";m") (-2 . 0) (0 . -2))
  450: 	(("again" "then" "endif" "endtry" "endcase" "endof" 
  451: 	  "[then]" "[endif]" "[loop]" "[+loop]" "[next]" 
  452: 	  "[until]" "[again]" "loop")
  453: 	 (-2 . 0) (0 . -2))
  454: 	(("end-code" "end-class" "end-interface" "end-class-noname" 
  455: 	  "end-interface-noname" "end-struct" "class;" "end-c-library")
  456: 	 (-2 . 0) (0 . -2) non-immediate)
  457: 	(("protected" "public" "how:") (-1 . 1) (0 . 0) non-immediate)
  458: 	(("+loop" "-loop" "until") (-2 . 0) (-2 . 0))
  459: 	(("else" "recover" "restore" "endtry-iferror" "[else]")
  460: 	 (-2 . 2) (0 . 0))
  461: 	(("does>" ";code" ";abi-code") (-1 . 1) (0 . 0))
  462: 	(("while" "[while]") (-2 . 4) (0 . 2))
  463: 	(("repeat" "[repeat]") (-4 . 0) (0 . -4))))
  465: (defvar forth-local-indent-words nil 
  466:   "List of Forth words to prepend to `forth-indent-words', when a forth-mode
  467: buffer is created. Should be set by a Forth source, using a local variables 
  468: list at the end of the file (\"Local Variables: ... forth-local-words: ... 
  469: End:\" construct).")
  471: (defvar forth-custom-indent-words nil
  472:   "List of Forth words to prepend to `forth-indent-words'. Should be set in
  473:  your .emacs.")
  475: (defvar forth-indent-level 4
  476:   "*Indentation of Forth statements.")
  477: (defvar forth-minor-indent-level 2
  478:   "*Minor indentation of Forth statements.")
  479: (defvar forth-compiled-indent-words nil)
  481: ;(setq debug-on-error t)
  483: ;; Filter list by predicate. This is a somewhat standard function for 
  484: ;; functional programming languages. So why isn't it already implemented 
  485: ;; in Lisp??
  486: (defun forth-filter (predicate list)
  487:   (let ((filtered nil))
  488:     (dolist (item list)
  489: 	      (when (funcall predicate item)
  490: 		(if filtered
  491: 		    (nconc filtered (list item))
  492:           (setq filtered (cons item nil)))))
  493:     filtered))
  495: ;; Helper function for `forth-compile-word': return whether word has to be
  496: ;; added to the compiled word list, for syntactic parsing and hilighting.
  497: (defun forth-words-filter (word)
  498:   (let* ((hilight (nth 2 word))
  499: 	 (level (cdr hilight))
  500: 	 (parsing-flag (nth 3 word)))
  501:     (or parsing-flag 
  502: 	(<= level forth-hilight-level))))
  504: ;; Helper function for `forth-compile-word': translate one entry from 
  505: ;; `forth-words' into the form  (regexp regexp-depth word-description)
  506: (defun forth-compile-words-mapper (word)
  507:   ;; warning: we cannot rely on regexp-opt's PAREN argument, since
  508:   ;; XEmacs will use shy parens by default :-(
  509:   (let* ((matcher (car word))
  510: 	 (regexp 
  511: 	  (concat "\\(" (cond ((stringp matcher) matcher)
  512: 			      ((listp matcher) (regexp-opt matcher))
  513: 			      (t (error "Invalid matcher")))
  514: 		  "\\)"))
  515: 	 (depth (regexp-opt-depth regexp))
  516: 	 (description (cdr word)))
  517:     (list regexp depth description)))
  519: ;; Read `words' and create a compiled representation suitable for efficient
  520: ;; parsing of the form  
  521: ;; (regexp (subexp-count word-description) (subexp-count2 word-description2)
  522: ;;  ...)
  523: (defun forth-compile-wordlist (words)
  524:   (let* ((mapped (mapcar 'forth-compile-words-mapper words))
  525: 	 (regexp (concat "\\<\\(" 
  526: 			 (mapconcat 'car mapped "\\|")
  527: 			 "\\)\\>"))
  528: 	 (sub-count 2)
  529: 	 (sub-list (mapcar 
  530: 		    (lambda (i) 
  531: 		      (let ((sub (cons sub-count (nth 2 i))))
  532: 			(setq sub-count (+ sub-count (nth 1 i)))
  533: 			sub 
  534: 			)) 
  535: 		    mapped)))
  536:     (let ((result (cons regexp sub-list)))
  537:       (byte-compile 'result)
  538:       result)))
  540: (defun forth-compile-words ()
  541:   "Compile the the words from `forth-words' and `forth-indent-words' into
  542:  the format that's later used for doing the actual hilighting/indentation.
  543:  Store the resulting compiled wordlists in `forth-compiled-words' and 
  544: `forth-compiled-indent-words', respective"
  545:   (setq forth-compiled-words 
  546: 	(forth-compile-wordlist 
  547: 	 (forth-filter 'forth-words-filter forth-words)))
  548:   (setq forth-compiled-indent-words 
  549: 	(forth-compile-wordlist forth-indent-words)))
  551: (defun forth-hack-local-variables ()
  552:   "Parse and bind local variables, set in the contents of the current 
  553:  forth-mode buffer. Prepend `forth-local-words' to `forth-words' and 
  554:  `forth-local-indent-words' to `forth-indent-words'."
  555:   (put 'forth-local-indent-words 'safe-local-variable 'listp)
  556:   (put 'forth-local-words 'safe-local-variable 'listp)
  557:   (hack-local-variables)
  558:   (setq forth-words (append forth-local-words forth-words))
  559:   (setq forth-indent-words (append forth-local-indent-words 
  560: 				   forth-indent-words)))
  562: (defun forth-customize-words ()
  563:   "Add the words from `forth-custom-words' and `forth-custom-indent-words'
  564:  to `forth-words' and `forth-indent-words', respective. Add 
  565:  `forth-objects-words' and/or `forth-oof-words' to `forth-words', if
  566:  `forth-use-objects' and/or `forth-use-oof', respective is set."
  567:   (setq forth-words (append forth-custom-words forth-words
  568: 			    (if forth-use-oof forth-oof-words nil)
  569: 			    (if forth-use-objects forth-objects-words nil)))
  570:   (setq forth-indent-words (append 
  571: 			    forth-custom-indent-words forth-indent-words)))
  575: ;; get location of first character of previous forth word that's got 
  576: ;; properties
  577: (defun forth-previous-start (pos)
  578:   (let* ((word (get-text-property pos 'forth-word))
  579: 	 (prev (previous-single-property-change 
  580: 		(min (point-max) (1+ pos)) 'forth-word 
  581: 		(current-buffer) (point-min))))
  582:     (if (or (= (point-min) prev) word) prev
  583:       (if (get-text-property (1- prev) 'forth-word)
  584: 	  (previous-single-property-change 
  585: 	   prev 'forth-word (current-buffer) (point-min))
  586: 	(point-min)))))
  588: ;; Get location of the last character of the current/next forth word that's
  589: ;; got properties, text that's parsed by the word is considered as parts of 
  590: ;; the word.
