File:  [gforth] / gforth / Attic / primitives
Revision 1.1: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Feb 11 16:30:46 1994 UTC (30 years, 2 months ago) by anton
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Initial revision

$Id: primitives,v 1.1 1994/02/11 16:30:46 anton Exp $
Copyright 1992 by the ANSI figForth Development Group

WARNING: This file is processed by m4. Make sure your identifiers
don't collide with m4's (e.g. by undefining them).

This file contains instructions in the following format:

forth name	stack effect	category	[pronounciation]
[""glossary entry""]
C code
Forth code]

The pronounciataion is also used for forming C names.

These informations are automagically translated into C-code for the
interpreter and into some other files. The forth name of a word is
automatically turned into upper case. I hope that your C compiler has
decent optimization, otherwise the automatically generated code will
be somewhat slow. The Forth version of the code is included for manual
compilers, so they will need to compile only the important words.

Note that stack pointer adjustment is performed according to stack
effect by automatically generated code and NEXT is automatically
appended to the C code. Also, you can use the names in the stack
effect in the C code. Stack access is automatic. One exception: if
your code does not fall through, the results are not stored into the
stack. Use different names on both sides of the '--', if you change a
value (some stores to the stack are optimized away).

The stack variables have the following types:
name matches	type
f.*		Bool
c.*		Char
[nw].*		Cell
u.*		UCell
d.*		DCell
ud.*		UDCell
r.*		Float
a_.*		Cell *
c_.*		Char *
f_.*		Float *
df_.*		DFloat *
sf_.*		SFloat *
xt.*		XT
wid.*		WID
f83name.*	F83Name *

In addition the following names can be used:
ip	the instruction pointer
sp	the data stack pointer
rp	the parameter stack pointer
NEXT	executes NEXT
NEXT1	executes NEXT1
FLAG(x)	makes a Forth flag from a C flag

Percentages in comments are from Koopmans book: average/maximum use
(taken from four, not very representattive benchmarks)

To do:
make sensible error returns for file words

throw execute, cfa and NEXT1 out?
macroize *ip, ip++, *ip++ (pipelining)?

/* these m4 macros would collide with identifiers */

noop	--		fig

lit	-- w		fig
w = (Cell)*ip++;

/* no clit today */

execute		xt --		core,fig
cfa = xt;
IF_TOS(TOS = sp[0]);

branch	--		fig
ip = (Xt *)(((int)ip)+(int)*ip);

?branch		f --		f83	question_branch
""also known as 0branch""
if (f==0) {
    IF_TOS(TOS = sp[0]);
    goto branch;

(next)	--		cmFORTH	paren_next
if ((*rp)--) {
    goto branch;
} else {

(loop)	--		fig	paren_loop
int index = *rp+1;
int limit = rp[1];
if (index != limit) {
    *rp = index;
    goto branch;
} else {

(+loop)		n --		fig	paren_plus_loop
/* !! check this thoroughly */
int index = *rp;
int olddiff = index-rp[1];
/* sign bit manipulation and test: (x^y)<0 is equivalent to (x<0) != (y<0) */
/* dependent upon two's complement arithmetic */
if ((olddiff^(olddiff+n))<0   /* the limit is crossed */
    && (olddiff^n)<0          /* it is not a wrap-around effect */) {
    /* break */
} else {
    /* continue */
    *rp = index+n;
    IF_TOS(TOS = sp[0]);
    goto branch;

(s+loop)	n --		new	paren_symmetric_plus_loop
""The run-time procedure compiled by S+LOOP. It loops until the index
crosses the boundary between limit and limit-sign(n). I.e. a symmetric
version of (+LOOP).""
/* !! check this thoroughly */
int oldindex = *rp;
int diff = oldindex-rp[1];
int newdiff = diff+n;
if (n<0) {
    diff = -diff;
    newdiff = - newdiff;
if (diff>=0 || newdiff<0) {
    *rp = oldindex+n;
    IF_TOS(TOS = sp[0]);
    goto branch;
} else {

unloop		--	core
rp += 2;

