File:  [gforth] / gforth / Attic / gforth.texi
Revision 1.1: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat May 7 14:55:54 1994 UTC (29 years, 11 months ago) by anton
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
local variables
rewrote primitives2c.el in Forth (prims2x.el)
various small changes
Added Files:
 	from-cut-here gforth.el gforth.texi glocals.fs gray.fs
 	locals-test.fs prims2x.fs

\input texinfo   @c -*-texinfo-*-
@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
@setfilename gforth-info
@settitle GNU Forth Manual
@setchapternewpage odd
@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)

This file documents GNU Forth 0.0

Copyright @copyright{} 1994 GNU Forth Development Group

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
     are preserved on all copies.
     Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
     results, provided the printed document carries a copying permission
     notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
     (this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
     @end ignore
     Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
     manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
     sections entitled "Distribution" and "General Public License" are
     included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire
     resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
     notice identical to this one.
     Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
     into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
     except that the sections entitled "Distribution" and "General Public
     License" may be included in a translation approved by the author instead
     of in the original English.
@end ifinfo

@sp 10
@center @titlefont{GNU Forth Manual}
@sp 2
@center for version 0.0
@sp 2
@center Anton Ertl

@comment  The following two commands start the copyright page.
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
Copyright @copyright{} 1994 GNU Forth Development Group

@comment !! Published by ... or You can get a copy of this manual ...

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
     are preserved on all copies.
     Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
     manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
     sections entitled "Distribution" and "General Public License" are
     included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire
     resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
     notice identical to this one.
     Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
     into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
     except that the sections entitled "Distribution" and "General Public
     License" may be included in a translation approved by the author instead
     of in the original English.
@end titlepage

@node Top, License, (dir), (dir)
GNU Forth is a free implementation of ANS Forth available on many
personal machines. This manual corresponds to version 0.0.
@end ifinfo

* License::             
* Goals::               About the GNU Forth Project
* Other Books::         Things you might want to read
* Invocation::          Starting GNU Forth
* Words::               Forth words available in GNU Forth
* ANS conformance::     Implementation-defined options etc.
* Model::               The abstract machine of GNU Forth
@comment * Emacs and GForth::    The GForth Mode
* Internals::           Implementation details
* Bugs::                How to report them
* Pedigree::            Ancestors of GNU Forth
* Word Index::          An item for each Forth word
* Node Index::          An item for each node
@end menu

@node License, Goals, Top, Top
@unnumbered License
!! Insert GPL here

@unnumbered Preface
This manual documents GNU Forth. The reader is expected to know
Forth. This manual is primarily a reference manual. @xref{Other Books}
for introductory material.
@end iftex

@node    Goals, Other Books, License, Top
@comment node-name,     next,           previous, up
@chapter Goals of GNU Forth
@cindex Goals
!! Insert Goals here

@node Other Books, Invocation, Goals, Top
@chapter Other books on ANS Forth

As the standard is relatively new, there are not many books out yet. It
is not recommended to learn Forth by using GNU Forth and a book that is
not written for ANS Forth, as you will not know your mistakes from the
deviations of the book.

There is, of course, the standard, the definite reference if you want to
write ANS Forth programs. It will be available in printed form from
!! somtime in spring or summer 1994. If you are lucky, you can still get
dpANS6 (the draft that was approved as standard) by aftp from

@cite{Forth: The new model} by Jack Woehr (!! Publisher) is an introductory
book based on a draft version of the standard. It does not cover the
whole standard. It also contains interesting background information
(Jack Woehr was in the ANS Forth Technical Committe).

@node Invocation, Words, Other Books, Top
@chapter Invocation

You will usually just say @code{gforth}. More generally, the default GNU
Forth image can be invoked like this

gforth [--batch] [files] [-e forth-code]
@end example

The @code{--batch} option makes @code{gforth} exit after processing the
command line. Also, the startup message is suppressed. @file{files} are
Forth source files that are executed in the order in which they
appear. The @code{-e @samp{forth-code}} or @code{--evaluate
@samp{forth-code}} option evaluates the forth code; it can be freely
mixed with the files. This option takes only one argument; if you want
to evaluate more Forth words, you have to quote them or use several
@code{-e}s. !! option for suppressing default loading.

