/* command line interpretation, image loading etc. for Gforth Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Gforth. Gforth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "forth.h" #include "io.h" #include "getopt.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef MSDOS jmp_buf throw_jmp_buf; #endif /* Define FUZZ for better image positioning */ #define FUZZ 0x4000 #ifndef DEFAULTPATH # define DEFAULTPATH "/usr/local/lib/gforth:." #endif #ifdef DIRECT_THREADED # define CA(n) (symbols[(n)]) #else # define CA(n) ((Cell)(symbols+(n))) #endif #define maxaligned(n) (typeof(n))((((Cell)n)+sizeof(Float)-1)&-sizeof(Float)) static Cell dictsize=0; static Cell dsize=0; static Cell rsize=0; static Cell fsize=0; static Cell lsize=0; char *progname; /* image file format: * "#! binary-path -i\n" (e.g., "#! /usr/local/bin/gforth-0.2.0 -i\n") * padding to a multiple of 8 * magic: "Gforth1x" means format 0.2, * where x is even for big endian and odd for little endian * and x & ~1 is the size of the cell in bytes. * padding to max alignment (no padding necessary on current machines) * ImageHeader structure (see below) * data (size in ImageHeader.image_size) * tags ((if relocatable, 1 bit/data cell) * * tag==1 means that the corresponding word is an address; * If the word is >=0, the address is within the image; * addresses within the image are given relative to the start of the image. * If the word =-1 (CF_NIL), the address is NIL, * If the word is CF(DODOES), it's a CFA (:, Create, ...) * If the word =CF(DODOES), it's a DOES> CFA * If the word =CF(DOESJUMP), it's a DOES JUMP (2 Cells after DOES>, * possibly containing a jump to dodoes) * If the word is > (8*sizeof(Cell)-5)); } #ifdef DIRECT_THREADED /* we have to consider all the primitives */ for (; symbols[i]!=(Label)0; i++) { r ^= (UCell)(symbols[i]); r = (r << 5) | (r >> (8*sizeof(Cell)-5)); } #else /* in indirect threaded code all primitives are accessed through the symbols table, so we just have to put the base address of symbols in the checksum */ r ^= (UCell)symbols; #endif return r; } Address loader(FILE *imagefile, char* filename) /* returns the address of the image proper (after the preamble) */ { ImageHeader header; Address image; Address imp; /* image+preamble */ Char magic[8]; Cell wholesize; Cell imagesize; /* everything needed by the image */ Cell preamblesize=0; Label *symbols=engine(0,0,0,0,0); UCell check_sum=checksum(symbols); static char* endianstring[]= { "big","little" }; do { if(fread(magic,sizeof(Char),8,imagefile) < 8) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: image %s doesn't seem to be a Gforth (>=0.2) image.\n", progname, filename); exit(1); } preamblesize+=8; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Magic found: %-8s\n",magic); #endif } while(memcmp(magic,"Gforth1",7)); if(magic[7] != sizeof(Cell) + #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN '0' #else '1' #endif ) { fprintf(stderr,"This image is %d bit %s-endian, whereas the machine is %d bit %s-endian.\n", ((magic[7]-'0')&~1)*8, endianstring[magic[7]&1], sizeof(Cell)*8, endianstring[ #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN 0 #else 1 #endif ]); exit(-2); }; fread((void *)&header,sizeof(ImageHeader),1,imagefile); if (dictsize==0) dictsize = header.dict_size; if (dsize==0) dsize=header.data_stack_size; if (rsize==0) rsize=header.return_stack_size; if (fsize==0) fsize=header.fp_stack_size; if (lsize==0) lsize=header.locals_stack_size; dictsize=maxaligned(dictsize); dsize=maxaligned(dsize); rsize=maxaligned(rsize); lsize=maxaligned(lsize); fsize=maxaligned(fsize); wholesize = preamblesize+dictsize+dsize+rsize+fsize+lsize; imagesize = preamblesize+header.image_size+((header.image_size-1)/sizeof(Cell))/8+1; image=malloc((wholesize>imagesize?wholesize:imagesize) #ifdef FUZZ +FUZZ #endif ); /*image = maxaligned(image);*/ /* memset(image,0,wholesize); */ #ifdef FUZZ if(header.base==0) image += FUZZ/2; else if((UCell)(header.base - (Cell)image + preamblesize) < FUZZ) image = header.base - preamblesize; #endif rewind(imagefile); /* fseek(imagefile,0L,SEEK_SET); */ fread(image,1,imagesize,imagefile); fclose(imagefile); imp=image+preamblesize; if(header.base==0) { relocate((Cell *)imp,imp+header.image_size,header.image_size,symbols); ((ImageHeader *)imp)->checksum=check_sum; } else if(header.base!