(for)	ncount --		cmFORTH		paren_for
/* or (for) = >r -- collides with unloop! */
*--rp = 0;
*--rp = ncount;

(do)	nlimit nstart --		fig		paren_do
/* or do it in high-level? 0.09/0.23% */
*--rp = nlimit;
*--rp = nstart;
 swap >r >r ;

(?do)	nlimit nstart --	core-ext	paren_question_do
*--rp = nlimit;
*--rp = nstart;
if (nstart == nlimit) {
    IF_TOS(TOS = sp[0]);
    goto branch;
else {

i	-- n		core,fig
n = *rp;

j	-- n		core
n = rp[2];

/* digit is high-level: 0/0% */

emit	c --		fig

key	-- n		fig
/* !! noecho */
n = key();

cr	--		fig

move	c_from c_to ucount --		core
/* make an ifdef for bsd and others? */

cmove	c_from c_to u --	string
while (u-- > 0)
  *c_to++ = *c_from++;

cmove>	c_from c_to u --	string	c_move_up
while (u-- > 0)
  c_to[u] = c_from[u];

fill	c_addr u c --	core

compare		c_addr1 u1 c_addr2 u2 -- n	string
n = memcmp(c_addr1, c_addr2, u1<u2 ? u1 : u2);
if (n==0)
  n = u1-u2;
if (n<0)
  n = -1;
else if (n>0)
  n = 1;

-text		c_addr1 u c_addr2 -- n	new	dash_text
n = memcmp(c_addr1, c_addr2, u);
if (n<0)
  n = -1;
else if (n>0)
  n = 1;

capscomp	c_addr1 u c_addr2 -- n	new
Char c1, c2;
for (;; u--, c_addr1++, c_addr2++) {
  if (u == 0) {
    n = 0;
  c1 = toupper(*c_addr1);
  c2 = toupper(*c_addr2);
  if (c1 != c2) {
    if (c1 < c2)
      n = -1;
      n = 1;

-trailing	c_addr u1 -- c_addr u2		string	dash_trailing
u2 = u1;
while (c_addr[u2-1] == ' ')

/string		c_addr1 u1 n -- c_addr2 u2	string	slash_string
c_addr2 = c_addr1+n;
u2 = u1-n;

+	n1 n2 -- n		core,fig	plus
n = n1+n2;

-	n1 n2 -- n		core,fig	minus
n = n1-n2;

negate	n1 -- n2		core,fig
/* use minus as alias */
n2 = -n1;

1+	n1 -- n2		core		one_plus
n2 = n1+1;

1-	n1 -- n2		core		one_minus
n2 = n1-1;

max	n1 n2 -- n	core
if (n1<n2)
  n = n2;
  n = n1;
 2dup < if
  swap drop
 endif ;

min	n1 n2 -- n	core
if (n1<n2)
  n = n1;
  n = n2;

abs	n1 -- n2	core
if (n1<0)
  n2 = -n1;
  n2 = n1;

*	n1 n2 -- n		core,fig	star
n = n1*n2;

/	n1 n2 -- n		core,fig	slash
n = n1/n2;

mod	n1 n2 -- n		core
n = n1%n2;

/mod	n1 n2 -- n3 n4		core		slash_mod
n4 = n1/n2;
n3 = n1%n2; /* !! is this correct? look into C standard! */

2*	n1 -- n2		core		two_star
n2 = 2*n1;

2/	n1 -- n2		core		two_slash
/* !! is this still correct? */
n2 = n1>>1;

fm/mod	d1 n1 -- n2 n3		core		f_m_slash_mod
""floored division: d1 = n3*n1+n2, n1>n2>=0 or 0>=n2>n1""
/* assumes that the processor uses either floored or symmetric division */
n3 = d1/n1;
n2 = d1%n1;
/* note that this 1%-3>0 is optimized by the compiler */
if (1%-3>0 && (d1<0) != (n1<0) && n2!=0) {