  591: (defun forth-next-end (pos)
  592:   (let* ((word (get-text-property pos 'forth-word))
  593: 	 (next (next-single-property-change pos 'forth-word 
  594: 					    (current-buffer) (point-max))))
  595:     (if word next
  596:       (if (get-text-property next 'forth-word)
  597: 	  (next-single-property-change 
  598: 	   next 'forth-word (current-buffer) (point-max))
  599: 	(point-max)))))
  601: (defun forth-next-whitespace (pos)
  602:   (save-excursion
  603:     (goto-char pos)
  604:     (skip-syntax-forward "-" (point-max))
  605:     (point)))
  606: (defun forth-previous-word (pos)
  607:   (save-excursion
  608:     (goto-char pos)
  609:     (re-search-backward "\\<" pos (point-min) 1)
  610:     (point)))
  612: ;; Delete all properties, used by Forth mode, from `from' to `to'.
  613: (defun forth-delete-properties (from to)
  614:   (remove-text-properties 
  615:    from to '(face nil fontified nil 
  616: 		  forth-parsed nil forth-word nil forth-state nil)))
  618: ;; Get the index of the branch of the most recently evaluated regular 
  619: ;; expression that matched. (used for identifying branches "a\\|b\\|c...")
  620: (defun forth-get-regexp-branch ()
  621:   (let ((count 2))
  622:     (while (not (condition-case err (match-beginning count)
  623: 		  (args-out-of-range t)))  ; XEmacs requires error handling
  624:       (setq count (1+ count)))
  625:     count))
  627: ;; seek to next forth-word and return its "word-description"
  628: (defun forth-next-known-forth-word (to)
  629:   (if (<= (point) to)
  630:       (progn
  631: 	(let* ((regexp (car forth-compiled-words))
  632: 	       (pos (re-search-forward regexp to t)))
  633: 	  (if pos (let ((branch (forth-get-regexp-branch))
  634: 			(descr (cdr forth-compiled-words)))
  635: 		    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
  636: 		    (cdr (assoc branch descr)))
  637: 	    'nil)))
  638:     nil))
  640: ;; Set properties of forth word at `point', eventually parsing subsequent 
  641: ;; words, and parsing all whitespaces. Set point to delimiter after word.
  642: ;; The word, including it's parsed text gets the `forth-word' property, whose 
  643: ;; value is unique, and may be used for getting the word's start/end 
  644: ;; positions.
  645: (defun forth-set-word-properties (state data)
  646:   (let* ((start (point))
  647: 	 (end (progn (re-search-forward "[ \t]\\|$" (point-max) 1)
  648: 		     (point)))
  649: 	 (type (car data))
  650: 	 (hilight (nth 1 data))
  651: 	 (bad-word (and (not state) (eq type 'compile-only)))
  652: 	 (hlface (if bad-word font-lock-warning-face
  653: 		   (if (<= (cdr hilight) forth-hilight-level)
  654: 		       (car hilight) nil))))
  655:     (when hlface (put-text-property start end 'face hlface))
  656:     ;; if word parses in current state, process parsed range of text
  657:     (when (or (not state) (eq type 'compile-only) (eq type 'immediate))
  658:       (let ((parse-data (nthcdr 2 data)))
  659: 	(while parse-data
  660: 	  (let ((delim (nth 0 parse-data))
  661: 		(skip-leading (nth 1 parse-data))
  662: 		(parse-type (nth 2 parse-data))
  663: 		(parsed-hilight (nth 3 parse-data))
  664: 		(parse-start (point))
  665: 		(parse-end))
  666: 	    (when skip-leading
  667: 	      (while (and (looking-at delim) (> (match-end 0) (point))
  668: 			  (not (looking-at "\n")))
  669: 		(forward-char)))
  670: 	    (re-search-forward delim (point-max) 1)
  671: 	    (setq parse-end (point))
  672: 	    (forth-delete-properties end parse-end)
  673: 	    (when (<= (cdr parsed-hilight) forth-hilight-level)
  674: 	      (put-text-property 
  675: 	       parse-start parse-end 'face (car parsed-hilight)))
  676: 	    (put-text-property 
  677: 	     parse-start parse-end 'forth-parsed parse-type)
  678: 	    (setq end parse-end)
  679: 	    (setq parse-data (nthcdr 4 parse-data))))))
  680:     (put-text-property start end 'forth-word start)))
  682: ;; Search for known Forth words in the range `from' to `to', using 
  683: ;; `forth-next-known-forth-word' and set their properties via 
  684: ;; `forth-set-word-properties'.
  685: (defun forth-update-properties (from to &optional loudly)
  686:   (save-excursion
  687:     (let ((msg-count 0) (state) (word-descr) (last-location))
  688:       (goto-char (forth-previous-word (forth-previous-start 
  689: 				       (max (point-min) (1- from)))))
  690:       (setq to (forth-next-end (min (point-max) (1+ to))))
  691:       ;; `to' must be on a space delimiter, if a parsing word was changed
  692:       (setq to (forth-next-whitespace to))
  693:       (setq state (get-text-property (point) 'forth-state))
  694:       (setq last-location (point))
  695:       (forth-delete-properties (point) to)
  696:       (put-text-property (point) to 'fontified t)
  697:       ;; hilight loop...
  698:       (while (setq word-descr (forth-next-known-forth-word to))
  699: 	(when loudly
  700: 	  (when (equal 0 (% msg-count 100))
  701: 	    (message "Parsing Forth code...%s"
  702: 		     (make-string (/ msg-count 100) ?.)))
  703: 	  (setq msg-count (1+ msg-count)))
  704: 	(forth-set-word-properties state word-descr)
  705: 	(when state (put-text-property last-location (point) 'forth-state t))
  706: 	(let ((type (car word-descr)))
  707: 	  (if (eq type 'definition-starter) (setq state t))
  708: 	  (if (eq type 'definition-ender) (setq state nil))
  709: 	  (setq last-location (point))))
  710:       ;; update state property up to `to'
  711:       (if (and state (< (point) to))
  712: 	  (put-text-property last-location to 'forth-state t))
  713:       ;; extend search if following state properties differ from current state
  714:       (if (< to (point-max))
  715: 	  (if (not (equal state (get-text-property (1+ to) 'forth-state)))
  716: 	      (let ((extend-to (next-single-property-change 
  717: 				to 'forth-state (current-buffer) (point-max))))
  718: 		(forth-update-properties to extend-to))
  719: 	    ))
  720:       )))
  722: ;; save-buffer-state borrowed from `font-lock.el'
  723: (eval-when-compile 
  724:   (defmacro forth-save-buffer-state (varlist &rest body)
  725:     "Bind variables according to VARLIST and eval BODY restoring buffer state."
  726:     `(let* (,@(append varlist
  727: 		   '((modified (buffer-modified-p)) (buffer-undo-list t)
  728: 		     (inhibit-read-only t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
  729: 		     before-change-functions after-change-functions
  730:                         deactivate-mark buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename)))
  731:        ,@body
  732: 	 (when (and (not modified) (buffer-modified-p))
  733:          (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
  735: ;; Function that is added to the `change-functions' hook. Calls 
  736: ;; `forth-update-properties' and keeps care of disabling undo information
  737: ;; and stuff like that.
  738: (defun forth-change-function (from to len &optional loudly)
  739:   (save-match-data
  740:     (forth-save-buffer-state 
  741:      () 
  742:      (unless forth-disable-parser (forth-update-properties from to loudly))
  743:      (forth-update-warn-long-lines))))
  745: (defun forth-fontification-function (from)
  746:   "Function to be called from `fontification-functions' of Emacs 21."
