--- gforth/Attic/gforth.ds 1994/10/24 19:15:57 1.1 +++ gforth/Attic/gforth.ds 1997/03/11 16:00:38 1.45 @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @comment The source is gforth.ds, from which gforth.texi is generated @comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) -@setfilename gforth-info -@settitle GNU Forth Manual -@setchapternewpage odd +@setfilename gforth.info +@settitle Gforth Manual +@comment @setchapternewpage odd @comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) @ifinfo -This file documents GNU Forth 0.0 +This file documents Gforth 0.3 -Copyright @copyright{} 1994 GNU Forth Development Group +Copyright @copyright{} 1995-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. - @ignore +@ignore Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the results, provided the printed document carries a copying permission notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). - @end ignore +@end ignore Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the sections entitled "Distribution" and "General Public License" are @@ -36,18 +36,22 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 1994 GNU Forth De of in the original English. @end ifinfo +@finalout @titlepage @sp 10 -@center @titlefont{GNU Forth Manual} +@center @titlefont{Gforth Manual} @sp 2 -@center for version 0.0 +@center for version 0.3 @sp 2 @center Anton Ertl +@center Bernd Paysan +@sp 3 +@center This manual is under construction @comment The following two commands start the copyright page. @page @vskip 0pt plus 1filll -Copyright @copyright{} 1994 GNU Forth Development Group +Copyright @copyright{} 1995--1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @comment !! Published by ... or You can get a copy of this manual ... @@ -72,47 +76,441 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 1994 GNU Forth De @node Top, License, (dir), (dir) @ifinfo -GNU Forth is a free implementation of ANS Forth available on many -personal machines. This manual corresponds to version 0.0. +Gforth is a free implementation of ANS Forth available on many +personal machines. This manual corresponds to version 0.3. @end ifinfo @menu -* License:: -* Goals:: About the GNU Forth Project -* Other Books:: Things you might want to read -* Invocation:: Starting GNU Forth -* Words:: Forth words available in GNU Forth -* ANS conformance:: Implementation-defined options etc. -* Model:: The abstract machine of GNU Forth -* Emacs and GForth:: The GForth Mode -* Internals:: Implementation details -* Bugs:: How to report them -* Pedigree:: Ancestors of GNU Forth -* Word Index:: An item for each Forth word -* Node Index:: An item for each node -@end menu - -@node License, Goals, Top, Top -@unnumbered License -!! Insert GPL here +* License:: +* Goals:: About the Gforth Project +* Other Books:: Things you might want to read +* Invoking Gforth:: Starting Gforth +* Words:: Forth words available in Gforth +* Tools:: Programming tools +* ANS conformance:: Implementation-defined options etc. +* Model:: The abstract machine of Gforth +* Integrating Gforth:: Forth as scripting language for applications +* Emacs and Gforth:: The Gforth Mode +* Image Files:: @code{.fi} files contain compiled code +* Engine:: The inner interpreter and the primitives +* Bugs:: How to report them +* Origin:: Authors and ancestors of Gforth +* Word Index:: An item for each Forth word +* Concept Index:: A menu covering many topics +@end menu + +@node License, Preface, Top, Top +@unnumbered GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE +@center Version 2, June 1991 + +@display +Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. +@end display + +@unnumberedsec Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software---to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + +@iftex +@unnumberedsec TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION +@end iftex +@ifinfo +@center TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION +@end ifinfo + +@enumerate 0 +@item +This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The ``Program'', below, +refers to any such program or work, and a ``work based on the Program'' +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term ``modification''.) Each licensee is addressed as ``you''. + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + +@item +You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + +@item +You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + +@enumerate a +@item +You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices +stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + +@item +You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in +whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any +part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third +parties under the terms of this License. + +@item +If the modified program normally reads commands interactively +when run, you must cause it, when started running for such +interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an +announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a +notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide +a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under +these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this +License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but +does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on +the Program is not required to print an announcement.) +@end enumerate + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + +@item +You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + +@enumerate a +@item +Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable +source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections +1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + +@item +Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three +years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your +cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete +machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be +distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium +customarily used for software interchange; or, + +@item +Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer +to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is +allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you +received the program in object code or executable form with such +an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) +@end enumerate + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + +@item +You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + +@item +You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + +@item +Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + +@item +If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + +@item +If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + +@item +The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and ``any +later version'', you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + +@item +If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + +@iftex +@heading NO WARRANTY +@end iftex +@ifinfo +@center NO WARRANTY +@end ifinfo + +@item +BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM ``AS IS'' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +@item +IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. +@end enumerate + +@iftex +@heading END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS +@end iftex +@ifinfo +@center END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS +@end ifinfo + +@page +@unnumberedsec How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the ``copyright'' line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + +@smallexample +@var{one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.} +Copyright (C) 19@var{yy} @var{name of author} + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +@end smallexample + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + +@smallexample +Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19@var{yy} @var{name of author} +Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details +type `show w'. +This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it +under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. +@end smallexample + +The hypothetical commands @samp{show w} and @samp{show c} should show +the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the +commands you use may be called something other than @samp{show w} and +@samp{show c}; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items---whatever +suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a ``copyright disclaimer'' for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + +@smallexample +Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program +`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + +@var{signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989 +Ty Coon, President of Vice +@end smallexample + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. @iftex +@node Preface, Goals, License, Top +@comment node-name, next, previous, up @unnumbered Preface -This manual documents GNU Forth. The reader is expected to know +@cindex Preface +This manual documents Gforth. The reader is expected to know Forth. This manual is primarily a reference manual. @xref{Other Books} for introductory material. @end iftex -@node Goals, Other Books, License, Top +@node Goals, Other Books, Preface, Top @comment node-name, next, previous, up -@chapter Goals of GNU Forth +@chapter Goals of Gforth @cindex Goals -The goal of the GNU Forth Project is to develop a standard model for -ANSI Forth. This can be split into several subgoals: +The goal of the Gforth Project is to develop a standard model for +ANS Forth. This can be split into several subgoals: @itemize @bullet @item -GNU Forth should conform to the ANSI Forth standard. +Gforth should conform to the Forth standard (ANS Forth). @item It should be a model, i.e. it should define all the implementation-dependent things. @@ -121,7 +519,7 @@ It should become standard, i.e. widely a is the most difficult one. @end itemize -To achieve these goals GNU Forth should be +To achieve these goals Gforth should be @itemize @bullet @item Similar to previous models (fig-Forth, F83) @@ -137,43 +535,60 @@ Free. Available on many machines/easy to port. @end itemize -Have we achieved these goals? GNU Forth conforms to the ANS Forth -standard; it may be considered a model, but we have not yet documented +Have we achieved these goals? Gforth conforms to the ANS Forth +standard. It may be considered a model, but we have not yet documented which parts of the model are stable and which parts we are likely to -change; it certainly has not yet become a de facto standard. It has some -similarities and some differences to previous models; It has some -powerful features, but not yet everything that we envisioned; on RISCs -it is as fast as interpreters programmed in assembly, on -register-starved machines it is not so fast, but still faster than any -other C-based interpretive implementation; it is free and available on -many machines. +change. It certainly has not yet become a de facto standard. It has some +similarities and some differences to previous models. It has some +powerful features, but not yet everything that we envisioned. We +certainly have achieved our execution speed goals (@pxref{Performance}). +It is free and available on many machines. -@node Other Books, Invocation, Goals, Top +@node Other Books, Invoking Gforth, Goals, Top @chapter Other books on ANS Forth +@cindex books on Forth As the standard is relatively new, there are not many books out yet. It -is not recommended to learn Forth by using GNU Forth and a book that is +is not recommended to learn Forth by using Gforth and a book that is not written for ANS Forth, as you will not know your mistakes from the deviations of the book. +@cindex standard document for ANS Forth +@cindex ANS Forth document There is, of course, the standard, the definite reference if you want to -write ANS Forth programs. It will be available in printed form from -Global Engineering Documents !! somtime in spring or summer 1994. If you -are lucky, you can still get dpANS6 (the draft that was approved as -standard) by aftp from ftp.uu.net:/vendor/minerva/x3j14. - -@cite{Forth: The new model} by Jack Woehr (!! Publisher) is an +write ANS Forth programs. It is available in printed form from the +National Standards Institute Sales Department (Tel.: USA (212) 642-4900; +Fax.: USA (212) 302-1286) as document @cite{X3.215-1994} for about $200. You +can also get it from Global Engineering Documents (Tel.: USA (800) +854-7179; Fax.: (303) 843-9880) for about $300. + +@cite{dpANS6}, the last draft of the standard, which was then submitted to ANSI +for publication is available electronically and for free in some MS Word +format, and it has been converted to HTML. Some pointers to these +versions can be found through +@*@file{http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/projects/forth.html}. + +@cindex introductory book +@cindex book, introductory +@cindex Woehr, Jack: @cite{Forth: The New Model} +@cindex @cite{Forth: The new model} (book) +@cite{Forth: The New Model} by Jack Woehr (Prentice-Hall, 1993) is an introductory book based on a draft version of the standard. It does not cover the whole standard. It also contains interesting background -information (Jack Woehr was in the ANS Forth Technical Committe). It is +information (Jack Woehr was in the ANS Forth Technical Committee). It is not appropriate for complete newbies, but programmers experienced in other languages should find it ok. -@node Invocation, Words, Other Books, Top -@chapter Invocation +@node Invoking Gforth, Words, Other Books, Top +@chapter Invoking Gforth +@cindex invoking Gforth +@cindex running Gforth +@cindex command-line options +@cindex options on the command line +@cindex flags on the command line You will usually just say @code{gforth}. In many other cases the default -GNU Forth image will be invoked like this: +Gforth image will be invoked like this: @example gforth [files] [-e forth-code] @@ -192,19 +607,29 @@ The initialization options must come bef line. They are: @table @code +@cindex -i, command-line option +@cindex --image-file, command-line option @item --image-file @var{file} +@itemx -i @var{file} Loads the Forth image @var{file} instead of the default -@file{gforth.fi}. +@file{gforth.fi} (@pxref{Image Files}). +@cindex --path, command-line option +@cindex -p, command-line option @item --path @var{path} -Uses @var{path} for searching the image file and Forth source code -files instead of the default in the environment variable -@code{GFORTHPATH} or the path specified at installation time (typically -@file{/usr/local/lib/gforth:.