sm/rem	d1 n1 -- n2 n3		core		s_m_slash_rem
""symmetric division: d1 = n3*n1+n2, sign(n2)=sign(d1) or 0""
/* assumes that the processor uses either floored or symmetric division */
n3 = d1/n1;
n2 = d1%n1;
/* note that this 1%-3<0 is optimized by the compiler */
if (1%-3<0 && (d1<0) != (n1<0) && n2!=0) {

m*	n1 n2 -- d		core	m_star
d = (DCell)n1 * (DCell)n2;

um*	u1 u2 -- ud		core	u_m_star
/* use u* as alias */
ud = (UDCell)u1 * (UDCell)u2;

um/mod	ud u1 -- u2 u3		core	u_m_slash_mod
u3 = ud/u1;
u2 = ud%u1;

m+	d1 n -- d2		double		m_plus
d2 = d1+n;

d+	d1 d2 -- d		double,fig	d_plus
d = d1+d2;

d-	d1 d2 -- d		double		d_minus
d = d1-d2;

dnegate	d1 -- d2		double
/* use dminus as alias */
d2 = -d1;

dmax	d1 d2 -- d	double
if (d1<d2)
  d = d2;
  d = d1;

dmin	d1 d2 -- d	double
if (d1<d2)
  d = d1;
  d = d2;

dabs	d1 -- d2	double
if (d1<0)
  d2 = -d1;
  d2 = d1;

d2*	d1 -- d2		double		d_two_star
d2 = 2*d1;

d2/	d1 -- d2		double		d_two_slash
/* !! is this still correct? */
d2 = d1/2;

d>s	d -- n			double		d_to_s
/* make this an alias for drop? */
n = d;

and	w1 w2 -- w		core,fig
w = w1&w2;

or	w1 w2 -- w		core,fig
w = w1|w2;

xor	w1 w2 -- w		core,fig
w = w1^w2;

invert	w1 -- w2		core
w2 = ~w1;

rshift	u1 n -- u2		core
  u2 = u1>>n;

lshift	u1 n -- u2		core
  u2 = u1<<n;

/* comparisons(prefix, args, prefix, arg1, arg2, wordsets...) */
$1=	$2 -- f		$6	$3equals
f = FLAG($4==$5);

$1<>	$2 -- f		$7	$3different
/* use != as alias ? */
f = FLAG($4!=$5);

$1<	$2 -- f		$8	$3less
f = FLAG($4<$5);

$1>	$2 -- f		$9	$3greater
f = FLAG($4>$5);

$1<=	$2 -- f		new	$3less_or_equal
f = FLAG($4<=$5);

$1>=	$2 -- f		new	$3greater_or_equal
f = FLAG($4>=$5);


comparisons(0, n, zero_, n, 0, core, core-ext, core, core-ext)
comparisons(, n1 n2, , n1, n2, core, core-ext, core, core)
comparisons(u, u1 u2, u_, u1, u2, new, new, core, core-ext)
comparisons(d, d1 d2, d_, d1, d2, double, new, double, new)
comparisons(d0, d, d_zero_, d, 0, double, new, double, new)
comparisons(du, ud1 ud2, d_u_, ud1, ud2, new, new, double-ext, new)

within	u1 u2 u3 -- f		core-ext
f = FLAG(u1-u2 < u3-u2);

sp@	-- a_addr		fig		spat
a_addr = sp;

sp!	a_addr --		fig		spstore
sp = a_addr+1;
/* works with and without TOS caching */

rp@	-- a_addr		fig		rpat
a_addr = rp;

rp!	a_addr --		fig		rpstore
rp = a_addr;

fp@	-- f_addr	new	fp_fetch
f_addr = fp;

fp!	f_addr --	new	fp_store
fp = f_addr;

exit	--		core
/* use ;s as alias */
ip = (Xt *)(*rp++);

?exit	w --		core		question_exit
/* use ;s as alias */
	ip = (Xt *)(*rp++);