  747:   (save-match-data
  748:     (forth-save-buffer-state
  749:      ((to (min (point-max) (+ from 100))))
  750:      (unless (or forth-disable-parser (not forth-jit-parser)
  751: 		 (get-text-property from 'fontified))
  752:        (forth-update-properties from to)))))
  754: (eval-when-compile
  755:   (byte-compile 'forth-set-word-properties)
  756:   (byte-compile 'forth-next-known-forth-word)
  757:   (byte-compile 'forth-update-properties)
  758:   (byte-compile 'forth-delete-properties)
  759:   (byte-compile 'forth-get-regexp-branch)) 
  761: ;;; imenu support
  762: ;;;
  763: (defvar forth-defining-words 
  765:    "USER" "VALUE" "field" "end-struct" "VOCABULARY" "CREATE" ":" "CODE"
  766:    "DEFER" "ALIAS" "interpret/compile:")
  767:   "List of words, that define the following word.
  768: Used for imenu index generation.")
  770: (defvar forth-defining-words-regexp nil 
  771:   "Regexp that's generated for matching `forth-defining-words'")
  773: (defun forth-next-definition-starter ()
  774:   (progn
  775:     (let* ((pos (re-search-forward forth-defining-words-regexp (point-max) t)))
  776:       (if pos
  777: 	  (if (or (text-property-not-all (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 
  778: 					 'forth-parsed nil)
  779: 		  (text-property-not-all (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
  780: 					 'forth-state nil)) 
  781: 	      (forth-next-definition-starter)
  782: 	    t)
  783: 	nil))))
  785: (defun forth-create-index ()
  786:   (let* ((forth-defining-words-regexp 
  787: 	  (concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt forth-defining-words) "\\)\\>"))
  788: 	 (index nil))
  789:     (goto-char (point-min))
  790:     (while (forth-next-definition-starter)
  791:       (if (looking-at "[ \t]*\\([^ \t\n]+\\)")
  792: 	  (setq index (cons (cons (match-string 1) (point)) index))))
  793:     index))
  795: ;; top-level require is executed at byte-compile and load time
  796: (eval-and-compile (forth-require 'speedbar))
  798: ;; this code is executed at load-time only
  799: (when (memq 'speedbar features)
  800:   (speedbar-add-supported-extension ".fs")
  801:   (speedbar-add-supported-extension ".fb"))
  803: ;; (require 'profile)
  804: ;; (setq profile-functions-list '(forth-set-word-properties forth-next-known-forth-word forth-update-properties forth-delete-properties forth-get-regexp-branch))
  806: ;;; Indentation
  807: ;;;
  809: ;; Return, whether `pos' is the first forth word on its line
  810: (defun forth-first-word-on-line-p (pos)
  811:   (save-excursion
  812:     (beginning-of-line)
  813:     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
  814:     (= pos (point))))
  816: ;; Return indentation data (SELF-INDENT . NEXT-INDENT) of next known 
  817: ;; indentation word, or nil if there is no word up to `to'. 
  818: ;; Position `point' at location just after found word, or at `to'. Parsed 
  819: ;; ranges of text will not be taken into consideration!
  820: (defun forth-next-known-indent-word (to)
  821:   (if (<= (point) to)
  822:       (progn
  823: 	(let* ((regexp (car forth-compiled-indent-words))
  824: 	       (pos (re-search-forward regexp to t)))
  825: 	  (if pos
  826: 	      (let* ((start (match-beginning 0))
  827: 		     (end (match-end 0))
  828: 		     (branch (forth-get-regexp-branch))
  829: 		     (descr (cdr forth-compiled-indent-words))
  830: 		     (indent (cdr (assoc branch descr)))
  831: 		     (type (nth 2 indent)))
  832: 		;; skip words that are parsed (strings/comments) and 
  833: 		;; non-immediate words inside definitions
  834: 		(if (or (text-property-not-all start end 'forth-parsed nil)
  835: 			(and (eq type 'non-immediate) 
  836: 			     (text-property-not-all start end 
  837: 						    'forth-state nil)))
  838: 		    (forth-next-known-indent-word to)
  839: 		  (if (forth-first-word-on-line-p (match-beginning 0))
  840: 		      (nth 0 indent) (nth 1 indent))))
  841: 	    nil)))
  842:     nil))
  844: ;; Translate indentation value `indent' to indentation column. Multiples of
  845: ;; 2 correspond to multiples of `forth-indent-level'. Odd numbers get an
  846: ;; additional `forth-minor-indent-level' added (or substracted).
  847: (defun forth-convert-to-column (indent)
  848:   (let* ((sign (if (< indent 0) -1 1))
  849: 	 (value (abs indent))
  850: 	 (major (* (/ value 2) forth-indent-level))
  851: 	 (minor (* (% value 2) forth-minor-indent-level)))
  852:     (* sign (+ major minor))))
  854: ;; Return the column increment, that the current line of forth code does to
  855: ;; the current or following lines. `which' specifies which indentation values
  856: ;; to use. 1 means the indentation of following lines relative to current 
  857: ;; line, 0 means the indentation of the current line relative to the previous 
  858: ;; line. Return `nil', if there are no indentation words on the current line.
  859: (defun forth-get-column-incr (which)
  860:   (save-excursion
  861:     (let ((regexp (car forth-compiled-indent-words))
  862: 	  (word-indent)
  863: 	  (self-indent nil)
  864: 	  (next-indent nil)
  865: 	  (to (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
  866:       (beginning-of-line)
  867:       (while (setq word-indent (forth-next-known-indent-word to))
  868: 	(let* ((self-incr (car word-indent))
  869: 	       (next-incr (cdr word-indent))
  870: 	       (self-column-incr (forth-convert-to-column self-incr))
  871: 	       (next-column-incr (forth-convert-to-column next-incr)))
  872: 	  (setq next-indent (if next-indent next-indent 0))
  873: 	  (setq self-indent (if self-indent self-indent 0))
  874: 	  (if (or (and (> next-indent 0) (< self-column-incr 0))
  875: 		  (and (< next-indent 0) (> self-column-incr 0)))
  876: 	      (setq next-indent (+ next-indent self-column-incr))
  877: 	    (setq self-indent (+ self-indent self-column-incr)))
  878: 	  (setq next-indent (+ next-indent next-column-incr))))
  879:       (nth which (list self-indent next-indent)))))
  881: ;; Find previous line that contains indentation words, return the column,
  882: ;; to which following text should be indented to.
  883: (defun forth-get-anchor-column ()
  884:   (save-excursion
  885:     (if (/= 0 (forward-line -1)) 0
  886:       (let ((indent))
  887: 	(while (not (or (setq indent (forth-get-column-incr 1))
  888: 			(<= (point) (point-min))))
  889: 	  (forward-line -1))
  890: 	(+ (current-indentation) (if indent indent 0))))))
  892: (defun forth-indent-line (&optional flag)
  893:   "Correct indentation of the current Forth line."