}). A path is given as a @code{:}-separated -list. - +@itemx -p @var{path} +Uses @var{path} for searching the image file and Forth source code files +instead of the default in the environment variable @code{GFORTHPATH} or +the path specified at installation time (e.g., +@file{/usr/local/share/gforth/0.2.0:.}). A path is given as a list of +directories, separated by @samp{:} (on Unix) or @samp{;} (on other OSs). + +@cindex --dictionary-size, command-line option +@cindex -m, command-line option +@cindex @var{size} parameters for command-line options +@cindex size of the dictionary and the stacks @item --dictionary-size @var{size} -@item -m @var{size} +@itemx -m @var{size} Allocate @var{size} space for the Forth dictionary space instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 256K). The @var{size} specification consists of an integer and a unit (e.g., @@ -212,32 +637,69 @@ using the default specified in the image size, in this case Cells), @code{k} (kilobytes), and @code{M} (Megabytes). If no unit is specified, @code{e} is used. +@cindex --data-stack-size, command-line option +@cindex -d, command-line option @item --data-stack-size @var{size} -@item -d @var{size} +@itemx -d @var{size} Allocate @var{size} space for the data stack instead of using the default specified in the image (typically 16K). +@cindex --return-stack-size, command-line option +@cindex -r, command-line option @item --return-stack-size @var{size} -@item -r @var{size} +@itemx -r @var{size} Allocate @var{size} space for the return stack instead of using the -default specified in the image (typically 16K). +default specified in the image (typically 15K). +@cindex --fp-stack-size, command-line option +@cindex -f, command-line option @item --fp-stack-size @var{size} -@item -f @var{size} +@itemx -f @var{size} Allocate @var{size} space for the floating point stack instead of -using the default specified in the image (typically 16K). In this case +using the default specified in the image (typically 15.5K). In this case the unit specifier @code{e} refers to floating point numbers. +@cindex --locals-stack-size, command-line option +@cindex -l, command-line option @item --locals-stack-size @var{size} -@item -l @var{size} +@itemx -l @var{size} Allocate @var{size} space for the locals stack instead of using the -default specified in the image (typically 16K). +default specified in the image (typically 14.5K). +@cindex -h, command-line option +@cindex --help, command-line option +@item --help +@itemx -h +Print a message about the command-line options + +@cindex -v, command-line option +@cindex --version, command-line option +@item --version +@itemx -v +Print version and exit + +@cindex --debug, command-line option +@item --debug +Print some information useful for debugging on startup. + +@cindex --offset-image, command-line option +@item --offset-image +Start the dictionary at a slightly different position than would be used +otherwise (useful for creating data-relocatable images, +@pxref{Data-Relocatable Image Files}). + +@cindex --clear-dictionary, command-line option +@item --clear-dictionary +Initialize all bytes in the dictionary to 0 before loading the image +(@pxref{Data-Relocatable Image Files}). @end table +@cindex loading files at startup +@cindex executing code on startup +@cindex batch processing with Gforth As explained above, the image-specific command-line arguments for the default image @file{gforth.fi} consist of a sequence of filenames and -@code{-e @var{forth-code}} options that are interpreted in the seqence +@code{-e @var{forth-code}} options that are interpreted in the sequence in which they are given. The @code{-e @var{forth-code}} or @code{--evaluate @var{forth-code}} option evaluates the forth code. This option takes only one argument; if you want to evaluate more @@ -245,6 +707,13 @@ Forth words, you have to quote them or u after processing the command line (instead of entering interactive mode) append @code{-e bye} to the command line. +@cindex versions, invoking other versions of Gforth +If you have several versions of Gforth installed, @code{gforth} will +invoke the version that was installed last. @code{gforth-@var{version}} +invokes a specific version. You may want to use the option +@code{--path}, if your environment contains the variable +@code{GFORTHPATH}. + Not yet implemented: On startup the system first executes the system initialization file (unless the option @code{--no-init-file} is given; note that the system @@ -253,108 +722,156 @@ the user initialization file @file{.gfor option @code{--no-rc} is given; this file is first searched in @file{.}, then in @file{~}, then in the normal path (see above). -@node Words, , Invocation, Top +@node Words, Tools, Invoking Gforth, Top @chapter Forth Words +@cindex Words @menu -* Notation:: -* Arithmetic:: -* Stack Manipulation:: -* Memory access:: -* Control Structures:: -* Local Variables:: -* Defining Words:: -* Vocabularies:: -* Files:: -* Blocks:: -* Other I/O:: -* Programming Tools:: +* Notation:: +* Arithmetic:: +* Stack Manipulation:: +* Memory:: +* Control Structures:: +* Locals:: +* Defining Words:: +* Tokens for Words:: +* Wordlists:: +* Files:: +* Blocks:: +* Other I/O:: +* Programming Tools:: +* Assembler and Code words:: +* Threading Words:: @end menu @node Notation, Arithmetic, Words, Words @section Notation +@cindex notation of glossary entries +@cindex format of glossary entries +@cindex glossary notation format +@cindex word glossary entry format The Forth words are described in this section in the glossary notation -that has become a de-facto standard for Forth texts, i.e. +that has become a de-facto standard for Forth texts, i.e., -@quotation +@format @var{word} @var{Stack effect} @var{wordset} @var{pronunciation} +@end format @var{Description} -@end quotation @table @var @item word -The name of the word. BTW, GNU Forth is case insensitive, so you can -type the words in in lower case. +@cindex case insensitivity +The name of the word. BTW, Gforth is case insensitive, so you can +type the words in in lower case (However, @pxref{core-idef}). @item Stack effect +@cindex stack effect The stack effect is written in the notation @code{@var{before} -- @var{after}}, where @var{before} and @var{after} describe the top of stack entries before and after the execution of the word. The rest of the stack is not touched by the word. The top of stack is rightmost, -i.e., a stack sequence is written as it is typed in. Note that GNU Forth +i.e., a stack sequence is written as it is typed in. Note that Gforth uses a separate floating point stack, but a unified stack notation. Also, return stack effects are not shown in @var{stack effect}, but in @var{Description}. The name of a stack item describes the type and/or the function of the item. See below for a discussion of the types. +All words have two stack effects: A compile-time stack effect and a +run-time stack effect. The compile-time stack-effect of most words is +@var{ -- }. If the compile-time stack-effect of a word deviates from +this standard behaviour, or the word does other unusual things at +compile time, both stack effects are shown; otherwise only the run-time +stack effect is shown. + +@cindex pronounciation of words @item pronunciation -How the word is pronounced +How the word is pronounced. +@cindex wordset @item wordset The ANS Forth standard is divided into several wordsets. A standard system need not support all of them. So, the fewer wordsets your program uses the more portable it will be in theory. However, we suspect that most ANS Forth systems on personal machines will feature all wordsets. Words that are not defined in the ANS standard have -@code{gforth} as wordset. +@code{gforth} or @code{gforth-internal} as wordset. @code{gforth} +describes words that will work in future releases of Gforth; +@code{gforth-internal} words are more volatile. Environmental query +strings are also displayed like words; you can recognize them by the +@code{environment} in the wordset field. @item Description A description of the behaviour of the word. @end table -The name of a stack item corresponds in the following way with its type: +@cindex types of stack items +@cindex stack item types +The type of a stack item is specified by the character(s) the name +starts with: @table @code -@item name starts with -Type @item f -Bool, i.e. @code{false} or @code{true}. +@cindex @code{f}, stack item type +Boolean flags, i.e. @code{false} or @code{true}. @item c +@cindex @code{c}, stack item type Char @item w +@cindex @code{w}, stack item type Cell, can contain an integer or an address @item n +@cindex @code{n}, stack item type signed integer @item u +@cindex @code{u}, stack item type unsigned integer @item d +@cindex @code{d}, stack item type double sized signed integer @item ud +@cindex @code{ud}, stack item type double sized unsigned integer @item r -Float +@cindex @code{r}, stack item type +Float (on the FP stack) @item a_ +@cindex @code{a_}, stack item type Cell-aligned address @item c_ -Char-aligned address (note that a Char is two bytes in Windows NT) +@cindex @code{c_}, stack item type +Char-aligned address (note that a Char may have two bytes in Windows NT) @item f_ +@cindex @code{f_}, stack item type Float-aligned address @item df_ +@cindex @code{df_}, stack item type Address aligned for IEEE double precision float @item sf_ +@cindex @code{sf_}, stack item type Address aligned for IEEE single precision float @item xt +@cindex @code{xt}, stack item type Execution token, same size as Cell @item wid +@cindex @code{wid}, stack item type Wordlist ID, same size as Cell @item f83name +@cindex @code{f83name}, stack item type Pointer to a name structure +@item " +@cindex @code{"}, stack item type +string in the input stream (not the stack). The terminating character is +a blank by default. If it is not a blank, it is shown in @code{<>} +quotes. @end table -@node Arithmetic, , Notation, Words +@node Arithmetic, Stack Manipulation, Notation, Words @section Arithmetic +@cindex arithmetic words + +@cindex division with potentially negative operands Forth arithmetic is not checked, i.e., you will not hear about integer overflow on addition or multiplication, you may hear about division by zero if you are lucky. The operator is written after the operands, but @@ -363,9 +880,20 @@ corresponds to @code{2 1 -}. Forth offer operators. If you perform division with potentially negative operands, you do not want to use @code{/} or @code{/mod} with its undefined behaviour, but rather @code{fm/mod} or @code{sm/mod} (probably the -former). +former, @pxref{Mixed precision}). + +@menu +* Single precision:: +* Bitwise operations:: +* Mixed precision:: operations with single and double-cell integers +* Double precision:: Double-cell integer arithmetic +* Floating Point:: +@end menu +@node Single precision, Bitwise operations, Arithmetic, Arithmetic @subsection Single precision +@cindex single precision arithmetic words + doc-+ doc-- doc-* @@ -377,7 +905,10 @@ doc-abs doc-min doc-max +@node Bitwise operations, Mixed precision, Single precision, Arithmetic @subsection Bitwise operations +@cindex bitwise operation words + doc-and doc-or doc-xor @@ -385,7 +916,10 @@ doc-invert doc-2* doc-2/ +@node Mixed precision, Double precision, Bitwise operations, Arithmetic @subsection Mixed precision +@cindex mixed precision arithmetic words + doc-m+ doc-*/ doc-*/mod @@ -396,7 +930,16 @@ doc-um/mod doc-fm/mod doc-sm/rem +@node Double precision, Floating Point, Mixed precision, Arithmetic @subsection Double precision +@cindex double precision arithmetic words + +@cindex double-cell numbers, input format +@cindex input format for double-cell numbers +The outer (aka text) interpreter converts numbers containing a dot into +a double precision number. Note that only numbers with the dot as last +character are standard-conforming. + doc-d+ doc-d- doc-dnegate @@ -404,10 +947,80 @@ doc-dabs doc-dmin doc-dmax -@node Stack Manipulation,,, +@node Floating Point, , Double precision, Arithmetic +@subsection Floating Point +@cindex floating point arithmetic words + +@cindex floating-point numbers, input format +@cindex input format for floating-point numbers +The format of floating point numbers recognized by the outer (aka text) +interpreter is: a signed decimal number, possibly containing a decimal +point (@code{.}), followed by @code{E} or @code{e}, optionally followed +by a signed integer (the exponent). E.g., @code{1e} is the same as +@code{+1.0e+0}. Note that a number without @code{e} +is not interpreted as floating-point number, but as double (if the +number contains a @code{.