You can use the command line option @code{-i @samp{file}} or
@code{--image-file @samp{file}} to specify a different image file. Note
that this option must be the first in the command line. The rest of the
command line is processed by the image file.

If the @code{--image-file} option is not used, GNU Forth searches for a
file named @file{} in the path specified by the environment
variable @code{GFORTHPATH}; if this does not exist, in
@file{/usr/local/lib/gforth} and in @file{/usr/lib/gforth}.

@node Words,  , Invocation, Top
@chapter Forth Words

* Notation::
* Arithmetic::
* Stack Manipulation::
* Memory access::
* Control Structures::
* Local Variables::
* Defining Words::
* Vocabularies::
* Files::
* Blocks::
* Other I/O::
* Programming Tools::
@end menu

@node Notation, Arithmetic, Words, Words
@section Notation

The Forth words are describes in this section in the glossary notation
that has become a de-facto standard for Forth texts, i.e.

@samp{word}     @samp{Stack effect}     @samp{pronunciation}   @samp{wordset}
@end quotation

@table @samp
@item word
The name of the word. BTW, GNU Forth is case insensitive, so you can
type the words in in lower case.

@item Stack effect
The stack effect is written in the notation @code{@samp{before} --
@samp{after}}, where @samp{before} and @samp{after} describe the top of
stack entries before and after the execution of the word. The rest of
the stack is not touched by the word. The top of stack is rightmost,
i.e., a stack sequence is written as it is typed in. Note that GNU Forth
uses a separate floating point stack, but a unified stack
notation. Also, return stack effects are not shown in @samp{stack
effect}, but in @samp{Description}. The name of a stack item describes
the type and/or the function of the item. See below for a discussion of
the types.

@item pronunciation
How the word is pronounced

@item wordset
The ANS Forth standard is divided into several wordsets. A standard
system need not support all of them. So, the fewer wordsets your program
uses the more portable it will be in theory. However, we suspect that
most ANS Forth systems on personal machines will feature all
wordsets. Words that are not defined in the ANS standard have
@code{gforth} as wordset.

@item Description
A description of the behaviour of the word.
@end table

The name of a stack item corresponds in the following way with its type:

@table @code
@item name starts with
@item f
Bool, i.e. false (0) or true (-1).
@item c
@item w
Cell, can contain an integer or an address
@item n
signed integer
@item u
unsigned integer
@item d
double sized signed integer
@item ud
double sized unsigned integer
@item r
@item a_
Cell-aligned address
@item c_
Char-aligned address (note that a Char is two bytes in Windows NT)
@item f_
Float-aligned address
@item df_
Address aligned for IEEE double precision float
@item sf_
Address aligned for IEEE single precision float
@item xt
Execution token, same size as Cell
@item wid
Wordlist ID, same size as Cell
@item f83name
Pointer to a name structure
@end table

@node Arithmetic,  , Notation, Words
@section Arithmetic
Forth arithmetic is not checked, i.e., you will not hear about integer
overflow on addition or multiplication, you may hear about division by
zero if you are lucky. The operator is written after the operands, but
the operands are still in the original order. I.e., the infix @code{2-1}
corresponds to @code{2 1 -}. Forth offers a variety of division
operators. If you perform division with potentially negative operands,
you do not want to use @code{/} or @code{/mod} with its undefined
behaviour, but rather @code{fm/mod} or @code{sm/mod} (probably the

@subsection Single precision

@subsection Bitwise operations

@subsection Mixed precision

@subsection Double precision

@node Stack Manipulation,,,
@section Stack Manipulation

gforth has a data stack (aka parameter stack) for characters, cells,
addresses, and double cells, a floating point stack for floating point
numbers, a return stack for storing the return addresses of colon
definitions and other data, and a locals stack for storing local
variables. Note that while every sane Forth has a separate floating
point stack, this is not strictly required; an ANS Forth system could
theoretically keep floating point numbers on the data stack. As an
additional difficulty, you don't know how many cells a floating point
numkber takes. It is reportedly possible to write words in a way that
they work also for a unified stack model, but we do not recommend trying
it. Also, a Forth system to keep the local variables on the return
stack. This is reasonable, as local variables usually eliminate the need
to use the return stack explicitely. So, if you want to produce a
standard complying program and if you are using local variables in a
word, forget about return stack manipulations in that word (see the
standard document for the exact rules).