  894:   (let* ((anchor (forth-get-anchor-column))
  895: 	 (column-incr (forth-get-column-incr 0)))
  896:     (forth-indent-to (if column-incr (+ anchor column-incr) anchor))))
  898: (defun forth-current-column ()
  899:   (- (point) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))))
  900: (defun forth-current-indentation ()
  901:   (- (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (forward-to-indentation 0) (point))
  902:      (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))))
  904: (defun forth-indent-to (x)
  905:   (let ((p nil))
  906:     (setq p (- (forth-current-column) (forth-current-indentation)))
  907:     (forth-delete-indentation)
  908:     (beginning-of-line)
  909:     (indent-to x)
  910:     (if (> p 0) (forward-char p))))
  912: (defun forth-delete-indentation ()
  913:   (save-excursion
  914:     (delete-region 
  915:      (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) 
  916:      (progn (back-to-indentation) (point)))))
  918: (defun forth-indent-command ()
  919:   (interactive)
  920:   (forth-indent-line t))
  922: ;; remove trailing whitespaces in current line
  923: (defun forth-remove-trailing ()
  924:   (save-excursion
  925:     (end-of-line)
  926:     (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point)))))
  928: ;; insert newline, removing any trailing whitespaces in the current line
  929: (defun forth-newline-remove-trailing ()
  930:   (save-excursion
  931:     (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))))
  932:   (newline))
  933: ;  (let ((was-point (point-marker)))
  934: ;    (unwind-protect 
  935: ;	(progn (forward-line -1) (forth-remove-trailing))
  936: ;      (goto-char (was-point)))))
  938: ;; workaround for bug in `reindent-then-newline-and-indent'
  939: (defun forth-reindent-then-newline-and-indent ()
  940:   (interactive "*")
  941:   (indent-according-to-mode)
  942:   (forth-newline-remove-trailing)
  943:   (indent-according-to-mode))
  946: ;;; Block file encoding/decoding  (dk)
  947: ;;;
  949: (defconst forth-c/l 64 "Number of characters per block line")
  950: (defconst forth-l/b 16 "Number of lines per block")
  952: ;; Check whether the unconverted block file line, point is in, does not
  953: ;; contain `\n' and `\t' characters.
  954: (defun forth-check-block-line (line)
  955:   (let ((end (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (forward-char forth-c/l)
  956: 			     (point))))
  957:     (save-excursion 
  958:       (beginning-of-line)
  959:       (when (search-forward "\n" end t)
  960: 	(message "Warning: line %i contains newline character #10" line)
  961: 	(ding t))
  962:       (beginning-of-line)
  963:       (when (search-forward "\t" end t)
  964: 	(message "Warning: line %i contains tab character #8" line)
  965: 	(ding t)))))
  967: (defun forth-convert-from-block (from to)
  968:   "Convert block file format to stream source in current buffer."
  969:   (let ((line (count-lines (point-min) from)))
  970:     (save-excursion
  971:       (goto-char from)
  972:       (set-mark to)
  973:       (while (< (+ (point) forth-c/l) (mark t))
  974: 	(setq line (1+ line))
  975: 	(forth-check-block-line line)
  976: 	(forward-char forth-c/l)
  977: 	(forth-newline-remove-trailing))
  978:       (when (= (+ (point) forth-c/l) (mark t))
  979: 	(forth-remove-trailing))
  980:       (mark t))))
  982: ;; Pad a line of a block file up to `forth-c/l' characters, positioning `point'
  983: ;; at the end of line.
  984: (defun forth-pad-block-line ()
  985:   (save-excursion
  986:     (end-of-line)
  987:     (if (<= (current-column) forth-c/l)
  988: 	(move-to-column forth-c/l t)
  989:       (message "Line %i longer than %i characters, truncated"
  990: 	       (count-lines (point-min) (point)) forth-c/l)
  991:       (ding t)
  992:       (move-to-column forth-c/l t)
  993:       (delete-region (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
  995: ;; Replace tab characters in current line by spaces.
  996: (defun forth-convert-tabs-in-line ()
  997:   (save-excursion
  998:     (beginning-of-line)
  999:     (while (search-forward "\t" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)
 1000:       (backward-char)
 1001:       (delete-region (point) (1+ (point)))
 1002:       (insert-char ?\  (- tab-width (% (current-column) tab-width))))))
 1004: ;; Delete newline at end of current line, concatenating it with the following
 1005: ;; line. Place `point' at end of newly formed line.
 1006: (defun forth-delete-newline ()
 1007:   (end-of-line)
 1008:   (delete-region (point) (progn (beginning-of-line 2) (point))))
 1010: (defun forth-convert-to-block (from to &optional original-buffer) 
 1011:   "Convert range of text to block file format in current buffer."
 1012:   (let* ((lines 0)) ; I have to count lines myself, since `count-lines' has
 1013: 		    ; problems with trailing newlines...
 1014:     (save-excursion
 1015:       (goto-char from)
 1016:       (set-mark to)
 1017:       ;; pad lines to full length (`forth-c/l' characters per line)
 1018:       (while (< (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) (mark t))
 1019: 	(setq lines (1+ lines))
 1020: 	(forth-pad-block-line)
 1021: 	(forth-convert-tabs-in-line)
 1022: 	(forward-line))
 1023:       ;; also make sure the last line is padded, if `to' is at its end
 1024:       (end-of-line)
 1025:       (when (= (point) (mark t))
 1026: 	(setq lines (1+ lines))
 1027: 	(forth-pad-block-line)
 1028: 	(forth-convert-tabs-in-line))
 1029:       ;; remove newlines between lines
 1030:       (goto-char from)
 1031:       (while (< (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) (mark t))
 1032: 	(forth-delete-newline))
 1033:       ;; append empty lines, until last block is complete
 1034:       (goto-char (mark t))
 1035:       (let* ((required (* (/ (+ lines (1- forth-l/b)) forth-l/b) forth-l/b))
 1036: 	     (pad-lines (- required lines)))
 1037: 	(while (> pad-lines 0)
 1038: 	  (insert-char ?\  forth-c/l)
 1039: 	  (setq pad-lines (1- pad-lines))))
 1040:       (point))))
 1042: (defun forth-detect-block-file-p ()
 1043:   "Return non-nil if the current buffer is in block file format. Detection is
 1044: done by checking whether the first line has 1024 characters or more."
 1045:   (save-restriction 
 1046:     (widen)
 1047:     (save-excursion
 1048:        (goto-char (point-min))
 1049:        (end-of-line)
 1050:        (>= (current-column) 1024))))
 1052: ;; add block file conversion routines to `format-alist'
 1053: (defconst forth-block-format-description
 1054:   '(forth-blocks "Forth block source file" nil 
 1055: 		 forth-convert-from-block forth-convert-to-block 
 1056: 		 t normal-mode))
 1057: (unless (memq forth-block-format-description format-alist)
 1058:   (setq format-alist (cons forth-block-format-description format-alist)))
 1060: ;;; End block file encoding/decoding
 1062: ;;; Block file editing
 1063: ;;;
 1064: (defvar forth-overlay-arrow-string ">>")
 1065: (defvar forth-block-base 1 "Number of first block in block file")
 1066: (defvar forth-show-screen nil
 1067:   "Non-nil means to show screen starts and numbers (for block files)")
 1068: (defvar forth-warn-long-lines nil
 1069:   "Non-nil means to warn about lines that are longer than 64 characters")
 1071: (defvar forth-screen-marker nil)
 1072: (defvar forth-screen-number-string nil)
 1074: (defun forth-update-show-screen ()
 1075:   "If `forth-show-screen' is non-nil, put overlay arrow to start of screen, 
 1076: `point' is in. If arrow now points to different screen than before, display 
 1077: screen number."