}) or single precision integer. Also, +conversions between string and floating point numbers always use base +10, irrespective of the value of @code{BASE}. If @code{BASE} contains a +value greater then 14, the @code{E} may be interpreted as digit and the +number will be interpreted as integer, unless it has a signed exponent +(both @code{+} and @code{-} are allowed as signs). + +@cindex angles in trigonometric operations +@cindex trigonometric operations +Angles in floating point operations are given in radians (a full circle +has 2 pi radians). Note, that Gforth has a separate floating point +stack, but we use the unified notation. + +@cindex floating-point arithmetic, pitfalls +Floating point numbers have a number of unpleasant surprises for the +unwary (e.g., floating point addition is not associative) and even a few +for the wary. You should not use them unless you know what you are doing +or you don't care that the results you get are totally bogus. If you +want to learn about the problems of floating point numbers (and how to +avoid them), you might start with @cite{David Goldberg, What Every +Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, ACM +Computing Surveys 23(1):5@minus{}48, March 1991}. + +doc-f+ +doc-f- +doc-f* +doc-f/ +doc-fnegate +doc-fabs +doc-fmax +doc-fmin +doc-floor +doc-fround +doc-f** +doc-fsqrt +doc-fexp +doc-fexpm1 +doc-fln +doc-flnp1 +doc-flog +doc-falog +doc-fsin +doc-fcos +doc-fsincos +doc-ftan +doc-fasin +doc-facos +doc-fatan +doc-fatan2 +doc-fsinh +doc-fcosh +doc-ftanh +doc-fasinh +doc-facosh +doc-fatanh + +@node Stack Manipulation, Memory, Arithmetic, Words @section Stack Manipulation +@cindex stack manipulation words -gforth has a data stack (aka parameter stack) for characters, cells, +@cindex floating-point stack in the standard +Gforth has a data stack (aka parameter stack) for characters, cells, addresses, and double cells, a floating point stack for floating point numbers, a return stack for storing the return addresses of colon definitions and other data, and a locals stack for storing local @@ -417,14 +1030,31 @@ theoretically keep floating point number additional difficulty, you don't know how many cells a floating point number takes. It is reportedly possible to write words in a way that they work also for a unified stack model, but we do not recommend trying -it. Also, a Forth system is allowed to keep the local variables on the +it. Instead, just say that your program has an environmental dependency +on a separate FP stack. + +@cindex return stack and locals +@cindex locals and return stack +Also, a Forth system is allowed to keep the local variables on the return stack. This is reasonable, as local variables usually eliminate the need to use the return stack explicitly. So, if you want to produce a standard complying program and if you are using local variables in a word, forget about return stack manipulations in that word (see the standard document for the exact rules). +@menu +* Data stack:: +* Floating point stack:: +* Return stack:: +* Locals stack:: +* Stack pointer manipulation:: +@end menu + +@node Data stack, Floating point stack, Stack Manipulation, Stack Manipulation @subsection Data stack +@cindex data stack manipulation words +@cindex stack manipulations words, data stack + doc-drop doc-nip doc-dup @@ -444,7 +1074,11 @@ doc-2tuck doc-2swap doc-2rot +@node Floating point stack, Return stack, Data stack, Stack Manipulation @subsection Floating point stack +@cindex floating-point stack manipulation words +@cindex stack manipulation words, floating-point stack + doc-fdrop doc-fnip doc-fdup @@ -453,7 +1087,11 @@ doc-ftuck doc-fswap doc-frot +@node Return stack, Locals stack, Floating point stack, Stack Manipulation @subsection Return stack +@cindex return stack manipulation words +@cindex stack manipulation words, return stack + doc->r doc-r> doc-r@ @@ -463,9 +1101,13 @@ doc-2r> doc-2r@ doc-2rdrop +@node Locals stack, Stack pointer manipulation, Return stack, Stack Manipulation @subsection Locals stack +@node Stack pointer manipulation, , Locals stack, Stack Manipulation @subsection Stack pointer manipulation +@cindex stack pointer manipulation words + doc-sp@ doc-sp! doc-fp@ @@ -475,10 +1117,19 @@ doc-rp! doc-lp@ doc-lp! -@node Memory access -@section Memory access +@node Memory, Control Structures, Stack Manipulation, Words +@section Memory +@cindex Memory words -@subsection Stack-Memory transfers +@menu +* Memory Access:: +* Address arithmetic:: +* Memory Blocks:: +@end menu + +@node Memory Access, Address arithmetic, Memory, Memory +@subsection Memory Access +@cindex memory access words doc-@ doc-! @@ -494,7 +1145,9 @@ doc-sf! doc-df@ doc-df! +@node Address arithmetic, Memory Blocks, Memory Access, Memory @subsection Address arithmetic +@cindex address arithmetic words ANS Forth does not specify the sizes of the data types. Instead, it offers a number of words for computing sizes and doing address @@ -503,13 +1156,14 @@ address units (aus); on most systems the that a character may have more than one au, so @code{chars} is no noop (on systems where it is a noop, it compiles to nothing). +@cindex alignment of addresses for types ANS Forth also defines words for aligning addresses for specific -addresses. Many computers require that accesses to specific data types +types. Many computers require that accesses to specific data types must only occur at specific addresses; e.g., that cells may only be accessed at addresses divisible by 4. Even if a machine allows unaligned accesses, it can usually perform aligned accesses faster. -For the performance-concious: alignment operations are usually only +For the performance-conscious: alignment operations are usually only necessary during the definition of a data structure, not during the (more frequent) accesses to it. @@ -518,18 +1172,24 @@ an oversight, but reflects the fact that char-aligned have no use in the standard and therefore will not be created. +@cindex @code{CREATE} and alignment The standard guarantees that addresses returned by @code{CREATE}d words -are cell-aligned; in addition, gforth guarantees that these addresses +are cell-aligned; in addition, Gforth guarantees that these addresses are aligned for all purposes. +Note that the standard defines a word @code{char}, which has nothing to +do with address arithmetic. + doc-chars doc-char+ doc-cells doc-cell+ +doc-cell doc-align doc-aligned doc-floats doc-float+ +doc-float doc-falign doc-faligned doc-sfloats @@ -540,9 +1200,15 @@ doc-dfloats doc-dfloat+ doc-dfalign doc-dfaligned +doc-maxalign +doc-maxaligned +doc-cfalign +doc-cfaligned doc-address-unit-bits -@subsection Memory block access +@node Memory Blocks, , Address arithmetic, Memory +@subsection Memory Blocks +@cindex memory block words doc-move doc-erase @@ -555,16 +1221,31 @@ doc-cmove> doc-fill doc-blank -@node Control Structures +@node Control Structures, Locals, Memory, Words @section Control Structures +@cindex control structures Control structures in Forth cannot be used in interpret state, only in -compile state, i.e., in a colon definition. We do not like this -limitation, but have not seen a satisfying way around it yet, although -many schemes have been proposed. +compile state@footnote{More precisely, they have no interpretation +semantics (@pxref{Interpretation and Compilation Semantics})}, i.e., in +a colon definition. We do not like this limitation, but have not seen a +satisfying way around it yet, although many schemes have been proposed. +@menu +* Selection:: +* Simple Loops:: +* Counted Loops:: +* Arbitrary control structures:: +* Calls and returns:: +* Exception Handling:: +@end menu + +@node Selection, Simple Loops, Control Structures, Control Structures @subsection Selection +@cindex selection control structures +@cindex control structures for selection +@cindex @code{IF} control structure @example @var{flag} IF @@ -581,7 +1262,7 @@ ELSE ENDIF @end example -You can use @code{THEN} instead of {ENDIF}. Indeed, @code{THEN} is +You can use @code{THEN} instead of @code{ENDIF}. Indeed, @code{THEN} is standard, and @code{ENDIF} is not, although it is quite popular. We recommend using @code{ENDIF}, because it is less confusing for people who also know other languages (and is not prone to reinforcing negative @@ -600,15 +1281,19 @@ system that only supplies @code{THEN} is Forth's @code{THEN} has the meaning 2b, whereas @code{THEN} in Pascal and many other programming languages has the meaning 3d.] -We also provide the words @code{?dup-if} and @code{?dup-0=-if}, so you -can avoid using @code{?dup}. +Gforth also provides the words @code{?dup-if} and @code{?dup-0=-if}, so +you can avoid using @code{?dup}. Using these alternatives is also more +efficient than using @code{?dup}. Definitions in plain standard Forth +for @code{ENDIF}, @code{?DUP-IF} and @code{?DUP-0=-IF} are provided in +@file{compat/control.fs}. +@cindex @code{CASE} control structure @example @var{n} CASE @var{n1} OF @var{code1} ENDOF @var{n2} OF @var{code2} ENDOF - @dots + @dots{} ENDCASE @end example @@ -617,8 +1302,12 @@ Executes the first @var{codei}, where th the last @code{ENDOF}. It may use @var{n}, which is on top of the stack, but must not consume it. +@node Simple Loops, Counted Loops, Selection, Control Structures @subsection Simple Loops +@cindex simple loops +@cindex loops without count +@cindex @code{WHILE} loop @example BEGIN @var{code1} @@ -629,8 +1318,10 @@ REPEAT @end example @var{code1} is executed and @var{flag} is computed. If it is true, -@var{code2} is executed and the loop is restarted; If @var{flag} is false, execution continues after the @code{REPEAT}. +@var{code2} is executed and the loop is restarted; If @var{flag} is +false, execution continues after the @code{REPEAT}. +@cindex @code{UNTIL} loop @example BEGIN @var{code} @@ -640,6 +1331,8 @@ UNTIL @var{code} is executed. The loop is restarted if @code{flag} is false. +@cindex endless loop +@cindex loops, endless @example BEGIN @var{code} @@ -648,7 +1341,11 @@ AGAIN This is an endless loop. +@node Counted Loops, Arbitrary control structures, Simple Loops, Control Structures @subsection Counted Loops +@cindex counted loops +@cindex loops, counted +@cindex @code{DO} loops The basic counted loop is: @example @@ -685,42 +1382,58 @@ There are several variations on the coun @code{LEAVE} leaves the innermost counted loop immediately. +If @var{start} is greater than @var{limit}, a @code{?DO} loop is entered +(and @code{LOOP} iterates until they become equal by wrap-around +arithmetic). This behaviour is usually not what you want. Therefore, +Gforth offers @code{+DO} and @code{U+DO} (as replacements for +@code{?DO}), which do not enter the loop if @var{start} is greater than +@var{limit}; @code{+DO} is for signed loop parameters, @code{U+DO} for +unsigned loop parameters. + @code{LOOP} can be replaced with @code{@var{n} +LOOP}; this updates the index by @var{n} instead of by 1. The loop is terminated when the border between @var{limit-1} and @var{limit} is crossed. E.g.: -4 0 ?DO i . 2 +LOOP prints 0 2 +@code{4 0 +DO i . 2 +LOOP} prints @code{0 2} -4 1 ?DO i . 2 +LOOP prints 1 3 +@code{4 1 +DO i . 2 +LOOP} prints @code{1 3} +@cindex negative increment for counted loops +@cindex counted loops with negative increment The behaviour of @code{@var{n} +LOOP} is peculiar when @var{n} is negative: --1 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP prints 0 -1 +@code{-1 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP} prints @code{0 -1} - 0 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP prints nothing +@code{ 0 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP} prints nothing -Therefore we recommend avoiding using @code{@var{n} +LOOP} with negative -@var{n}. One alternative is @code{@var{n} S+LOOP}, where the negative -case behaves symmetrical to the positive case: +Therefore we recommend avoiding @code{@var{n} +LOOP} with negative +@var{n}. One alternative is @code{@var{u} -LOOP}, which reduces the +index by @var{u} each iteration. The loop is terminated when the border +between @var{limit+1} and @var{limit} is crossed. Gforth also provides +@code{-DO} and @code{U-DO} for down-counting loops. E.g.: --2 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP prints 0 -1 +@code{-2 0 -DO i . 1 -LOOP} prints @code{0 -1} --1 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP prints 0 +@code{-1 0 -DO i . 1 -LOOP} prints @code{0} - 0 0 ?DO i . -1 +LOOP prints nothing +@code{ 0 0 -DO i . 1 -LOOP} prints nothing -The loop is terminated when the border between @var{limit-sgn(n)} and -@var{limit} is crossed. However, @code{S+LOOP} is not part of the ANS -Forth standard. +Unfortunately, @code{+DO}, @code{U+DO}, @code{-DO}, @code{U-DO} and +@code{-LOOP} are not in the ANS Forth standard. However, an +implementation for these words that uses only standard words is provided +in @file{compat/loops.fs}. -@code{?DO} can be replaced by @code{DO}. @code{DO} enters the loop even -when the start and the limit value are equal. We do not recommend using -@code{DO}. It will just give you maintenance troubles. +@code{?DO} can also be replaced by @code{DO}. @code{DO} always enters +the loop, independent of the loop parameters. Do not use @code{DO}, even +if you know that the loop is entered in any case. Such knowledge tends +to become invalid during maintenance of a program, and then the +@code{DO} will make trouble. @code{UNLOOP} is used to prepare for an abnormal loop exit, e.g., via @code{EXIT}. @code{UNLOOP} removes the loop control parameters from the return stack so @code{EXIT} can get to its return address. +@cindex @code{FOR} loops Another counted loop is @example @var{n} @@ -729,15 +1442,3853 @@ FOR NEXT @end example This is the preferred loop of native code compiler writers who are too -lazy to optimize @code{?DO} loops properly. In GNU Forth, this loop +lazy to optimize @code{?DO} loops properly. In Gforth, this loop iterates @var{n+1} times; @code{i} produces values starting with @var{n} and ending with 0. Other Forth systems may behave differently, even if -they support @code{FOR} loops. +they support @code{FOR} loops. To avoid problems, don't use @code{FOR} +loops. -@node Locals +@node Arbitrary control structures, Calls and returns, Counted Loops, Control Structures +@subsection Arbitrary control structures +@cindex control structures, user-defined + +@cindex control-flow stack +ANS Forth permits and supports using control structures in a non-nested +way. Information about incomplete control structures is stored on the +control-flow stack. This stack may be implemented on the Forth data +stack, and this is what we have done in Gforth. + +@cindex @code{orig}, control-flow stack item +@cindex @code{dest}, control-flow stack item +An @i{orig} entry represents an unresolved forward branch, a @i{dest} +entry represents a backward branch target. A few words are the basis for +building any control structure possible (except control structures that +need storage, like calls, coroutines, and backtracking). + +doc-if +doc-ahead +doc-then +doc-begin +doc-until +doc-again +doc-cs-pick +doc-cs-roll + +On many systems control-flow stack items take one word, in Gforth they +currently take three (this may change in the future). Therefore it is a +really good idea to manipulate the control flow stack with +@code{cs-pick} and @code{cs-roll}, not with data stack manipulation +words. + +Some standard control structure words are built from these words: + +doc-else +doc-while +doc-repeat + +Gforth adds some more control-structure words: + +doc-endif +doc-?dup-if +doc-?dup-0=-if + +Counted loop words constitute a separate group of words: + +doc-?do +doc-+do +doc-u+do +doc--do +doc-u-do +doc-do +doc-for +doc-loop +doc-+loop +doc--loop +doc-next +doc-leave +doc-?leave +doc-unloop +doc-done + +The standard does not allow using @code{cs-pick} and @code{cs-roll} on +@i{do-sys}. Our system allows it, but it's your job to ensure that for +every @code{?DO} etc. there is exactly one @code{UNLOOP} on any path +through the definition (@code{LOOP} etc. compile an @code{UNLOOP} on the +fall-through path). Also, you have to ensure that all @code{LEAVE}s are +resolved (by using one of the loop-ending words or @code{DONE}). + +Another group of control structure words are + +doc-case +doc-endcase +doc-of +doc-endof + +@i{case-sys} and @i{of-sys} cannot be processed using @code{cs-pick} and +@code{cs-roll}. + +@subsubsection Programming Style + +In order to ensure readability we recommend that you do not create +arbitrary control structures directly, but define new control structure +words for the control structure you want and use these words in your +program. + +E.g., instead of writing + +@example +begin + ... +if [ 1 cs-roll ] + ... +again then +@end example + +we recommend defining control structure words, e.g., + +@example +: while ( dest -- orig dest ) + POSTPONE if + 1 cs-roll ; immediate + +: repeat ( orig dest -- ) + POSTPONE again + POSTPONE then ; immediate +@end example + +and then using these to create the control structure: + +@example +begin + ... +while + ... +repeat +@end example + +That's much easier to read, isn't it? Of course, @code{REPEAT} and +@code{WHILE} are predefined, so in this example it would not be +necessary to define them. + +@node Calls and returns, Exception Handling, Arbitrary control structures, Control Structures +@subsection Calls and returns +@cindex calling a definition +@cindex returning from a definition + +A definition can be called simply be writing the name of the +definition. When the end of the definition is reached, it returns. An +earlier return can be forced using + +doc-exit + +Don't forget to clean up the return stack and @code{UNLOOP} any +outstanding @code{?DO}...