>r	w --		core,fig	to_r
*--rp = w;

r>	-- w		core,fig	r_from
w = *rp++;

r@	-- w		core,fig	r_fetch
/* use r as alias */
/* make r@ an alias for i */
w = *rp;

rdrop	--		fig

i'	-- w		fig		i_tick

over	w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1		core,fig

drop	w --		core,fig

swap	w1 w2 -- w2 w1		core,fig

dup	w -- w w		core,fig

rot	w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1	core	rote

-rot	w1 w2 w3 -- w3 w1 w2	fig	not_rote

nip	w1 w2 -- w2		core-ext

tuck	w1 w2 -- w2 w1 w2	core-ext

?dup	w -- w			core	question_dupe
/* resulting C code suboptimal */
/* make -dup an alias */
if (w!=0) {
#ifndef USE_TOS
  *sp = w;

pick	u -- w			core-ext
w = sp[u+1];

2drop	w1 w2 --		core	two_drop

2dup	w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 w2	core	two_dupe

2over	w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2	core	two_over

2swap	w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w1 w2	core	two_swap

2rot	w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 -- w3 w4 w5 w6 w1 w2	double	two_rote

/* toggle is high-level: 0.11/0.42% */

@	a_addr -- w		fig	fetch
w = *a_addr;

!	w a_addr --		core,fig	store
*a_addr = w;

+!	n a_addr --		core,fig	plus_store
*a_addr += n;

c@	c_addr -- c		fig	cfetch
c = *c_addr;

c!	c c_addr --		fig	cstore
*c_addr = c;

2!	w1 w2 a_addr --		core	two_store
a_addr[0] = w2;
a_addr[1] = w1;

2@	a_addr -- w1 w2		core	two_fetch
w2 = a_addr[0];
w1 = a_addr[1];

d!	d a_addr --		double	d_store
/* !! alignment problems on some machines */
*(DCell *)a_addr = d;

d@	a_addr -- d		double	d_fetch
d = *(DCell *)a_addr;

cell+	a_addr1 -- a_addr2	core	cell_plus
a_addr2 = a_addr1+1;

cells	n1 -- n2		core
n2 = n1 * sizeof(Cell);

char+	c_addr1 -- c_addr2	core	care_plus
c_addr2 = c_addr1+1;

chars	n1 -- n2		core	cares
n2 = n1 * sizeof(Char);

count	c_addr1 -- c_addr2 u	core
u = *c_addr1;
c_addr2 = c_addr1+1;

(bye)	n --	toolkit-ext	paren_bye

system	c_addr u -- n	own
char pname[u+1];

popen	c_addr u n -- wfileid	own
char pname[u+1];
static char* mode[2]={"r","w"};

pclose	wfileid -- wior	own
wior=pclose((FILE *)wfileid);

allocate	u -- a_addr wior	memory
a_addr = (Cell *)malloc(u);
wior = a_addr==NULL;	/* !! define a return code */

free		a_addr -- wior		memory
wior = 0;

resize		a_addr1 u -- a_addr2 wior	memory
a_addr2 = realloc(a_addr1, u);
wior = a_addr2==NULL;	/* !! define a return code */

(f83find)	c_addr u f83name1 -- f83name2	new	paren_f83find
for (; f83name1 != NULL; f83name1 = f83name1->next)
  if (F83NAME_COUNT(f83name1)==u && !F83NAME_SMUDGE(f83name1) &&
      strncasecmp(c_addr, f83name1->name, u)== 0 /* or inline? */)

(parse-white)	c_addr1 u1 -- c_addr2 u2	new	paren_parse_white
/* use !isgraph instead of isspace? */
Char *endp = c_addr1+u1;
while (c_addr1<endp && isspace(*c_addr1))
if (c_addr1<endp) {
  for (c_addr2 = c_addr1; c_addr1<endp && !isspace(*c_addr1); c_addr1++)
  u2 = c_addr1-c_addr2;
else {
  c_addr2 = c_addr1;
  u2 = 0;

close-file	wfileid -- wior	file	close_file
wior = FLAG(fclose((FILE *)wfileid)==EOF);

open-file	c_addr u ntype -- w2 wior	file	open_file
char fname[u+1];
cstr(fname, c_addr, u);
w2 = (Cell)fopen(fname, fileattr[ntype]);
wior = FLAG(w2 == NULL);