 1078:   (if (not forth-show-screen)
 1079:       (setq overlay-arrow-string nil)
 1080:     (save-excursion
 1081:       (let* ((line (count-lines (point-min) (min (point-max) (1+ (point)))))
 1082: 	     (first-line (1+ (* (/ (1- line) forth-l/b) forth-l/b)))
 1083: 	     (scr (+ forth-block-base (/ first-line forth-l/b))))
 1084: 	(setq overlay-arrow-string forth-overlay-arrow-string)
 1085: 	(goto-line first-line)
 1086: 	(setq overlay-arrow-position forth-screen-marker)
 1087: 	(set-marker forth-screen-marker 
 1088: 		    (save-excursion (goto-line first-line) (point)))
 1089: 	(setq forth-screen-number-string (format "%d" scr))))))
 1091: (add-hook 'forth-motion-hooks 'forth-update-show-screen)
 1093: (defun forth-update-warn-long-lines ()
 1094:   "If `forth-warn-long-lines' is non-nil, display a warning whenever a line
 1095: exceeds 64 characters."
 1096:   (when forth-warn-long-lines
 1097:     (when (> (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column)) forth-c/l)
 1098:       (message "Warning: current line exceeds %i characters"
 1099: 	       forth-c/l))))
 1101: (add-hook 'forth-motion-hooks 'forth-update-warn-long-lines)
 1103: ;;; End block file editing
 1106: (defvar forth-mode-abbrev-table nil
 1107:   "Abbrev table in use in Forth-mode buffers.")
 1109: (define-abbrev-table 'forth-mode-abbrev-table ())
 1111: (defvar forth-mode-map nil
 1112:   "Keymap used in Forth mode.")
 1114: (if (not forth-mode-map)
 1115:     (setq forth-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
 1117: ;(define-key forth-mode-map "\M-\C-x" 'compile)
 1118: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\\" 'comment-region)
 1119: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x~" 'forth-remove-tracers)
 1120: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\C-m" 'forth-split)
 1121: (define-key forth-mode-map "\t" 'forth-indent-command)
 1122: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-m" 'forth-reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
 1123: (define-key forth-mode-map "\M-q" 'forth-fill-paragraph)
 1124: (define-key forth-mode-map "\e." 'forth-find-tag)
 1126: ;; setup for C-h C-i to work
 1127: (eval-and-compile (forth-require 'info-look))
 1128: (when (memq 'info-look features)
 1129:   (defvar forth-info-lookup '(symbol (forth-mode "\\S-+" t 
 1130: 						  (("(gforth)Word Index"))
 1131: 						  "\\S-+")))
 1132:   (unless (memq forth-info-lookup info-lookup-alist)
 1133:     (setq info-lookup-alist (cons forth-info-lookup info-lookup-alist)))
 1134:   ;; in X-Emacs C-h C-i is by default bound to Info-query
 1135:   (define-key forth-mode-map [?\C-h ?\C-i] 'info-lookup-symbol))
 1137: ;;   (info-lookup-add-help
 1138: ;;    :topic 'symbol
 1139: ;;    :mode 'forth-mode
 1140: ;;    :regexp "[^ 	
 1141: ;; ]+"
 1142: ;;    :ignore-case t
 1143: ;;    :doc-spec '(("(gforth)Name Index" nil "`" "'  "))))
 1145: (require 'etags)
 1147: (defun forth-find-tag (tagname &optional next-p regexp-p)
 1148:   (interactive (find-tag-interactive "Find tag: "))
 1149:   (unless (or regexp-p next-p)
 1150:     (setq tagname (concat "\\(^\\|\\s-+\\)\\(" (regexp-quote tagname) 
 1151: 			    "\\)\\s-*\x7f")))
 1152:   (switch-to-buffer
 1153:    (find-tag-noselect tagname next-p t)))
 1155: (defvar forth-mode-syntax-table nil
 1156:   "Syntax table in use in Forth-mode buffers.")
 1158: ;; Important: hilighting/indentation now depends on a correct syntax table.
 1159: ;; All characters, except whitespace *must* belong to the "word constituent"
 1160: ;; syntax class. If different behaviour is required, use of Categories might
 1161: ;; help.
 1162: (if (not forth-mode-syntax-table)
 1163:     (progn
 1164:       (setq forth-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
 1165:       (let ((char 0))
 1166: 	(while (< char ?!)
 1167: 	  (modify-syntax-entry char " " forth-mode-syntax-table)
 1168: 	  (setq char (1+ char)))
 1169: 	(while (< char 256)
 1170: 	  (modify-syntax-entry char "w" forth-mode-syntax-table)
 1171: 	  (setq char (1+ char))))
 1172:       ))
 1174: (defun forth-mode-variables ()
 1175:   (set-syntax-table forth-mode-syntax-table)
 1176:   (setq local-abbrev-table forth-mode-abbrev-table)
 1177:   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
 1178:   (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
 1179:   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
 1180:   (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
 1181:   (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
 1182:   (setq indent-line-function 'forth-indent-line)
 1183: ;  (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
 1184: ;  (setq require-final-newline t)
 1185:   (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
 1186:   (setq comment-start "\\ ")
 1187:   ;(make-local-variable 'comment-end)
 1188:   ;(setq comment-end " )")
 1189:   (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
 1190:   (setq comment-column 40)
 1191:   (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
 1192:   (setq comment-start-skip "\\\\ ")
 1193:   (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
 1194:   (setq comment-indent-function 'forth-comment-indent)
 1195:   (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
 1196:   (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
 1197:   (setq case-fold-search t)
 1198:   (make-local-variable 'forth-was-point)
 1199:   (setq forth-was-point -1)
 1200:   (make-local-variable 'forth-words)
 1201:   (make-local-variable 'forth-compiled-words)
 1202:   (make-local-variable 'forth-compiled-indent-words)
 1203:   (make-local-variable 'forth-hilight-level)
 1204:   (make-local-variable 'after-change-functions)
 1205:   (make-local-variable 'forth-show-screen)
 1206:   (make-local-variable 'forth-screen-marker)
 1207:   (make-local-variable 'forth-warn-long-lines)
 1208:   (make-local-variable 'forth-screen-number-string)
 1209:   (make-local-variable 'forth-use-oof)
 1210:   (make-local-variable 'forth-use-objects) 
 1211:   (setq forth-screen-marker (copy-marker 0))
 1212:   (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'forth-change-function)
 1213:   (if (and forth-jit-parser (>= emacs-major-version 21))
 1214:       (add-hook 'fontification-functions 'forth-fontification-function))
 1215:   (setq imenu-create-index-function 'forth-create-index))
 1217: ;;;###autoload
 1218: (defun forth-mode ()
 1219:   "
 1220: Major mode for editing Forth code. Tab indents for Forth code. Comments
 1221: are delimited with \\ and newline. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines
 1222: only. Block files are autodetected, when read, and converted to normal 
 1223: stream source format. See also `forth-block-mode'.
 1224: \\{forth-mode-map}
 1226: Variables controlling syntax hilighting/recognition of parsed text:
 1227:  `forth-words'
 1228:     List of words that have a special parsing behaviour and/or should be
 1229:     hilighted. Add custom words by setting forth-custom-words in your
 1230:     .emacs, or by setting forth-local-words, in source-files' local 
 1231:     variables lists.
 1232:  forth-use-objects
 1233:     Set this variable to non-nil in your .emacs, or in a local variables 
 1234:     list, to hilight and recognize the words from the \"Objects\" package 
 1235:     for object-oriented programming.
 1236:  forth-use-oof
 1237:     Same as above, just for the \"OOF\" package.