@code{LOOP}s before @code{EXIT}ing. The +primitive compiled by @code{EXIT} is + +doc-;s + +@node Exception Handling, , Calls and returns, Control Structures +@subsection Exception Handling +@cindex Exceptions + +doc-catch +doc-throw + +@node Locals, Defining Words, Control Structures, Words @section Locals +@cindex locals + +Local variables can make Forth programming more enjoyable and Forth +programs easier to read. Unfortunately, the locals of ANS Forth are +laden with restrictions. Therefore, we provide not only the ANS Forth +locals wordset, but also our own, more powerful locals wordset (we +implemented the ANS Forth locals wordset through our locals wordset). + +The ideas in this section have also been published in the paper +@cite{Automatic Scoping of Local Variables} by M. Anton Ertl, presented +at EuroForth '94; it is available at +@*@file{http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/papers/ertl94l.ps.gz}. + +@menu +* Gforth locals:: +* ANS Forth locals:: +@end menu + +@node Gforth locals, ANS Forth locals, Locals, Locals +@subsection Gforth locals +@cindex Gforth locals +@cindex locals, Gforth style + +Locals can be defined with + +@example +@{ local1 local2 ... -- comment @} +@end example +or +@example +@{ local1 local2 ... @} +@end example + +E.g., +@example +: max @{ n1 n2 -- n3 @} + n1 n2 > if + n1 + else + n2 + endif ; +@end example + +The similarity of locals definitions with stack comments is intended. A +locals definition often replaces the stack comment of a word. The order +of the locals corresponds to the order in a stack comment and everything +after the @code{--} is really a comment. + +This similarity has one disadvantage: It is too easy to confuse locals +declarations with stack comments, causing bugs and making them hard to +find. However, this problem can be avoided by appropriate coding +conventions: Do not use both notations in the same program. If you do, +they should be distinguished using additional means, e.g. by position. + +@cindex types of locals +@cindex locals types +The name of the local may be preceded by a type specifier, e.g., +@code{F:} for a floating point value: + +@example +: CX* @{ F: Ar F: Ai F: Br F: Bi -- Cr Ci @} +\ complex multiplication + Ar Br f* Ai Bi f* f- + Ar Bi f* Ai Br f* f+ ; +@end example + +@cindex flavours of locals +@cindex locals flavours +@cindex value-flavoured locals +@cindex variable-flavoured locals +Gforth currently supports cells (@code{W:}, @code{W^}), doubles +(@code{D:}, @code{D^}), floats (@code{F:}, @code{F^}) and characters +(@code{C:}, @code{C^}) in two flavours: a value-flavoured local (defined +with @code{W:}, @code{D:} etc.) produces its value and can be changed +with @code{TO}. A variable-flavoured local (defined with @code{W^} etc.) +produces its address (which becomes invalid when the variable's scope is +left). E.g., the standard word @code{emit} can be defined in terms of +@code{type} like this: + +@example +: emit @{ C^ char* -- @} + char* 1 type ; +@end example + +@cindex default type of locals +@cindex locals, default type +A local without type specifier is a @code{W:} local. Both flavours of +locals are initialized with values from the data or FP stack. + +Currently there is no way to define locals with user-defined data +structures, but we are working on it. + +Gforth allows defining locals everywhere in a colon definition. This +poses the following questions: + +@menu +* Where are locals visible by name?:: +* How long do locals live?:: +* Programming Style:: +* Implementation:: +@end menu + +@node Where are locals visible by name?, How long do locals live?, Gforth locals, Gforth locals +@subsubsection Where are locals visible by name? +@cindex locals visibility +@cindex visibility of locals +@cindex scope of locals + +Basically, the answer is that locals are visible where you would expect +it in block-structured languages, and sometimes a little longer. If you +want to restrict the scope of a local, enclose its definition in +@code{SCOPE}...@code{ENDSCOPE}. + +doc-scope +doc-endscope + +These words behave like control structure words, so you can use them +with @code{CS-PICK} and @code{CS-ROLL} to restrict the scope in +arbitrary ways. + +If you want a more exact answer to the visibility question, here's the +basic principle: A local is visible in all places that can only be +reached through the definition of the local@footnote{In compiler +construction terminology, all places dominated by the definition of the +local.}. In other words, it is not visible in places that can be reached +without going through the definition of the local. E.g., locals defined +in @code{IF}...@code{ENDIF} are visible until the @code{ENDIF}, locals +defined in @code{BEGIN}...@code{UNTIL} are visible after the +@code{UNTIL} (until, e.g., a subsequent @code{ENDSCOPE}). + +The reasoning behind this solution is: We want to have the locals +visible as long as it is meaningful. The user can always make the +visibility shorter by using explicit scoping. In a place that can +only be reached through the definition of a local, the meaning of a +local name is clear. In other places it is not: How is the local +initialized at the control flow path that does not contain the +definition? Which local is meant, if the same name is defined twice in +two independent control flow paths? + +This should be enough detail for nearly all users, so you can skip the +rest of this section. If you really must know all the gory details and +options, read on. + +In order to implement this rule, the compiler has to know which places +are unreachable. It knows this automatically after @code{AHEAD}, +@code{AGAIN}, @code{EXIT} and @code{LEAVE}; in other cases (e.g., after +most @code{THROW}s), you can use the word @code{UNREACHABLE} to tell the +compiler that the control flow never reaches that place. If +@code{UNREACHABLE} is not used where it could, the only consequence is +that the visibility of some locals is more limited than the rule above +says. If @code{UNREACHABLE} is used where it should not (i.e., if you +lie to the compiler), buggy code will be produced. + +doc-unreachable + +Another problem with this rule is that at @code{BEGIN}, the compiler +does not know which locals will be visible on the incoming +back-edge. All problems discussed in the following are due to this +ignorance of the compiler (we discuss the problems using @code{BEGIN} +loops as examples; the discussion also applies to @code{?DO} and other +loops). Perhaps the most insidious example is: +@example +AHEAD +BEGIN + x +[ 1 CS-ROLL ] THEN + @{ x @} + ... +UNTIL +@end example + +This should be legal according to the visibility rule. The use of +@code{x} can only be reached through the definition; but that appears +textually below the use. + +From this example it is clear that the visibility rules cannot be fully +implemented without major headaches. Our implementation treats common +cases as advertised and the exceptions are treated in a safe way: The +compiler makes a reasonable guess about the locals visible after a +@code{BEGIN}; if it is too pessimistic, the +user will get a spurious error about the local not being defined; if the +compiler is too optimistic, it will notice this later and issue a +warning. In the case above the compiler would complain about @code{x} +being undefined at its use. You can see from the obscure examples in +this section that it takes quite unusual control structures to get the +compiler into trouble, and even then it will often do fine. + +If the @code{BEGIN} is reachable from above, the most optimistic guess +is that all locals visible before the @code{BEGIN} will also be +visible after the @code{BEGIN}. This guess is valid for all loops that +are entered only through the @code{BEGIN}, in particular, for normal +@code{BEGIN}...@code{WHILE}...@code{REPEAT} and +@code{BEGIN}...@code{UNTIL} loops and it is implemented in our +compiler. When the branch to the @code{BEGIN} is finally generated by +@code{AGAIN} or @code{UNTIL}, the compiler checks the guess and +warns the user if it was too optimistic: +@example +IF + @{ x @} +BEGIN + \ x ? +[ 1 cs-roll ] THEN + ... +UNTIL +@end example + +Here, @code{x} lives only until the @code{BEGIN}, but the compiler +optimistically assumes that it lives until the @code{THEN}. It notices +this difference when it compiles the @code{UNTIL} and issues a +warning. The user can avoid the warning, and make sure that @code{x} +is not used in the wrong area by using explicit scoping: +@example +IF + SCOPE + @{ x @} + ENDSCOPE +BEGIN +[ 1 cs-roll ] THEN + ... +UNTIL +@end example + +Since the guess is optimistic, there will be no spurious error messages +about undefined locals. + +If the @code{BEGIN} is not reachable from above (e.g., after +@code{AHEAD} or @code{EXIT}), the compiler cannot even make an +optimistic guess, as the locals visible after the @code{BEGIN} may be +defined later. Therefore, the compiler assumes that no locals are +visible after the @code{BEGIN}. However, the user can use +@code{ASSUME-LIVE} to make the compiler assume that the same locals are +visible at the BEGIN as at the point where the top control-flow stack +item was created. + +doc-assume-live + +E.g., +@example +@{ x @} +AHEAD +ASSUME-LIVE +BEGIN + x +[ 1 CS-ROLL ] THEN + ... +UNTIL +@end example + +Other cases where the locals are defined before the @code{BEGIN} can be +handled by inserting an appropriate @code{CS-ROLL} before the +@code{ASSUME-LIVE} (and changing the control-flow stack manipulation +behind the @code{ASSUME-LIVE}). + +Cases where locals are defined after the @code{BEGIN} (but should be +visible immediately after the @code{BEGIN}) can only be handled by +rearranging the loop. E.g., the ``most insidious'' example above can be +arranged into: +@example +BEGIN + @{ x @} + ... 0= +WHILE + x +REPEAT +@end example + +@node How long do locals live?, Programming Style, Where are locals visible by name?, Gforth locals +@subsubsection How long do locals live? +@cindex locals lifetime +@cindex lifetime of locals + +The right answer for the lifetime question would be: A local lives at +least as long as it can be accessed. For a value-flavoured local this +means: until the end of its visibility. However, a variable-flavoured +local could be accessed through its address far beyond its visibility +scope. Ultimately, this would mean that such locals would have to be +garbage collected. Since this entails un-Forth-like implementation +complexities, I adopted the same cowardly solution as some other +languages (e.g., C): The local lives only as long as it is visible; +afterwards its address is invalid (and programs that access it +afterwards are erroneous). + +@node Programming Style, Implementation, How long do locals live?, Gforth locals +@subsubsection Programming Style +@cindex locals programming style +@cindex programming style, locals + +The freedom to define locals anywhere has the potential to change +programming styles dramatically. In particular, the need to use the +return stack for intermediate storage vanishes. Moreover, all stack +manipulations (except @code{PICK}s and @code{ROLL}s with run-time +determined arguments) can be eliminated: If the stack items are in the +wrong order, just write a locals definition for all of them; then +write the items in the order you want. + +This seems a little far-fetched and eliminating stack manipulations is +unlikely to become a conscious programming objective. Still, the number +of stack manipulations will be reduced dramatically if local variables +are used liberally (e.g., compare @code{max} in @ref{Gforth locals} with +a traditional implementation of @code{max}). + +This shows one potential benefit of locals: making Forth programs more +readable. Of course, this benefit will only be realized if the +programmers continue to honour the principle of factoring instead of +using the added latitude to make the words longer. + +@cindex single-assignment style for locals +Using @code{TO} can and should be avoided. Without @code{TO}, +every value-flavoured local has only a single assignment and many +advantages of functional languages apply to Forth. I.e., programs are +easier to analyse, to optimize and to read: It is clear from the +definition what the local stands for, it does not turn into something +different later. + +E.g., a definition using @code{TO} might look like this: +@example +: strcmp @{ addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- n @} + u1 u2 min 0 + ?do + addr1 c@@ addr2 c@@ - + ?dup-if + unloop exit + then + addr1 char+ TO addr1 + addr2 char+ TO addr2 + loop + u1 u2 - ; +@end example +Here, @code{TO} is used to update @code{addr1} and @code{addr2} at +every loop iteration. @code{strcmp} is a typical example of the +readability problems of using @code{TO}. When you start reading +@code{strcmp}, you think that @code{addr1} refers to the start of the +string. Only near the end of the loop you realize that it is something +else. + +This can be avoided by defining two locals at the start of the loop that +are initialized with the right value for the current iteration. +@example +: strcmp @{ addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- n @} + addr1 addr2 + u1 u2 min 0 + ?do @{ s1 s2 @} + s1 c@@ s2 c@@ - + ?dup-if + unloop exit + then + s1 char+ s2 char+ + loop + 2drop + u1 u2 - ; +@end example +Here it is clear from the start that @code{s1} has a different value +in every loop iteration. + +@node Implementation, , Programming Style, Gforth locals +@subsubsection Implementation +@cindex locals implementation +@cindex implementation of locals + +@cindex locals stack +Gforth uses an extra locals stack. The most compelling reason for +this is that the return stack is not float-aligned; using an extra stack +also eliminates the problems and restrictions of using the return stack +as locals stack. Like the other stacks, the locals stack grows toward +lower addresses. A few primitives allow an efficient implementation: + +doc-@local# +doc-f@local# +doc-laddr# +doc-lp+!