@subsetion Data stack

@subsection Floating point stack

@subsection Return stack

@subsection Locals stack

@subsection Stack pointer manipulation

@node Memory access
@section Memory access

@subsection Stack-Memory transfers

@subsection Memory block access


@node Control Structures
@section Control Structures

Control structures in Forth cannot be used in interpret state, only in
compile state, i.e., in a colon definition. We do not like this
limitation, but have not seen a satisfying way around it yet, although
many schemes have been proposed.

@subsection Selection

@end example

@end example

You can use @code{THEN} instead of {ENDIF}. Indeed, @code{THEN} is
standard, and @code{ENDIF} is not, although it is quite popular. We
recommend using @code{ENDIF}, because it is less confusing for people
who also know other languages (and is not prone to reinforcing negative
prejudices against Forth in these people). Adding @code{ENDIF} to a
system that only supplies @code{THEN} is simple:
: endif   POSTPONE then ; immediate
@end example

We also provide the words @code{?dup-if} and @code{?dup-not-if}, so you
can avoid using @code{?dup}.

  @var{n1} OF @var{code1} ENDOF
  @var{n2} OF @var{code2} ENDOF
@end example

Executes the first @var{codei}, where the @var{ni} is equal to
@var{n}. A default case can be added by simply writing the code after
the last @code{ENDOF}. It may use @var{n}, which is on top of the stack,
but must not consume it.

@subsection Simple Loops

@end example

@var{code1} is executed and @var{flag} is computed. If it is true,
@var{code2} is executed and the loop is restarted; If @var{flag} is false, execution continues after the @code{REPEAT}.

@end example

@var{code} is executed. The loop is restarted if @code{flag} is false.

@end example

This is an endless loop.

@subsection Counted Loops

The basic counted loop is:
@var{limit} @var{start}
@end example

This performs one iteration for every integer, starting from @var{start}
and up to, but excluding @var{limit}. The counter, aka index, can be
accessed with @code{i}. E.g., the loop
10 0 ?DO
  i .
@end example
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@end example
The index of the innermost loop can be accessed with @code{i}, the index
of the next loop with @code{j}, and the index of the third loop with

The loop control data are kept on the return stack, so there are some
restrictions on mixing return stack accesses and counted loop
words. E.g., if you put values on the return stack outside the loop, you
cannot read them inside the loop. If you put values on the return stack
within a loop, you have to remove them before the end of the loop and
before accessing the index of the loop.

There are several variations on the counted loop:

@code{LEAVE} leaves the innermost counted loop immediately.

@code{LOOP} can be replaced with @code{@var{n} +LOOP}; this updates the
index by @var{n} instead of by 1. The loop is terminated when the border
between @var{limit-1} and @var{limit} is crossed. E.g.:

4 0 ?DO  i .  2 +LOOP   prints 0 2
4 1 ?DO  i .  2 +LOOP   prints 1 3

The behaviour of @code{@var{n} +LOOP} is peculiar when @var{n} is negative:

-1 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP  prints 0 -1
 0 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP  prints nothing

Therefore we recommend avoiding using @code{@var{n} +LOOP} with negative
@var{n}. One alternative is @code{@var{n} S+LOOP}, where the negative
case behaves symmetrical to the positive case:

-2 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP  prints 0 -1
-1 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP  prints 0
 0 0 ?DO  i .  -1 +LOOP  prints nothing

The loop is terminated when the border between @var{limit-sgn(n)} and
@var{limit} is crossed. However, @code{S+LOOP} is not part of the ANS
Forth standard.

The @code{?DO} can be replaced by @code{DO}. @code{DO} enters the loop
even when the start and the limit value are equal. We do not recommend
using @code{DO}. It will just give you maintenance troubles.



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