 1238:  forth-custom-words
 1239:     List of custom Forth words to prepend to `forth-words'. Should be set
 1240:     in your .emacs.
 1241:  forth-local-words
 1242:     List of words to prepend to `forth-words', whenever a forth-mode
 1243:     buffer is created. That variable should be set by Forth sources, using
 1244:     a local variables list at the end of file, to get file-specific
 1245:     hilighting.
 1246:     0 [IF]
 1247:        Local Variables: ... 
 1248:        forth-local-words: ...
 1249:        End:
 1250:     [THEN]
 1251:  forth-hilight-level
 1252:     Controls how much syntax hilighting is done. Should be in the range 
 1253:     0..3
 1255: Variables controlling indentation style:
 1256:  `forth-indent-words'
 1257:     List of words that influence indentation.
 1258:  forth-local-indent-words
 1259:     List of words to prepend to `forth-indent-words', similar to 
 1260:     forth-local-words. Should be used for specifying file-specific 
 1261:     indentation, using a local variables list.
 1262:  forth-custom-indent-words
 1263:     List of words to prepend to `forth-indent-words'. Should be set in your
 1264:     .emacs.    
 1265:  forth-indent-level
 1266:     Indentation increment/decrement of Forth statements.
 1267:  forth-minor-indent-level
 1268:     Minor indentation increment/decrement of Forth statemens.
 1270: Variables controlling block-file editing:
 1271:  forth-show-screen
 1272:     Non-nil means, that the start of the current screen is marked by an
 1273:     overlay arrow, and screen numbers are displayed in the mode line.
 1274:     This variable is by default nil for `forth-mode' and t for 
 1275:     `forth-block-mode'.
 1276:  forth-overlay-arrow-string
 1277:     String to display as the overlay arrow, when `forth-show-screen' is t.
 1278:     Setting this variable to nil disables the overlay arrow.
 1279:  forth-block-base
 1280:     Screen number of the first block in a block file. Defaults to 1.
 1281:  forth-warn-long-lines
 1282:     Non-nil means that a warning message is displayed whenever you edit or
 1283:     move over a line that is longer than 64 characters (the maximum line
 1284:     length that can be stored into a block file). This variable defaults to
 1285:     t for `forth-block-mode' and to nil for `forth-mode'.
 1287: Variables controlling interaction with the Forth-process (also see
 1288: `run-forth'):
 1289:   forth-program-name
 1290:     Program invoked by the `run-forth' command (including arguments).
 1291:   inferior-forth-mode-hook
 1292:     Hook for customising inferior-forth-mode.
 1293:   forth-compile-command
 1294:     Default command to execute on `compile'.
 1295: " 
 1296:   (interactive)
 1297:   (kill-all-local-variables)
 1298:   (use-local-map forth-mode-map)
 1299:   (setq mode-name "Forth")
 1300:   (setq major-mode 'forth-mode)
 1301:   (forth-install-motion-hook)
 1302:   ;; convert buffer contents from block file format, if necessary
 1303:   (when (forth-detect-block-file-p)
 1304:     (widen)
 1305:     (message "Converting from Forth block source...")
 1306:     (forth-convert-from-block (point-min) (point-max))
 1307:     (message "Converting from Forth block source...done"))
 1308:   ;; if user switched from forth-block-mode to forth-mode, make sure the file
 1309:   ;; is now stored as normal strem source
 1310:   (when (equal buffer-file-format '(forth-blocks))
 1311:     (setq buffer-file-format nil))
 1312:   (forth-mode-variables)
 1313: ;  (if (not (forth-process-running-p))
 1314: ;      (run-forth forth-program-name))
 1315:   (run-hooks 'forth-mode-hook))
 1317: ;;;###autoload
 1318: (define-derived-mode forth-block-mode forth-mode "Forth Block Source" 
 1319:   "Major mode for editing Forth block source files, derived from 
 1320: `forth-mode'. Differences to `forth-mode' are:
 1321:  * files are converted to block format, when written (`buffer-file-format' 
 1322:    is set to `(forth-blocks)')
 1323:  * `forth-show-screen' and `forth-warn-long-lines' are t by default
 1325: Note that the length of lines in block files is limited to 64 characters.
 1326: When writing longer lines to a block file, a warning is displayed in the
 1327: echo area and the line is truncated. 
 1329: Another problem is imposed by block files that contain newline or tab 
 1330: characters. When Emacs converts such files back to block file format, 
 1331: it'll translate those characters to a number of spaces. However, when
 1332: you read such a file, a warning message is displayed in the echo area,
 1333: including a line number that may help you to locate and fix the problem.
 1335: So have a look at the *Messages* buffer, whenever you hear (or see) Emacs' 
 1336: bell during block file read/write operations."
 1337:   (setq buffer-file-format '(forth-blocks))
 1338:   (setq forth-show-screen t)
 1339:   (setq forth-warn-long-lines t)
 1340:   (setq forth-screen-number-string (format "%d" forth-block-base))
 1341:   (setq mode-line-format (append (reverse (cdr (reverse mode-line-format)))
 1342: 				 '("--S" forth-screen-number-string "-%-"))))
 1344: (add-hook 'forth-mode-hook
 1345:       '(lambda () 
 1346: 	 (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
 1347: 	 (setq compile-command "gforth ")
 1348: 	 (forth-hack-local-variables)
 1349: 	 (forth-customize-words)
 1350: 	 (forth-compile-words)
 1351: 	 (unless (and forth-jit-parser (>= emacs-major-version 21))
 1352: 	   (forth-change-function (point-min) (point-max) nil t))))
 1354: (defun forth-fill-paragraph () 
 1355:   "Fill comments (starting with '\'; do not fill code (block style
 1356: programmers who tend to fill code won't use emacs anyway:-)."
 1357:   ; Currently only comments at the start of the line are filled.
 1358:   ; Something like lisp-fill-paragraph may be better.  We cannot use
 1359:   ; fill-paragraph, because it removes the \ from the first comment
 1360:   ; line. Therefore we have to look for the first line of the comment
 1361:   ; and use fill-region.
 1362:   (interactive)
 1363:   (save-excursion
 1364:     (beginning-of-line)
 1365:     (while (and
 1366: 	     (= (forward-line -1) 0)
 1367: 	     (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\g?[ \t]+")))
 1368:     (if (not (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\g?[ \t]+"))
 1369: 	(forward-line 1))
 1370:     (let ((from (point))
 1371: 	  (to (save-excursion (forward-paragraph) (point))))
 1372:       (if (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\g?[ \t]+")
 1373: 	  (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
 1374: 		 (set-fill-prefix)
 1375: 		 (fill-region from to nil))))))
 1377: (defun forth-comment-indent ()
 1378:   (save-excursion
 1379:     (beginning-of-line)
 1380:     (if (looking-at ":[ \t]*")
 1381: 	(progn
 1382: 	  (end-of-line)
 1383: 	  (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
 1384: 	  (1+ (current-column)))
 1385:       comment-column)))
 1388: ;; Forth commands
 1390: (defun forth-remove-tracers ()
 1391:   "Remove tracers of the form `~~ '. Queries the user for each occurrence."