create-file	c_addr u ntype -- w2 wior	file	create_file
int	fd;
char fname[u+1];
cstr(fname, c_addr, u);
fd = creat(fname, 0666);
if (fd > -1) {
  w2 = (Cell)fdopen(fd, fileattr[ntype]);
  assert(w2 != NULL);
  wior = 0;
} else {
  assert(fd == -1);
  wior = fd;
  w2 = 0;

delete-file	c_addr u -- wior		file	delete_file
char fname[u+1];
cstr(fname, c_addr, u);
wior = unlink(fname);

rename-file	c_addr1 u1 c_addr2 u2 -- wior	file-ext	rename_file
char fname1[u1+1];
char fname2[u2+1];
cstr(fname1, c_addr1, u1);
cstr(fname2, c_addr2, u2);
wior = rename(fname1, fname2);

file-position	wfileid -- ud wior	file	file_position
/* !! use tell and lseek? */
ud = ftell((FILE *)wfileid);
wior = 0; /* !! or wior = FLAG(ud<0) */

reposition-file	ud wfileid -- wior	file	reposition_file
wior = fseek((FILE *)wfileid, (long)ud, SEEK_SET);

file-size	wfileid -- ud wior	file	file_size
struct stat buf;
wior = fstat(fileno((FILE *)wfileid), &buf);
ud = buf.st_size;

resize-file	ud wfileid -- wior	file	resize_file
wior = ftruncate(fileno((FILE *)wfileid), (int)ud);

read-file	c_addr u1 wfileid -- u2 wior	file	read_file
/* !! fread does not guarantee enough */
u2 = fread(c_addr, sizeof(Char), u1, (FILE *)wfileid);
wior = FLAG(u2<u1 && ferror((FILE *)wfileid));
/* !! who performs clearerr((FILE *)wfileid); ? */

read-line	c_addr u1 wfileid -- u2 flag wior	file	read_line
wior=(Cell)fgets(c_addr,u1+1,(FILE *)wfileid);
flag=FLAG(!feof((FILE *)wfileid) && wior);
wior=FLAG(ferror((FILE *)wfileid)) & flag;
u2=(flag & strlen(c_addr));
u2-=((u2>0) && (c_addr[u2-1]==NEWLINE));

write-file	c_addr u1 wfileid -- wior	file	write_file
/* !! fwrite does not guarantee enough */
  int u2 = fwrite(c_addr, sizeof(Char), u1, (FILE *)wfileid);
  wior = FLAG(u2<u1 && ferror((FILE *)wfileid));

flush-file	wfileid -- wior		file-ext	flush_file
wior = fflush((FILE *)wfileid);

comparisons(f, r1 r2, f_, r1, r2, new, new, float, new)
comparisons(f0, r, f_zero_, r, 0., float, new, float, new)

d>f		d -- r		float	d_to_f
r = d;

f>d		r -- d		float	f_to_d
/* !! basis 15 is not very specific */
d = r;

f!		r f_addr --	float	f_store
*f_addr = r;

f@		f_addr -- r	float	f_fetch
r = *f_addr;

df@		df_addr -- r	float-ext	d_f_fetch
#ifdef IEEE_FP
r = *df_addr;
!! df@

df!		r df_addr --	float-ext	d_f_store
#ifdef IEEE_FP
*df_addr = r;
!! df!

sf@		sf_addr -- r	float-ext	s_f_fetch
#ifdef IEEE_FP
r = *sf_addr;
!! sf@

sf!		r sf_addr --	float-ext	s_f_store
#ifdef IEEE_FP
*sf_addr = r;
!! sf!