# +doc-lp! +doc->l +doc-f>l + +In addition to these primitives, some specializations of these +primitives for commonly occurring inline arguments are provided for +efficiency reasons, e.g., @code{@@local0} as specialization of +@code{@@local#} for the inline argument 0. The following compiling words +compile the right specialized version, or the general version, as +appropriate: + +doc-compile-@local +doc-compile-f@local +doc-compile-lp+! + +Combinations of conditional branches and @code{lp+!#} like +@code{?branch-lp+!#} (the locals pointer is only changed if the branch +is taken) are provided for efficiency and correctness in loops. + +A special area in the dictionary space is reserved for keeping the +local variable names. @code{@{} switches the dictionary pointer to this +area and @code{@}} switches it back and generates the locals +initializing code. @code{W:} etc.@ are normal defining words. This +special area is cleared at the start of every colon definition. + +@cindex wordlist for defining locals +A special feature of Gforth's dictionary is used to implement the +definition of locals without type specifiers: every wordlist (aka +vocabulary) has its own methods for searching +etc. (@pxref{Wordlists}). For the present purpose we defined a wordlist +with a special search method: When it is searched for a word, it +actually creates that word using @code{W:}. @code{@{} changes the search +order to first search the wordlist containing @code{@}}, @code{W:} etc., +and then the wordlist for defining locals without type specifiers. + +The lifetime rules support a stack discipline within a colon +definition: The lifetime of a local is either nested with other locals +lifetimes or it does not overlap them. + +At @code{BEGIN}, @code{IF}, and @code{AHEAD} no code for locals stack +pointer manipulation is generated. Between control structure words +locals definitions can push locals onto the locals stack. @code{AGAIN} +is the simplest of the other three control flow words. It has to +restore the locals stack depth of the corresponding @code{BEGIN} +before branching. The code looks like this: +@format +@code{lp+!#} current-locals-size @minus{} dest-locals-size +@code{branch} +@end format + +@code{UNTIL} is a little more complicated: If it branches back, it +must adjust the stack just like @code{AGAIN}. But if it falls through, +the locals stack must not be changed. The compiler generates the +following code: +@format +@code{?branch-lp+!#} current-locals-size @minus{} dest-locals-size +@end format +The locals stack pointer is only adjusted if the branch is taken. + +@code{THEN} can produce somewhat inefficient code: +@format +@code{lp+!#} current-locals-size @minus{} orig-locals-size +: +@code{lp+!#} orig-locals-size @minus{} new-locals-size +@end format +The second @code{lp+!#} adjusts the locals stack pointer from the +level at the @var{orig} point to the level after the @code{THEN}. The +first @code{lp+!#} adjusts the locals stack pointer from the current +level to the level at the orig point, so the complete effect is an +adjustment from the current level to the right level after the +@code{THEN}. + +@cindex locals information on the control-flow stack +@cindex control-flow stack items, locals information +In a conventional Forth implementation a dest control-flow stack entry +is just the target address and an orig entry is just the address to be +patched. Our locals implementation adds a wordlist to every orig or dest +item. It is the list of locals visible (or assumed visible) at the point +described by the entry. Our implementation also adds a tag to identify +the kind of entry, in particular to differentiate between live and dead +(reachable and unreachable) orig entries. + +A few unusual operations have to be performed on locals wordlists: + +doc-common-list +doc-sub-list? +doc-list-size + +Several features of our locals wordlist implementation make these +operations easy to implement: The locals wordlists are organised as +linked lists; the tails of these lists are shared, if the lists +contain some of the same locals; and the address of a name is greater +than the address of the names behind it in the list. + +Another important implementation detail is the variable +@code{dead-code}. It is used by @code{BEGIN} and @code{THEN} to +determine if they can be reached directly or only through the branch +that they resolve. @code{dead-code} is set by @code{UNREACHABLE}, +@code{AHEAD}, @code{EXIT} etc., and cleared at the start of a colon +definition, by @code{BEGIN} and usually by @code{THEN}. + +Counted loops are similar to other loops in most respects, but +@code{LEAVE} requires special attention: It performs basically the same +service as @code{AHEAD}, but it does not create a control-flow stack +entry. Therefore the information has to be stored elsewhere; +traditionally, the information was stored in the target fields of the +branches created by the @code{LEAVE}s, by organizing these fields into a +linked list. Unfortunately, this clever trick does not provide enough +space for storing our extended control flow information. Therefore, we +introduce another stack, the leave stack. It contains the control-flow +stack entries for all unresolved @code{LEAVE}s. + +Local names are kept until the end of the colon definition, even if +they are no longer visible in any control-flow path. In a few cases +this may lead to increased space needs for the locals name area, but +usually less than reclaiming this space would cost in code size. + + +@node ANS Forth locals, , Gforth locals, Locals +@subsection ANS Forth locals +@cindex locals, ANS Forth style + +The ANS Forth locals wordset does not define a syntax for locals, but +words that make it possible to define various syntaxes. One of the +possible syntaxes is a subset of the syntax we used in the Gforth locals +wordset, i.e.: + +@example +@{ local1 local2 ... -- comment @} +@end example +or +@example +@{ local1 local2 ... @} +@end example + +The order of the locals corresponds to the order in a stack comment. The +restrictions are: + +@itemize @bullet +@item +Locals can only be cell-sized values (no type specifiers are allowed). +@item +Locals can be defined only outside control structures. +@item +Locals can interfere with explicit usage of the return stack. For the +exact (and long) rules, see the standard. If you don't use return stack +accessing words in a definition using locals, you will be all right. The +purpose of this rule is to make locals implementation on the return +stack easier. +@item +The whole definition must be in one line. +@end itemize + +Locals defined in this way behave like @code{VALUE}s (@xref{Simple +Defining Words}). I.e., they are initialized from the stack. Using their +name produces their value. Their value can be changed using @code{TO}. + +Since this syntax is supported by Gforth directly, you need not do +anything to use it. If you want to port a program using this syntax to +another ANS Forth system, use @file{compat/anslocal.fs} to implement the +syntax on the other system. + +Note that a syntax shown in the standard, section A.13 looks +similar, but is quite different in having the order of locals +reversed. Beware! + +The ANS Forth locals wordset itself consists of the following word + +doc-(local) + +The ANS Forth locals extension wordset defines a syntax, but it is so +awful that we strongly recommend not to use it. We have implemented this +syntax to make porting to Gforth easy, but do not document it here. The +problem with this syntax is that the locals are defined in an order +reversed with respect to the standard stack comment notation, making +programs harder to read, and easier to misread and miswrite. The only +merit of this syntax is that it is easy to implement using the ANS Forth +locals wordset. + +@node Defining Words, Tokens for Words, Locals, Words +@section Defining Words +@cindex defining words + +@menu +* Simple Defining Words:: +* Colon Definitions:: +* User-defined Defining Words:: +* Supplying names:: +* Interpretation and Compilation Semantics:: +@end menu + +@node Simple Defining Words, Colon Definitions, Defining Words, Defining Words +@subsection Simple Defining Words +@cindex simple defining words +@cindex defining words, simple + +doc-constant +doc-2constant +doc-fconstant +doc-variable +doc-2variable +doc-fvariable +doc-create +doc-user +doc-value +doc-to +doc-defer +doc-is + +@node Colon Definitions, User-defined Defining Words, Simple Defining Words, Defining Words +@subsection Colon Definitions +@cindex colon definitions + +@example +: name ( ... -- ... ) + word1 word2 word3 ; +@end example + +creates a word called @code{name}, that, upon execution, executes +@code{word1 word2 word3}. @code{name} is a @dfn{(colon) definition}. + +The explanation above is somewhat superficial. @xref{Interpretation and +Compilation Semantics} for an in-depth discussion of some of the issues +involved. + +doc-: +doc-; + +@node User-defined Defining Words, Supplying names, Colon Definitions, Defining Words +@subsection User-defined Defining Words +@cindex user-defined defining words +@cindex defining words, user-defined + +You can create new defining words simply by wrapping defining-time code +around existing defining words and putting the sequence in a colon +definition. + +@cindex @code{CREATE} ... @code{DOES>} +If you want the words defined with your defining words to behave +differently from words defined with standard defining words, you can +write your defining word like this: + +@example +: def-word ( "name" -- ) + Create @var{code1} +DOES> ( ... -- ... ) + @var{code2} ; + +def-word name +@end example + +Technically, this fragment defines a defining word @code{def-word}, and +a word @code{name}; when you execute @code{name}, the address of the +body of @code{name} is put on the data stack and @var{code2} is executed +(the address of the body of @code{name} is the address @code{HERE} +returns immediately after the @code{CREATE}). + +In other words, if you make the following definitions: + +@example +: def-word1 ( "name" -- ) + Create @var{code1} ; + +: action1 ( ... -- ... ) + @var{code2} ; + +def-word name1 +@end example + +Using @code{name1 action1} is equivalent to using @code{name}. + +E.g., you can implement @code{Constant} in this way: + +@example +: constant ( w "name" -- ) + create , +DOES> ( -- w ) + @@ ; +@end example + +When you create a constant with @code{5 constant five}, first a new word +@code{five} is created, then the value 5 is laid down in the body of +@code{five} with @code{,}. When @code{five} is invoked, the address of +the body is put on the stack, and @code{@@} retrieves the value 5. + +@cindex stack effect of @code{DOES>}-parts +@cindex @code{DOES>}-parts, stack effect +In the example above the stack comment after the @code{DOES>} specifies +the stack effect of the defined words, not the stack effect of the +following code (the following code expects the address of the body on +the top of stack, which is not reflected in the stack comment). This is +the convention that I use and recommend (it clashes a bit with using +locals declarations for stack effect specification, though). + +@subsubsection Applications of @code{CREATE..DOES>} +@cindex @code{CREATE} ... @code{DOES>}, applications + +You may wonder how to use this feature. Here are some usage patterns: + +@cindex factoring similar colon definitions +When you see a sequence of code occurring several times, and you can +identify a meaning, you will factor it out as a colon definition. When +you see similar colon definitions, you can factor them using +@code{CREATE..DOES>}. E.g., an assembler usually defines several words +that look very similar: +@example +: ori, ( reg-target reg-source n -- ) + 0 asm-reg-reg-imm ; +: andi, ( reg-target reg-source n -- ) + 1 asm-reg-reg-imm ; +@end example + +This could be factored with: +@example +: reg-reg-imm ( op-code -- ) + create , +DOES> ( reg-target reg-source n -- ) + @@ asm-reg-reg-imm ; + +0 reg-reg-imm ori, +1 reg-reg-imm andi, +@end example + +@cindex currying +Another view of @code{CREATE..DOES>} is to consider it as a crude way to +supply a part of the parameters for a word (known as @dfn{currying} in +the functional language community). E.g., @code{+} needs two +parameters. Creating versions of @code{+} with one parameter fixed can +be done like this: +@example +: curry+ ( n1 -- ) + create , +DOES> ( n2 -- n1+n2 ) + @@ + ; + + 3 curry+ 3+ +-2 curry+ 2- +@end example + +@subsubsection The gory details of @code{CREATE..DOES>} +@cindex @code{CREATE} ... @code{DOES>}, details + +doc-does> + +@cindex @code{DOES>} in a separate definition +This means that you need not