 1392:   (interactive)
 1393:   (query-replace-regexp "\\(~~[ \t]\\|[ \t]~~$\\)" "" nil))
 1395: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\C-e" 'compile)
 1396: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\C-n" 'next-error)
 1397: (require 'compile)
 1399: (defvar forth-compile-command "gforth ")
 1400: ;(defvar forth-compilation-window-percent-height 30)
 1402: (defun forth-split ()
 1403:   (interactive)
 1404:   (forth-split-1 "*forth*"))
 1406: (defun forth-split-1 (buffer)
 1407:   (if (not (eq (window-buffer) (get-buffer buffer)))
 1408:       (progn
 1409: 	(delete-other-windows)
 1410: 	(split-window-vertically
 1411: 	 (/ (frame-height) 2))
 1412: 	(other-window 1)
 1413: 	(switch-to-buffer buffer)
 1414: 	(goto-char (point-max))
 1415: 	(other-window 1))))
 1417: ;;; Forth menu
 1418: ;;; Mikael Karlsson <>
 1420: ;; (dk) code commented out due to complaints of XEmacs users.  After
 1421: ;; all, there's imenu/speedbar, which uses much smarter scanning
 1422: ;; rules.
 1424: ;; (cond ((string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)
 1425: ;;        (require 'func-menu)
 1427: ;;   (defconst fume-function-name-regexp-forth
 1428: ;;    "^\\(:\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t]*\\)"
 1429: ;;    "Expression to get word definitions in Forth.")
 1431: ;;   (setq fume-function-name-regexp-alist
 1432: ;;       (append '((forth-mode . fume-function-name-regexp-forth) 
 1433: ;;              ) fume-function-name-regexp-alist))
 1435: ;;   ;; Find next forth word in the buffer
 1436: ;;   (defun fume-find-next-forth-function-name (buffer)
 1437: ;;     "Searches for the next forth word in BUFFER."
 1438: ;;     (set-buffer buffer)
 1439: ;;     (if (re-search-forward fume-function-name-regexp nil t)
 1440: ;;       (let ((beg (match-beginning 2))
 1441: ;;             (end (match-end 2)))
 1442: ;;         (cons (buffer-substring beg end) beg))))
 1444: ;;   (setq fume-find-function-name-method-alist
 1445: ;;   (append '((forth-mode    . fume-find-next-forth-function-name))))
 1447: ;;   ))
 1448: ;;; End Forth menu
 1450: ;;; File folding of forth-files
 1451: ;;; uses outline
 1452: ;;; Toggle activation with M-x fold-f (when editing a forth-file) 
 1453: ;;; Use f9 to expand, f10 to hide, Or the menubar in xemacs
 1454: ;;;
 1455: ;;; Works most of the times but loses sync with the cursor occasionally 
 1456: ;;; Could be improved by also folding on comments
 1458: ;; (dk) This code needs a rewrite; just too ugly and doesn't use the
 1459: ;; newer and smarter scanning rules of `imenu'. Who needs it anyway??
 1461: ;; (require 'outline)
 1463: ;; (defun f-outline-level ()
 1464: ;;   (cond	((looking-at "\\`\\\\")
 1465: ;; 	 0)
 1466: ;; 	((looking-at "\\\\ SEC")
 1467: ;; 	 0)
 1468: ;; 	((looking-at "\\\\ \\\\ .*")
 1469: ;; 	 0)
 1470: ;; 	((looking-at "\\\\ DEFS")
 1471: ;; 	 1)
 1472: ;; 	((looking-at "\\/\\* ")
 1473: ;; 	 1)
 1474: ;; 	((looking-at ": .*")
 1475: ;; 	 1)
 1476: ;; 	((looking-at "\\\\G")
 1477: ;; 	 2)
 1478: ;; 	((looking-at "[ \t]+\\\\")
 1479: ;; 	 3)))
 1481: ;; (defun fold-f  ()
 1482: ;;    (interactive)
 1483: ;;    (add-hook 'outline-minor-mode-hook 'hide-body)
 1485: ;;    ; outline mode header start, i.e. find word definitions
 1486: ;; ;;;   (setq  outline-regexp  "^\\(:\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t]*\\)")
 1487: ;;    (setq  outline-regexp  "\\`\\\\\\|:\\|\\\\ SEC\\|\\\\G\\|[ \t]+\\\\\\|\\\\ DEFS\\|\\/\\*\\|\\\\ \\\\ .*")
 1488: ;;    (setq outline-level 'f-outline-level)
 1490: ;;    (outline-minor-mode)
 1491: ;;    (define-key outline-minor-mode-map '(shift up) 'hide-sublevels)
 1492: ;;    (define-key outline-minor-mode-map '(shift right) 'show-children)
 1493: ;;    (define-key outline-minor-mode-map '(shift left) 'hide-subtree)
 1494: ;;    (define-key outline-minor-mode-map '(shift down) 'show-subtree))
 1497: ;;(define-key global-map '(shift up) 'fold-f)
 1499: ;;; end file folding
 1501: ;;; func-menu is a package that scans your source file for function definitions
 1502: ;;; and makes a menubar entry that lets you jump to any particular function
 1503: ;;; definition by selecting it from the menu.  The following code turns this on
 1504: ;;; for all of the recognized languages.  Scanning the buffer takes some time,
 1505: ;;; but not much.
 1506: ;;;
 1507: ;; (cond ((string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)
 1508: ;;        (require 'func-menu)
 1509: ;; ;;       (define-key global-map 'f8 'function-menu)
 1510: ;;        (add-hook 'find-fible-hooks 'fume-add-menubar-entry)
 1511: ;; ;       (define-key global-map "\C-cg" 'fume-prompt-function-goto)
 1512: ;; ;       (define-key global-map '(shift button3) 'mouse-function-menu)
 1513: ;; ))
 1515: ;;;
 1516: ;;; Inferior Forth interpreter 
 1517: ;;;	-- mostly copied from `cmuscheme.el' of Emacs 21.2
 1518: ;;;
 1520: (eval-and-compile (forth-require 'comint))
 1522: (when (memq 'comint features)
 1524:   (defvar forth-program-name "gforth"
 1525:     "*Program invoked by the `run-forth' command, including program arguments")
 1527:   (defcustom inferior-forth-mode-hook nil
 1528:     "*Hook for customising inferior-forth-mode."
 1529:     :type 'hook
 1530:     :group 'forth)
 1532:   (defvar inferior-forth-mode-map
 1533:     (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
 1534:       (define-key m "\r" 'comint-send-input)
 1535:       (define-key m "\M-\C-x" 'forth-send-paragraph-and-go)
 1536:       (define-key m "\C-c\C-l" 'forth-load-file)
 1537:       m))
 1538:   ;; Install the process communication commands in the forth-mode keymap.
 1539:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\e\C-m" 'forth-send-paragraph-and-go)
 1540:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\eo" 'forth-send-buffer-and-go)
 1542:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\M-\C-x" 'forth-send-paragraph-and-go)
 1543:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'forth-send-region)
 1544:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-c\M-r" 'forth-send-region-and-go)
 1545:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'forth-switch-to-interactive)
 1546:   (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" 'forth-load-file)
 1548:   (defvar forth-process-buffer)
 1550:   (define-derived-mode inferior-forth-mode comint-mode "Inferior Forth"
 1551:     "Major mode for interacting with an inferior Forth process.
 1553: The following commands are available:
 1554: \\{inferior-forth-mode-map}
 1556: A Forth process can be fired up with M-x run-forth.
 1558: Customisation: Entry to this mode runs the hooks on comint-mode-hook and
 1559: inferior-forth-mode-hook (in that order).
 1561: You can send text to the inferior Forth process from other buffers containing
 1562: Forth source.