=imp) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot load nonrelocatable image (compiled for address $%lx) at address $%lx\nThe Gforth installer should look into the INSTALL file\n", progname, (unsigned long)header.base, (unsigned long)imp); exit(1); } else if (header.checksum != check_sum) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Checksum of image ($%lx) does not match the executable ($%lx)\nThe Gforth installer should look into the INSTALL file\n", progname, (unsigned long)(header.checksum),(unsigned long)check_sum); exit(1); } ((ImageHeader *)imp)->dict_size=dictsize; ((ImageHeader *)imp)->data_stack_size=dsize; ((ImageHeader *)imp)->return_stack_size=rsize; ((ImageHeader *)imp)->fp_stack_size=fsize; ((ImageHeader *)imp)->locals_stack_size=lsize; CACHE_FLUSH(imp, header.image_size); return imp; } int go_forth(Address image, int stack, Cell *entries) { Cell *sp=(Cell*)(image+dictsize+dsize); Address lp=(Address)((void *)sp+lsize); Float *fp=(Float *)((void *)lp+fsize); Cell *rp=(Cell*)((void *)fp+rsize); Xt *ip=(Xt *)(((ImageHeader *)image)->boot_entry); int throw_code; for(;stack>0;stack--) *--sp=entries[stack-1]; #if !defined(MSDOS) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__EMX__) get_winsize(); #endif install_signal_handlers(); /* right place? */ if ((throw_code=setjmp(throw_jmp_buf))) { static Cell signal_data_stack[8]; static Cell signal_return_stack[8]; static Float signal_fp_stack[1]; signal_data_stack[7]=throw_code; return((int)engine(((ImageHeader *)image)->throw_entry,signal_data_stack+7, signal_return_stack+8,signal_fp_stack,0)); } return((int)engine(ip,sp,rp,fp,lp)); } int convsize(char *s, int elemsize) /* converts s of the format #+u (e.g. 25k) into the number of bytes. the unit u can be one of bekM, where e stands for the element size. default is e */ { char *endp; int n,m; m = elemsize; n = strtoul(s,&endp,0); if (endp!=NULL) { if (strcmp(endp,"b")==0) m=1; else if (strcmp(endp,"k")==0) m=1024; else if (strcmp(endp,"M")==0) m=1024*1024; else if (strcmp(endp,"e")!=0 && strcmp(endp,"")!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot grok size specification %s: invalid unit \"%s\"\n", progname, s, endp); exit(1); } } return n*m; } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *path, *path1; char *imagename="gforth.fi"; FILE *image_file; int c, retvalue; #if defined(i386) && defined(ALIGNMENT_CHECK) && !defined(DIRECT_THREADED) /* turn on alignment checks on the 486. * on the 386 this should have no effect. */ __asm__("pushfl; popl %eax; orl $0x40000, %eax; pushl %eax; popfl;"); /* this is unusable with Linux' libc.4.6.27, because this library is not alignment-clean; we would have to replace some library functions (e.g., memcpy) to make it work */ #endif progname = argv[0]; if ((path1=getenv("GFORTHPATH"))==NULL) path1 = DEFAULTPATH; opterr=0; while (1) { int option_index=0; static struct option opts[] = { {"image-file", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"dictionary-size", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"data-stack-size", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"return-stack-size", required_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"fp-stack-size", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"locals-stack-size", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"path", required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {0,0,0,0} /* no-init-file, no-rc? */ }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+i:m:d:r:f:l:p:vh", opts, &option_index); if (c==EOF) break; if (c=='?') { optind--; break; } switch (c) { case 'i': imagename = optarg; break; case 'm': dictsize = convsize(optarg,sizeof(Cell)); break; case 'd': dsize = convsize(optarg,sizeof(Cell)); break; case 'r': rsize = convsize(optarg,sizeof(Cell)); break; case 'f': fsize = convsize(optarg,sizeof(Float)); break; case 'l': lsize = convsize(optarg,sizeof(Cell)); break; case 'p': path1 = optarg; break; case 'v': fprintf(stderr, "gforth %s\n", gforth_version); exit(0); case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [engine options] [image arguments]\n\ Engine Options:\n\ -d SIZE, --data-stack-size=SIZE Specify data stack size\n\ -f SIZE, --fp-stack-size=SIZE Specify floating point stack size\n\ -h, --help Print this message and exit\n\ -i FILE, --image-file=FILE Use image FILE instead of `gforth.fi'\n\ -l SIZE, --locals-stack-size=SIZE Specify locals stack size\n\ -m SIZE, --dictionary-size=SIZE Specify Forth dictionary size\n\ -p PATH, --path=PATH Search path for finding image and sources\n\ -r SIZE, --return-stack-size=SIZE Specify return stack size\n\ -v, --version Print version and exit\n\ SIZE arguments consists of an integer followed by a unit. The unit can be\n\ `b' (bytes), `e' (elements), `k' (kilobytes), or `M' (Megabytes).\n\ \n\ Arguments of default image `gforth.fi':\n\ FILE load FILE (with `require')\n\ -e STRING, --evaluate STRING interpret STRING (with `EVALUATE')\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } } path=path1; if(strchr(imagename, '/')==NULL) { do { char *pend=strchr(path, PATHSEP); if (pend==NULL) pend=path+strlen(path); if (strlen(path)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot open image file %s in path %s for reading\n", progname, imagename, path1); exit(1); } { int dirlen=pend-path; char fullfilename[dirlen+strlen(imagename)+2]; memcpy(fullfilename, path, dirlen); if (fullfilename[dirlen-1]!='/') fullfilename[dirlen++]='/'; strcpy(fullfilename+dirlen,imagename); image_file=fopen(fullfilename,"rb"); } path=pend+(*pend==PATHSEP); } while (image_file==NULL); } else { image_file=fopen(imagename,"rb"); } { char path2[strlen(path1)+1]; char *p1, *p2; Cell environ[]= { (Cell)argc-(optind-1), (Cell)(argv+(optind-1)), (Cell)strlen(path1), (Cell)path2}; argv[optind-1] = progname; /* for (i=0; i