use @code{CREATE} and @code{DOES>} in the +same definition; E.g., you can put the @code{DOES>}-part in a separate +definition. This allows us to, e.g., select among different DOES>-parts: +@example +: does1 +DOES> ( ... -- ... ) + ... ; + +: does2 +DOES> ( ... -- ... ) + ... ; + +: def-word ( ... -- ... ) + create ... + IF + does1 + ELSE + does2 + ENDIF ; +@end example + +@cindex @code{DOES>} in interpretation state +In a standard program you can apply a @code{DOES>}-part only if the last +word was defined with @code{CREATE}. In Gforth, the @code{DOES>}-part +will override the behaviour of the last word defined in any case. In a +standard program, you can use @code{DOES>} only in a colon +definition. In Gforth, you can also use it in interpretation state, in a +kind of one-shot mode: +@example +CREATE name ( ... -- ... ) + @var{initialization} +DOES> + @var{code} ; +@end example +This is equivalent to the standard +@example +:noname +DOES> + @var{code} ; +CREATE name EXECUTE ( ... -- ... ) + @var{initialization} +@end example + +You can get the address of the body of a word with + +doc->body + +@node Supplying names, Interpretation and Compilation Semantics, User-defined Defining Words, Defining Words +@subsection Supplying names for the defined words +@cindex names for defined words +@cindex defining words, name parameter + +@cindex defining words, name given in a string +By default, defining words take the names for the defined words from the +input stream. Sometimes you want to supply the name from a string. You +can do this with + +doc-nextname + +E.g., + +@example +s" foo" nextname create +@end example +is equivalent to +@example +create foo +@end example + +@cindex defining words without name +Sometimes you want to define a word without a name. You can do this with + +doc-noname + +@cindex execution token of last defined word +To make any use of the newly defined word, you need its execution +token. You can get it with + +doc-lastxt + +E.g., you can initialize a deferred word with an anonymous colon +definition: +@example +Defer deferred +noname : ( ... -- ... ) + ... ; +lastxt IS deferred +@end example + +@code{lastxt} also works when the last word was not defined as +@code{noname}. + +The standard has also recognized the need for anonymous words and +provides + +doc-:noname + +This leaves the execution token for the word on the stack after the +closing @code{;}. You can rewrite the last example with @code{:noname}: +@example +Defer deferred +:noname ( ... -- ... ) + ... ; +IS deferred +@end example + +@node Interpretation and Compilation Semantics, , Supplying names, Defining Words +@subsection Interpretation and Compilation Semantics +@cindex semantics, interpretation and compilation + +@cindex interpretation semantics +The @dfn{interpretation semantics} of a word are what the text +interpreter does when it encounters the word in interpret state. It also +appears in some other contexts, e.g., the execution token returned by +@code{' @var{word}} identifies the interpretation semantics of +@var{word} (in other words, @code{' @var{word} execute} is equivalent to +interpret-state text interpretation of @code{@var{word}}). + +@cindex compilation semantics +The @dfn{compilation semantics} of a word are what the text interpreter +does when it encounters the word in compile state. It also appears in +other contexts, e.g, @code{POSTPONE @var{word}} compiles@footnote{In +standard terminology, ``appends to the current definition''.} the +compilation semantics of @var{word}. + +@cindex execution semantics +The standard also talks about @dfn{execution semantics}. They are used +only for defining the interpretation and compilation semantics of many +words. By default, the interpretation semantics of a word are to +@code{execute} its execution semantics, and the compilation semantics of +a word are to @code{compile,} its execution semantics.@footnote{In +standard terminology: The default interpretation semantics are its +execution semantics; the default compilation semantics are to append its +execution semantics to the execution semantics of the current +definition.} + +@cindex immediate words +You can change the compilation semantics into @code{execute}ing the +execution semantics with + +doc-immediate + +@cindex compile-only words +You can remove the interpretation semantics of a word with + +doc-compile-only +doc-restrict + +Note that ticking (@code{'}) compile-only words gives an error +(``Interpreting a compile-only word''). + +Gforth also allows you to define words with arbitrary combinations of +interpretation and compilation semantics. + +doc-interpret/compile: + +This feature was introduced for implementing @code{TO} and @code{S"}. I +recommend that you do not define such words, as cute as they may be: +they make it hard to get at both parts of the word in some contexts. +E.g., assume you want to get an execution token for the compilation +part. Instead, define two words, one that embodies the interpretation +part, and one that embodies the compilation part. + +There is, however, a potentially useful application of this feature: +Providing differing implementations for the default semantics. While +this introduces redundancy and is therefore usually a bad idea, a +performance improvement may be worth the trouble. E.g., consider the +word @code{foobar}: + +@example +: foobar + foo bar ; +@end example + +Let us assume that @code{foobar} is called so frequently that the +calling overhead would take a significant amount of the run-time. We can +optimize it with @code{interpret/compile:}: + +@example +:noname + foo bar ; +:noname + POSTPONE foo POSTPONE bar ; +interpret/compile: foobar +@end example + +This definition has the same interpretation semantics and essentially +the same compilation semantics as the simple definition of +@code{foobar}, but the implementation of the compilation semantics is +more efficient with respect to run-time. + +@cindex state-smart words are a bad idea +Some people try to use state-smart words to emulate the feature provided +by @code{interpret/compile:} (words are state-smart if they check +@code{STATE} during execution). E.g., they would try to code +@code{foobar} like this: + +@example +: foobar + STATE @@ + IF ( compilation state ) + POSTPONE foo POSTPONE bar + ELSE + foo bar + ENDIF ; immediate +@end example + +While this works if @code{foobar} is processed only by the text +interpreter, it does not work in other contexts (like @code{'} or +@code{POSTPONE}). E.g., @code{' foobar} will produce an execution token +for a state-smart word, not for the interpretation semantics of the +original @code{foobar}; when you execute this execution token (directly +with @code{EXECUTE} or indirectly through @code{COMPILE,}) in compile +state, the result will not be what you expected (i.e., it will not +perform @code{foo bar}). State-smart words are a bad idea. Simply don't +write them! + +@cindex defining words with arbitrary semantics combinations +It is also possible to write defining words that define words with +arbitrary combinations of interpretation and compilation semantics (or, +preferably, arbitrary combinations of implementations of the default +semantics). In general, this looks like: + +@example +: def-word + create-interpret/compile + @var{code1} +interpretation> + @var{code2} + + @var{code3} + ( -- n ) + @@ + ( compilation. -- ; run-time. -- n ) + @@ postpone literal + +doc- +doc-body} also gives you the body of a word created with +@code{create-interpret/compile}. + +@node Tokens for Words, Wordlists, Defining Words, Words +@section Tokens for Words +@cindex tokens for words + +This chapter describes the creation and use of tokens that represent +words on the stack (and in data space). + +Named words have interpretation and compilation semantics. Unnamed words +just have execution semantics. + +@cindex execution token +An @dfn{execution token} represents the execution semantics of an +unnamed word. An execution token occupies one cell. As explained in +section @ref{Supplying names}, the execution token of the last words +defined can be produced with + +short-lastxt + +You can perform the semantics represented by an execution token with +doc-execute +You can compile the word with +doc-compile, + +@cindex code field address +@cindex CFA +In Gforth, the abstract data type @emph{execution token} is implemented +as CFA (code field address). + +The interpretation semantics of a named word are also represented by an +execution token. You can get it with + +doc-['] +doc-' + +For literals, you use @code{'} in interpreted code and @code{[']} in +compiled code. Gforth's @code{'} and @code{[']} behave somewhat unusual +by complaining about compile-only words. To get an execution token for a +compiling word @var{X}, use @code{COMP' @var{X} drop} or @code{[COMP'] +@var{X} drop}. + +@cindex compilation token +The compilation semantics are represented by a @dfn{compilation token} +consisting of two cells: @var{w xt}. The top cell @var{xt} is an +execution token. The compilation semantics represented by the +compilation token can be performed with @code{execute}, which consumes +the whole compilation token, with an additional stack effect determined +by the represented compilation semantics. + +doc-[comp'] +doc-comp' + +You can compile the compilation semantics with @code{postpone,}. I.e., +@code{COMP' @var{word} POSTPONE,} is equivalent to @code{POSTPONE +@var{word}}. + +doc-postpone, + +At present, the @var{w} part of a compilation token is an execution +token, and the @var{xt} part represents either @code{execute} or +@code{compile,}. However, don't rely on that knowledge, unless necessary; +we may introduce unusual compilation tokens in the future (e.g., +compilation tokens representing the compilation semantics of literals). + +@cindex name token +@cindex name field address +@cindex NFA +Named words are also represented by the @dfn{name token}. The abstract +data type @emph{name token} is implemented as NFA (name field address). + +doc-find-name +doc-name>int +doc-name?int +doc-name>comp +doc-name>string + +@node Wordlists, Files, Tokens for Words, Words +@section Wordlists + +@node Files, Blocks, Wordlists, Words +@section Files + +@node Blocks, Other I/O, Files, Words +@section Blocks + +@node Other I/O, Programming Tools, Blocks, Words +@section Other I/O + +@node Programming Tools, Assembler and Code words, Other I/O, Words +@section Programming Tools +@cindex programming tools + +@menu +* Debugging:: Simple and quick. +* Assertions:: Making your programs self-checking. +@end menu + +@node Debugging, Assertions, Programming Tools, Programming Tools +@subsection Debugging +@cindex debugging + +The simple debugging aids provided in @file{debugging.fs} +are meant to support a different style of debugging than the +tracing/stepping debuggers used in languages with long turn-around +times. + +A much better (faster) way in fast-compiling languages is to add +printing code at well-selected places, let the program run, look at +the output, see where things went wrong, add more printing code, etc., +until the bug is found. + +The word @code{~~} is easy to insert. It just prints debugging +information (by default the source location and the stack contents). It +is also easy to remove (@kbd{C-x ~} in the Emacs Forth mode to +query-replace them with nothing). The deferred words +@code{printdebugdata} and @code{printdebugline} control the output of +@code{~~}. The default source location output format works well with +Emacs' compilation mode, so you can step through the program at the +source level using @kbd{C-x `} (the advantage over a stepping debugger +is that you can step in any direction and you know where the crash has +happened or where the strange data has occurred). + +Note that the default actions clobber the contents of the pictured +numeric output string, so you should not use @code{~~}, e.g., between +@code{<#} and @code{#>}. + +doc-~~ +doc-printdebugdata +doc-printdebugline + +@node Assertions, , Debugging, Programming Tools +@subsection Assertions +@cindex assertions + +It is a good idea to make your programs self-checking, in particular, if +you use an assumption (e.g., that a certain field of a data structure is +never zero) that may become wrong during maintenance. Gforth supports +assertions for this purpose. They are used like this: + +@example +assert( @var{flag} ) +@end example + +The code between @code{assert(} and @code{)} should compute a flag, that +should be true if everything is alright and false otherwise. It should +not change anything else on the stack. The overall stack effect of the +assertion is @code{( -- )}. E.g. + +@example +assert( 1 1 + 2 = ) \ what we learn in school +assert( dup 0<> ) \ assert that the top of stack is not zero +assert( false ) \ this code should not be reached +@end example + +The need for assertions is different at different times. During +debugging, we want more checking, in production we sometimes care more +for speed. Therefore, assertions can be turned off, i.e., the assertion +becomes a comment. Depending on the importance of an assertion and the +time it takes to check it, you may want to turn off some assertions and +keep others turned on. Gforth provides several levels of assertions for +this purpose: + +doc-assert0( +doc-assert1( +doc-assert2( +doc-assert3( +doc-assert( +doc-) + +@code{Assert(} is the same as @code{assert1(}. The variable +@code{assert-level} specifies the highest assertions that are turned +on. I.e., at the default @code{assert-level} of one, @code{assert0(} and +@code{assert1(} assertions perform checking, while @code{assert2(} and +@code{assert3(} assertions are treated as comments. + +Note that the @code{assert-level} is evaluated at compile-time, not at +run-time. I.e., you cannot turn assertions on or off at run-time, you +have to set the @code{assert-level} appropriately before compiling a +piece of code. You can compile several pieces of code at several +@code{assert-level}s (e.g., a trusted library at level 1 and newly +written code at level 3). + +doc-assert-level + +If an assertion fails, a message compatible with Emacs' compilation mode +is produced and the execution is aborted (currently with @code{ABORT"}. +If there is interest, we will introduce a special throw code. But if you +intend to @code{catch} a specific condition, using @code{throw} is +probably more appropriate than an assertion). + +@node Assembler and Code words, Threading Words, Programming Tools, Words +@section Assembler and Code words +@cindex assembler +@cindex code words + +Gforth provides some words for defining primitives (words written in +machine code), and for defining the the machine-code equivalent of +@code{DOES>}-based defining words. However, the machine-independent +nature of Gforth poses a few problems: First of all, Gforth runs on +several architectures, so it can provide no standard assembler. What's +worse is that the register allocation not only depends on the processor, +but also on the @code{gcc} version and options used. + +The words that Gforth offers encapsulate some system dependences (e.g., the +header structure), so a system-independent assembler may be used in +Gforth. If you do not have an assembler, you can compile machine code +directly with @code{,} and @code{c,}. + +doc-assembler +doc-code +doc-end-code +doc-;code +doc-flush-icache + +If @code{flush-icache} does not work correctly, @code{code} words +etc. will not work (reliably), either. + +These words are rarely used. Therefore they reside in @code{code.fs}, +which is usually not loaded (except @code{flush-icache}, which is always +present). You can load them with @code{require code.fs}. + +@cindex registers of the inner interpreter +In the assembly code you will want to refer to the inner interpreter's +registers (e.g., the data stack pointer) and you may want to use other +registers for temporary storage. Unfortunately, the register allocation +is installation-dependent. + +The easiest solution is to use explicit register declarations +(@pxref{Explicit Reg Vars, , Variables in Specified Registers, gcc.info, +GNU C Manual}) for all of the inner interpreter's registers: You have to +compile Gforth with @code{-DFORCE_REG} (configure option +@code{--enable-force-reg}) and the appropriate declarations must be +present in the @code{machine.h} file (see @code{mips.h} for an example; +you can find a full list of all declarable register symbols with +@code{grep register engine.c}). If you give explicit registers to all +variables that are declared at the beginning of @code{engine()}, you +should be able to use the other caller-saved registers for temporary +storage. Alternatively, you can use the @code{gcc} option +@code{-ffixed-REG} (@pxref{Code Gen Options, , Options for Code +Generation Conventions, gcc.info, GNU C Manual}) to reserve a register +(however, this restriction on register allocation may slow Gforth +significantly). + +If this solution is not viable (e.g., because @code{gcc} does not allow +you to explicitly declare all the registers you need), you have to find +out by looking at the code where the inner interpreter's registers +reside and which registers can be used for temporary storage. You can +get an assembly listing of the engine's code with @code{make engine.s}. + +In any case, it is good practice to abstract your assembly code from the +actual register allocation. E.g., if the data stack pointer resides in +register @code{$17}, create an alias for this register called @code{sp}, +and use that in your assembly code. + +@cindex code words, portable +Another option for implementing normal and defining words efficiently +is: adding the wanted functionality to the source of Gforth. For normal +words you just have to edit @file{primitives} (@pxref{Automatic +Generation}), defining words (equivalent to @code{;CODE} words, for fast +defined words) may require changes in @file{engine.c}, @file{kernal.fs}, +@file{prims2x.fs}, and possibly @file{cross.fs}. + + +@node Threading Words, , Assembler and Code words, Words +@section Threading Words +@cindex threading words + +@cindex code address +These words provide access to code addresses and other threading stuff +in Gforth (and, possibly, other interpretive Forths). It more or less +abstracts away the differences between direct and indirect threading +(and, for direct threading, the machine dependences). However, at +present this wordset is still incomplete. It is also pretty low-level; +some day it will hopefully be made unnecessary by an internals wordset +that abstracts implementation details away completely. + +doc->code-address +doc->does-code +doc-code-address! +doc-does-code! +doc-does-handler! +doc-/does-handler + +The code addresses produced by various defining words are produced by +the following words: + +doc-docol: +doc-docon: +doc-dovar: +doc-douser: +doc-dodefer: +doc-dofield: + +You can recognize words defined by a @code{CREATE}...@code{DOES>} word +with @code{>DOES-CODE}. If the word was defined in that way, the value +returned is different from 0 and identifies the @code{DOES>} used by the +defining word. + +@node Tools, ANS conformance, Words, Top +@chapter Tools + +@menu +* ANS Report:: Report the words used, sorted by wordset. +@end menu + +See also @ref{Emacs and Gforth}. + +@node ANS Report, , Tools, Tools +@section @file{ans-report.fs}: Report the words used, sorted by wordset +@cindex @file{ans-report.fs} +@cindex report the words used in your program +@cindex words used in your program + +If you want to label a Forth program as ANS Forth Program, you must +document which wordsets the program uses; for extension wordsets, it is +helpful to list the words the program requires from these wordsets +(because Forth systems are allowed to provide only some words of them). + +The @file{ans-report.fs} tool makes it easy for you to determine which +words from which wordset and which non-ANS words your application +uses. You simply have to include @file{ans-report.fs} before loading the +program you want to check. After loading your program, you can get the +report with @code{print-ans-report}. A typical use is to run this as +batch job like this: +@example +gforth ans-report.fs myprog.fs -e "print-ans-report bye" +@end example + +The output looks like this (for @file{compat/control.fs}): +@example +The program uses the following words +from CORE : +: POSTPONE THEN ; immediate ?dup IF 0= +from BLOCK-EXT : +\ +from FILE : +( +@end example + +@subsection Caveats + +Note that @file{ans-report.fs} just checks which words are used, not whether +they are used in an ANS Forth conforming way! + +Some words are defined in several wordsets in the +standard. @file{ans-report.fs} reports them for only one of the +wordsets, and not necessarily the one you expect. It depends on usage +which wordset is the right one to specify. E.g., if you only use the +compilation semantics of @code{S"}, it is a Core word; if you also use +its interpretation semantics, it is a File word. + +@c ****************************************************************** +@node ANS conformance, Model, Tools, Top +@chapter ANS conformance +@cindex ANS conformance of Gforth + +To the best of our knowledge, Gforth is an + +ANS Forth System +@itemize @bullet +@item providing the Core Extensions word set +@item providing the Block word set +@item providing the Block Extensions word set +@item providing the Double-Number word set +@item providing the Double-Number Extensions word set +@item providing the Exception word set +@item providing the Exception Extensions word set +@item providing the Facility word set +@item providing @code{MS} and @code{TIME&DATE} from the Facility Extensions word set +@item providing the File Access word set +@item providing the File Access Extensions word set +@item providing the Floating-Point word set +@item providing the Floating-Point Extensions word set +@item providing the Locals word set +@item providing the Locals Extensions word set +@item providing the Memory-Allocation word set +@item providing the Memory-Allocation Extensions word set (that one's easy) +@item providing the Programming-Tools word set +@item providing @code{;CODE}, @code{AHEAD}, @code{ASSEMBLER}, @code{BYE}, @code{CODE}, @code{CS-PICK}, @code{CS-ROLL}, @code{STATE}, @code{[ELSE]}, @code{[IF]}, @code{[THEN]} from the Programming-Tools Extensions word set +@item providing the Search-Order word set +@item providing the Search-Order Extensions word set +@item providing the String word set +@item providing the String Extensions word set (another easy one) +@end itemize + +@cindex system documentation +In addition, ANS Forth systems are required to document certain +implementation choices. This chapter tries to meet these +requirements. In many cases it gives a way to ask the system for the +information instead of providing the information directly, in +particular, if the information depends on the processor, the operating +system or the installation options chosen, or if they are likely to +change during the maintenance of Gforth. + +@comment The framework for the rest has been taken from pfe. + +@menu +* The Core Words:: +* The optional Block word set:: +* The optional Double Number word set:: +* The optional Exception word set:: +* The optional Facility word set:: +* The optional File-Access word set:: +* The optional Floating-Point word set:: +* The optional Locals word set:: +* The optional Memory-Allocation word set:: +* The optional Programming-Tools word set:: +* The optional Search-Order word set:: +@end menu + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The Core Words, The optional Block word set, ANS conformance, ANS conformance +@comment node-name, next, previous, up +@section The Core Words +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex core words, system documentation +@cindex system documentation, core words + +@menu +* core-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* core-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +* core-other:: Other System Documentation +@end menu + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node core-idef, core-ambcond, The Core Words, The Core Words +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex core words, implementation-defined options +@cindex implementation-defined options, core words + + +@table @i +@item (Cell) aligned addresses: +@cindex cell-aligned addresses +@cindex aligned addresses +processor-dependent. Gforth's alignment words perform natural alignment +(e.g., an address aligned for a datum of size 8 is divisible by +8). Unaligned accesses usually result in a @code{-23 THROW}. + +@item @code{EMIT} and non-graphic characters: +@cindex @code{EMIT} and non-graphic characters +@cindex non-graphic characters and @code{EMIT} +The character is output using the C library function (actually, macro) +@code{putc}. + +@item character editing of @code{ACCEPT} and @code{EXPECT}: +@cindex character editing of @code{ACCEPT} and @code{EXPECT} +@cindex editing in @code{ACCEPT} and @code{EXPECT} +@cindex @code{ACCEPT}, editing +@cindex @code{EXPECT}, editing +This is modeled on the GNU readline library (@pxref{Readline +Interaction, , Command Line Editing, readline, The GNU Readline +Library}) with Emacs-like key bindings. @kbd{Tab} deviates a little by +producing a full word completion every time you type it (instead of +producing the common prefix of all completions). + +@item character set: +@cindex character set +The character set of your computer and display device. Gforth is +8-bit-clean (but some other component in your system may make trouble). + +@item Character-aligned address requirements: +@cindex character-aligned address requirements +installation-dependent. Currently a character is represented by a C +@code{unsigned char}; in the future we might switch to @code{wchar_t} +(Comments on that requested). + +@item character-set extensions and matching of names: +@cindex character-set extensions and matching of names +@cindex case sensitivity for name lookup +@cindex name lookup, case sensitivity +@cindex locale and case sensitivity +Any character except the ASCII NUL charcter can be used in a +name. Matching is case-insensitive (except in @code{TABLE}s). The +matching is performed using the C function @code{strncasecmp}, whose +function is probably influenced by the locale. E.g., the @code{C} locale +does not know about accents and umlauts, so they are matched +case-sensitively in that locale. For portability reasons it is best to +write programs such that they work in the @code{C} locale. Then one can +use libraries written by a Polish programmer (who might use words +containing ISO Latin-2 encoded characters) and by a French programmer +(ISO Latin-1) in the same program (of course, @code{WORDS} will produce +funny results for some of the words (which ones, depends on the font you +are using)). Also, the locale you prefer may not be available in other +operating systems. Hopefully, Unicode will solve these problems one day. + +@item conditions under which control characters match a space delimiter: +@cindex space delimiters +@cindex control characters as delimiters +If @code{WORD} is called with the space character as a delimiter, all +white-space characters (as identified by the C macro @code{isspace()}) +are delimiters. @code{PARSE}, on the other hand, treats space like other +delimiters. @code{PARSE-WORD} treats space like @code{WORD}, but behaves +like @code{PARSE} otherwise. @code{(NAME)}, which is used by the outer +interpreter (aka text interpreter) by default, treats all white-space +characters as delimiters. + +@item format of the control flow stack: +@cindex control flow stack, format +The data stack is used as control flow stack. The size of a control flow +stack item in cells is given by the constant @code{cs-item-size}. At the +time of this writing, an item consists of a (pointer to a) locals list +(third), an address in the code (second), and a tag for identifying the +item (TOS). The following tags are used: @code{defstart}, +@code{live-orig}, @code{dead-orig}, @code{dest}, @code{do-dest}, +@code{scopestart}. + +@item conversion of digits > 35 +@cindex digits > 35 +The characters @code{[\]^_'} are the digits with the decimal value +36@minus{}41. There is no way to input many of the larger digits. + +@item display after input terminates in @code{ACCEPT} and @code{EXPECT}: +@cindex @code{EXPECT}, display after end of input +@cindex @code{ACCEPT}, display after end of input +The cursor is moved to the end of the entered string. If the input is +terminated using the @kbd{Return} key, a space is typed. + +@item exception abort sequence of @code{ABORT"}: +@cindex exception abort sequence of @code{ABORT"} +@cindex @code{ABORT"}, exception abort sequence +The error string is stored into the variable @code{"error} and a +@code{-2 throw} is performed. + +@item input line terminator: +@cindex input line terminator +@cindex line terminator on input +@cindex newline charcter on input +For interactive input, @kbd{C-m} (CR) and @kbd{C-j} (LF) terminate +lines. One of these characters is typically produced when you type the +@kbd{Enter} or @kbd{Return} key. + +@item maximum size of a counted string: +@cindex maximum size of a counted string +@cindex counted string, maximum size +@code{s" /counted-string" environment? drop .