 1563:     forth-switch-to-interactive switches the current buffer to the Forth
 1564:         process buffer. 
 1565:     forth-send-paragraph sends the current paragraph to the Forth process.
 1566:     forth-send-region sends the current region to the Forth process.
 1567:     forth-send-buffer sends the current buffer to the Forth process.
 1569:     forth-send-paragraph-and-go, forth-send-region-and-go,
 1570:         forth-send-buffer-and-go switch to the Forth process buffer after
 1571:         sending their text.
 1572: For information on running multiple processes in multiple buffers, see
 1573: documentation for variable `forth-process-buffer'.
 1575: Commands:
 1576: Return after the end of the process' output sends the text from the
 1577: end of process to point. If you accidentally suspend your process, use
 1578: \\[comint-continue-subjob] to continue it. "
 1579:     ;; Customise in inferior-forth-mode-hook
 1580:     (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^") 
 1581:     (setq mode-line-process '(":%s")))
 1583:   (defun forth-args-to-list (string)
 1584:     (let ((where (string-match "[ \t]" string)))
 1585:       (cond ((null where) (list string))
 1586: 	    ((not (= where 0))
 1587: 	     (cons (substring string 0 where)
 1588: 		   (forth-args-to-list (substring string (+ 1 where)
 1589: 						  (length string)))))
 1590: 	    (t (let ((pos (string-match "[^ \t]" string)))
 1591: 		 (if (null pos)
 1592: 		     nil
 1593: 		   (forth-args-to-list (substring string pos
 1594: 						  (length string)))))))))
 1596: ;;;###autoload
 1597:   (defun run-forth (cmd)
 1598:     "Run an inferior Forth process, input and output via buffer *forth*.
 1599: If there is a process already running in `*forth*', switch to that buffer.
 1600: With argument, allows you to edit the command line (default is value
 1601: of `forth-program-name').  Runs the hooks `inferior-forth-mode-hook'
 1602: \(after the `comint-mode-hook' is run).
 1603: \(Type \\[describe-mode] in the process buffer for a list of commands.)"
 1605:     (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg
 1606: 			   (read-string "Run Forth: " forth-program-name)
 1607: 			 forth-program-name)))
 1608:     (if (not (comint-check-proc "*forth*"))
 1609: 	(let ((cmdlist (forth-args-to-list cmd)))
 1610: 	  (set-buffer (apply 'make-comint "forth" (car cmdlist)
 1611: 			     nil (cdr cmdlist)))
 1612: 	  (inferior-forth-mode)))
 1613:     (setq forth-program-name cmd)
 1614:     (setq forth-process-buffer "*forth*")
 1615:     (pop-to-buffer "*forth*"))
 1617:   (defun forth-send-region (start end)
 1618:     "Send the current region to the inferior Forth process."
 1619:     (interactive "r")
 1620:     (comint-send-region (forth-proc) start end)
 1621:     (comint-send-string (forth-proc) "\n"))
 1623:   (defun forth-end-of-paragraph ()
 1624:     (if (looking-at "[\t\n ]+") (skip-chars-backward  "\t\n "))
 1625:     (if (not (re-search-forward "\n[ \t]*\n" nil t))
 1626: 	(goto-char (point-max))))
 1628:   (defun forth-send-paragraph ()
 1629:     "Send the current or the previous paragraph to the Forth process"
 1630:     (interactive)
 1631:     (let (end)
 1632:       (save-excursion
 1633: 	(forth-end-of-paragraph)
 1634: 	(skip-chars-backward  "\t\n ")
 1635: 	(setq end (point))
 1636: 	(if (null (re-search-backward "\n[ \t]*\n" nil t))
 1637: 	  (goto-char (point-min)))
 1638: 	(skip-chars-forward  "\t\n ")
 1639: 	(forth-send-region (point) end))))
 1641:   (defun forth-send-paragraph-and-go ()
 1642:     "Send the current or the previous paragraph to the Forth process.
 1643: Then switch to the process buffer."
 1644:     (interactive)
 1645:     (forth-send-paragraph)
 1646:     (forth-switch-to-interactive t))
 1648:   (defun forth-send-buffer ()
 1649:     "Send the current buffer to the Forth process."
 1650:     (interactive)
 1651:     (if (eq (current-buffer) forth-process-buffer)
 1652: 	(error "Not allowed to send this buffer's contents to Forth"))
 1653:     (forth-send-region (point-min) (point-max)))
 1655:   (defun forth-send-buffer-and-go ()
 1656:     "Send the current buffer to the Forth process.
 1657: Then switch to the process buffer."
 1658:     (interactive)
 1659:     (forth-send-buffer)
 1660:     (forth-switch-to-interactive t))
 1663:   (defun forth-switch-to-interactive (eob-p)
 1664:     "Switch to the Forth process buffer.
 1665: With argument, position cursor at end of buffer."
 1666:     (interactive "P")
 1667:     (if (get-buffer forth-process-buffer)
 1668: 	(pop-to-buffer forth-process-buffer)
 1669:       (error "No current process buffer.  See variable `forth-process-buffer'"))
 1670:     (cond (eob-p
 1671: 	   (push-mark)
 1672: 	   (goto-char (point-max)))))
 1674:   (defun forth-send-region-and-go (my-start end)
 1675:     "Send the current region to the inferior Forth process.
 1676: Then switch to the process buffer."
 1677:     (interactive "r")
 1678:     (forth-send-region my-start end)
 1679:     (forth-switch-to-interactive t))
 1681:   (defcustom forth-source-modes '(forth-mode forth-block-mode)
 1682:     "*Used to determine if a buffer contains Forth source code.
 1683: If it's loaded into a buffer that is in one of these major modes, it's
 1684: considered a Forth source file by `forth-load-file' and `forth-compile-file'.
 1685: Used by these commands to determine defaults."
 1686:     :type '(repeat function)
 1687:     :group 'forth)
 1689:   (defvar forth-prev-l/c-dir/file nil
 1690:     "Caches the last (directory . file) pair.
 1691: Caches the last pair used in the last `forth-load-file' or
 1692: `forth-compile-file' command. Used for determining the default in the
 1693: next one.")
 1695:   (defun forth-load-file (file-name)
 1696:     "Load a Forth file FILE-NAME into the inferior Forth process."
 1697:     (interactive (comint-get-source "Load Forth file: " forth-prev-l/c-dir/file
 1698: 				    forth-source-modes t)) ; T because LOAD
 1699: 					; needs an exact name
 1700:     (comint-check-source file-name) ; Check to see if buffer needs saved.
 1701:     (setq forth-prev-l/c-dir/file (cons (file-name-directory file-name)
 1702: 					(file-name-nondirectory file-name)))
 1703:     (comint-send-string (forth-proc)
 1704: 			(concat "s\" " file-name "\" included\n")))
 1707:   (defvar forth-process-buffer nil "*The current Forth process buffer.
 1709: See `scheme-buffer' for an explanation on how to run multiple Forth 
 1710: processes.")
 1712:   (defun forth-proc ()
 1713:     "Return the current Forth process.  See variable `forth-process-buffer'."
 1714:     (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (if (eq major-mode 'inferior-forth-mode)
 1715: 					(current-buffer)
 1716: 				      forth-process-buffer))))
 1717:       (or proc
 1718: 	  (error "No current process.  See variable `forth-process-buffer'"))))
 1719:   )  ; (memq 'comint features)
 1721: (provide 'forth-mode)
 1723: ;;; gforth.el ends here

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