f+		r1 r2 -- r3	float	f_plus
r3 = r1+r2;

f-		r1 r2 -- r3	float	f_minus
r3 = r1-r2;

f*		r1 r2 -- r3	float	f_star
r3 = r1*r2;

f/		r1 r2 -- r3	float	f_slash
r3 = r1/r2;

f**		r1 r2 -- r3	float-ext	f_star_star
r3 = pow(r1,r2);

fnegate		r1 -- r2	float
r2 = - r1;

fdrop		r --		float

fdup		r -- r r	float

fswap		r1 r2 -- r2 r1	float

fover		r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1	float

frot		r1 r2 r3 -- r2 r3 r1	float

float+		f_addr1 -- f_addr2	float	float_plus
f_addr2 = f_addr1+1;

floats		n1 -- n2	float
n2 = n1*sizeof(Float);

floor		r1 -- r2	float
/* !! unclear wording */
r2 = floor(r1);

fround		r1 -- r2	float
/* !! unclear wording */
r2 = rint(r1);

fmax		r1 r2 -- r3	float
if (r1<r2)
  r3 = r2;
  r3 = r1;

fmin		r1 r2 -- r3	float
if (r1<r2)
  r3 = r1;
  r3 = r2;

represent		r c_addr u -- n f1 f2	float
char *sig;
int flag;
sig=ecvt(r, u, &n, &flag);

>float	c_addr u -- flag	float	to_float
/* real signature: c_addr u -- r t / f */
Float r;
char number[u+1];
char *endconv;
cstr(number, c_addr, u);
	IF_FTOS(fp[0] = FTOS);
	fp += -1;
	FTOS = r;
else if(*endconv=='d' || *endconv=='D')
		IF_FTOS(fp[0] = FTOS);
		fp += -1;
		FTOS = r;

fabs		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = fabs(r1);

facos		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = acos(r1);

fasin		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = asin(r1);

fatan		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = atan(r1);

fatan2		r1 r2 -- r3	float-ext
r3 = atan2(r1,r2);

fcos		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = cos(r1);

fexp		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = exp(r1);

fln		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = log(r1);

flog		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = log10(r1);

fsin		r1 -- r2 r3	float-ext
r2 = sin(r1);
r3 = cos(r1);

fsqrt		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = sqrt(r1);

ftan		r1 -- r2	float-ext
r2 = tan(r1);

/* The following words access machine/OS/installation-dependent ANSI
   figForth internals */
/* !! how about environmental queries DIRECT-THREADED,

>body		xt -- a_addr	core	to_body
a_addr = PFA(xt);

>code-address		xt -- c_addr		new	to_code_address
""c_addr is the code address of the word xt""
/* !! This behaves installation-dependently for DOES-words */
c_addr = CODE_ADDRESS(xt);

>does-code	xt -- a_addr		new	to_does_code
""If xt ist the execution token of a defining-word-defined word,
a_addr is the start of the Forth code after the DOES>; Otherwise the
behaviour is uundefined""
/* !! there is currently no way to determine whether a word is
defining-word-defined */
a_addr = DOES_CODE(xt);

code-address!		c_addr xt --	new	code_address_store
""Creates a code field with code address c_addr at xt""
MAKE_CF(xt, c_addr);

does-code!	a_addr xt --		new	does_code_store
""creates a code field at xt for a defining-word-defined word; a_addr
is the start of the Forth code after DOES>""
MAKE_DOES_CF(xt, a_addr);

does-handler!	a_addr --	new	does_jump_store
""creates a DOES>-handler at address a_addr. a_addr usually points
just behind a DOES>.""

/does-handler	-- n	new	slash_does_handler
""the size of a does-handler (includes possible padding)""
/* !! a constant or environmental query might be better */

toupper	c1 -- c2	new
c2 = toupper(c1);

/* local variable implementation primitives */
@local#		-- w	new	fetch_local_number
w = *(Cell *)(lp+(int)(*ip++));

f@local#	-- r	new	f_fetch_local_number
r = *(Float *)(lp+(int)(*ip++));

laddr#		-- c_addr	new	laddr_number
/* this can also be used to implement lp@ */
c_addr = (Char *)(lp+(int)(*ip++));

lp+!#	--	new	lp_plus_store_number
""used with negative immediate values it allocates memory on the
local stack, a positive immediate argument drops memory from the local
lp += (int)(*ip++);

lp!	c_addr --	new	lp_store
lp = (Address)c_addr;

>l	w --	new	to_l
lp -= sizeof(Cell);
*(Cell *)lp = w;

f>l	r --	new	f_to_l
lp -= sizeof(Float);
*(Float *)lp = r;

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