}. Currently 255 characters +on all ports, but this may change. + +@item maximum size of a parsed string: +@cindex maximum size of a parsed string +@cindex parsed string, maximum size +Given by the constant @code{/line}. Currently 255 characters. + +@item maximum size of a definition name, in characters: +@cindex maximum size of a definition name, in characters +@cindex name, maximum length +31 + +@item maximum string length for @code{ENVIRONMENT?}, in characters: +@cindex maximum string length for @code{ENVIRONMENT?}, in characters +@cindex @code{ENVIRONMENT?} string length, maximum +31 + +@item method of selecting the user input device: +@cindex user input device, method of selecting +The user input device is the standard input. There is currently no way to +change it from within Gforth. However, the input can typically be +redirected in the command line that starts Gforth. + +@item method of selecting the user output device: +@cindex user output device, method of selecting +@code{EMIT} and @code{TYPE} output to the file-id stored in the value +@code{outfile-id} (@code{stdout} by default). Gforth uses buffered +output, so output on a terminal does not become visible before the next +newline or buffer overflow. Output on non-terminals is invisible until +the buffer overflows. + +@item methods of dictionary compilation: +What are we expected to document here? + +@item number of bits in one address unit: +@cindex number of bits in one address unit +@cindex address unit, size in bits +@code{s" address-units-bits" environment? drop .}. 8 in all current +ports. + +@item number representation and arithmetic: +@cindex number representation and arithmetic +Processor-dependent. Binary two's complement on all current ports. + +@item ranges for integer types: +@cindex ranges for integer types +@cindex integer types, ranges +Installation-dependent. Make environmental queries for @code{MAX-N}, +@code{MAX-U}, @code{MAX-D} and @code{MAX-UD}. The lower bounds for +unsigned (and positive) types is 0. The lower bound for signed types on +two's complement and one's complement machines machines can be computed +by adding 1 to the upper bound. + +@item read-only data space regions: +@cindex read-only data space regions +@cindex data-space, read-only regions +The whole Forth data space is writable. + +@item size of buffer at @code{WORD}: +@cindex size of buffer at @code{WORD} +@cindex @code{WORD} buffer size +@code{PAD HERE - .}. 104 characters on 32-bit machines. The buffer is +shared with the pictured numeric output string. If overwriting +@code{PAD} is acceptable, it is as large as the remaining dictionary +space, although only as much can be sensibly used as fits in a counted +string. + +@item size of one cell in address units: +@cindex cell size +@code{1 cells .}. + +@item size of one character in address units: +@cindex char size +@code{1 chars .}. 1 on all current ports. + +@item size of the keyboard terminal buffer: +@cindex size of the keyboard terminal buffer +@cindex terminal buffer, size +Varies. You can determine the size at a specific time using @code{lp@@ +tib - .}. It is shared with the locals stack and TIBs of files that +include the current file. You can change the amount of space for TIBs +and locals stack at Gforth startup with the command line option +@code{-l}. + +@item size of the pictured numeric output buffer: +@cindex size of the pictured numeric output buffer +@cindex pictured numeric output buffer, size +@code{PAD HERE - .}. 104 characters on 32-bit machines. The buffer is +shared with @code{WORD}. + +@item size of the scratch area returned by @code{PAD}: +@cindex size of the scratch area returned by @code{PAD} +@cindex @code{PAD} size +The remainder of dictionary space. @code{unused pad here - - .}. + +@item system case-sensitivity characteristics: +@cindex case-sensitivity characteristics +Dictionary searches are case insensitive (except in +@code{TABLE}s). However, as explained above under @i{character-set +extensions}, the matching for non-ASCII characters is determined by the +locale you are using. In the default @code{C} locale all non-ASCII +characters are matched case-sensitively. + +@item system prompt: +@cindex system prompt +@cindex prompt +@code{ ok} in interpret state, @code{ compiled} in compile state. + +@item division rounding: +@cindex division rounding +installation dependent. @code{s" floored" environment? drop .}. We leave +the choice to @code{gcc} (what to use for @code{/}) and to you (whether +to use @code{fm/mod}, @code{sm/rem} or simply @code{/}). + +@item values of @code{STATE} when true: +@cindex @code{STATE} values +-1. + +@item values returned after arithmetic overflow: +On two's complement machines, arithmetic is performed modulo +2**bits-per-cell for single arithmetic and 4**bits-per-cell for double +arithmetic (with appropriate mapping for signed types). Division by zero +typically results in a @code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified +fault), although a @code{-10 throw} (divide by zero) would be more +appropriate. + +@item whether the current definition can be found after @t{DOES>}: +@cindex @t{DOES>}, visibility of current definition +No. + +@end table + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node core-ambcond, core-other, core-idef, The Core Words +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex core words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, core words + +@table @i + +@item a name is neither a word nor a number: +@cindex name not found +@cindex Undefined word +@code{-13 throw} (Undefined word). Actually, @code{-13 bounce}, which +preserves the data and FP stack, so you don't lose more work than +necessary. + +@item a definition name exceeds the maximum length allowed: +@cindex Word name too long +@code{-19 throw} (Word name too long) + +@item addressing a region not inside the various data spaces of the forth system: +@cindex Invalid memory address +The stacks, code space and name space are accessible. Machine code space is +typically readable. Accessing other addresses gives results dependent on +the operating system. On decent systems: @code{-9 throw} (Invalid memory +address). + +@item argument type incompatible with parameter: +@cindex Argument type mismatch +This is usually not caught. Some words perform checks, e.g., the control +flow words, and issue a @code{ABORT"} or @code{-12 THROW} (Argument type +mismatch). + +@item attempting to obtain the execution token of a word with undefined execution semantics: +@cindex Interpreting a compile-only word, for @code{'} etc. +@cindex execution token of words with undefined execution semantics +@code{-14 throw} (Interpreting a compile-only word). In some cases, you +get an execution token for @code{compile-only-error} (which performs a +@code{-14 throw} when executed). + +@item dividing by zero: +@cindex dividing by zero +@cindex floating point unidentified fault, integer division +@cindex divide by zero +typically results in a @code{-55 throw} (floating point unidentified +fault), although a @code{-10 throw} (divide by zero) would be more +appropriate. + +@item insufficient data stack or return stack space: +@cindex insufficient data stack or return stack space +@cindex stack overflow +@cindex Address alignment exception, stack overflow +@cindex Invalid memory address, stack overflow +Depending on the operating system, the installation, and the invocation +of Gforth, this is either checked by the memory management hardware, or +it is not checked. If it is checked, you typically get a @code{-9 throw} +(Invalid memory address) as soon as the overflow happens. If it is not +check, overflows typically result in mysterious illegal memory accesses, +producing @code{-9 throw} (Invalid memory address) or @code{-23 throw} +(Address alignment exception); they might also destroy the internal data +structure of @code{ALLOCATE} and friends, resulting in various errors in +these words. + +@item insufficient space for loop control parameters: +@cindex insufficient space for loop control parameters +like other return stack overflows. + +@item insufficient space in the dictionary: +@cindex insufficient space in the dictionary +@cindex dictionary overflow +Depending on the operating system, the installation, and the invocation +of Gforth, this is either checked by the memory management hardware, or +it is not checked. Similar results as stack overflows. However, +typically the error appears at a different place when one inserts or +removes code. Also, the @code{THROW} does not relieve the situation (it +does for stack overflows). + +@item interpreting a word with undefined interpretation semantics: +@cindex interpreting a word with undefined interpretation semantics +@cindex Interpreting a compile-only word +For some words, we have defined interpretation semantics. For the +others: @code{-14 throw} (Interpreting a compile-only word). + +@item modifying the contents of the input buffer or a string literal: +@cindex modifying the contents of the input buffer or a string literal +These are located in writable memory and can be modified. + +@item overflow of the pictured numeric output string: +@cindex overflow of the pictured numeric output string +@cindex pictured numeric output string, overflow +Not checked. Runs into the dictionary and destroys it (at least, +partially). + +@item parsed string overflow: +@cindex parsed string overflow +@code{PARSE} cannot overflow. @code{WORD} does not check for overflow. + +@item producing a result out of range: +@cindex result out of range +On two's complement machines, arithmetic is performed modulo +2**bits-per-cell for single arithmetic and 4**bits-per-cell for double +arithmetic (with appropriate mapping for signed types). Division by zero +typically results in a @code{-55 throw} (floatingpoint unidentified +fault), although a @code{-10 throw} (divide by zero) would be more +appropriate. @code{convert} and @code{>number} currently overflow +silently. + +@item reading from an empty data or return stack: +@cindex stack empty +@cindex stack underflow +The data stack is checked by the outer (aka text) interpreter after +every word executed. If it has underflowed, a @code{-4 throw} (Stack +underflow) is performed. Apart from that, stacks may be checked or not, +depending on operating system, installation, and invocation. The +consequences of stack underflows are similar to the consequences of +stack overflows. Note that even if the system uses checking (through the +MMU), your program may have to underflow by a significant number of +stack items to trigger the reaction (the reason for this is that the +MMU, and therefore the checking, works with a page-size granularity). + +@item unexpected end of the input buffer, resulting in an attempt to use a zero-length string as a name: +@cindex unexpected end of the input buffer +@cindex zero-length string as a name +@cindex Attempt to use zero-length string as a name +@code{Create} and its descendants perform a @code{-16 throw} (Attempt to +use zero-length string as a name). Words like @code{'} probably will not +find what they search. Note that it is possible to create zero-length +names with @code{nextname} (should it not?). + +@item @code{>IN} greater than input buffer: +@cindex @code{>IN} greater than input buffer +The next invocation of a parsing word returns a string with length 0. + +@item @code{RECURSE} appears after @code{DOES>}: +@cindex @code{RECURSE} appears after @code{DOES>} +Compiles a recursive call to the defining word, not to the defined word. + +@item argument input source different than current input source for @code{RESTORE-INPUT}: +@cindex argument input source different than current input source for @code{RESTORE-INPUT} +@cindex Argument type mismatch, @code{RESTORE-INPUT} +@cindex @code{RESTORE-INPUT}, Argument type mismatch +@code{-12 THROW}. Note that, once an input file is closed (e.g., because +the end of the file was reached), its source-id may be +reused. Therefore, restoring an input source specification referencing a +closed file may lead to unpredictable results instead of a @code{-12 +THROW}. + +In the future, Gforth may be able to restore input source specifications +from other than the current input source. + +@item data space containing definitions gets de-allocated: +@cindex data space containing definitions gets de-allocated +Deallocation with @code{allot} is not checked. This typically results in +memory access faults or execution of illegal instructions. + +@item data space read/write with incorrect alignment: +@cindex data space read/write with incorrect alignment +@cindex alignment faults +@cindex Address alignment exception +Processor-dependent. Typically results in a @code{-23 throw} (Address +alignment exception). Under Linux on a 486 or later processor with +alignment turned on, incorrect alignment results in a @code{-9 throw} +(Invalid memory address). There are reportedly some processors with +alignment restrictions that do not report them. + +@item data space pointer not properly aligned, @code{,}, @code{C,}: +@cindex data space pointer not properly aligned, @code{,}, @code{C,} +Like other alignment errors. + +@item less than u+2 stack items (@code{PICK} and @code{ROLL}): +Like other stack underflows. + +@item loop control parameters not available: +@cindex loop control parameters not available +Not checked. The counted loop words simply assume that the top of return +stack items are loop control parameters and behave accordingly. + +@item most recent definition does not have a name (@code{IMMEDIATE}): +@cindex most recent definition does not have a name (@code{IMMEDIATE}) +@cindex last word was headerless +@code{abort" last word was headerless"}. + +@item name not defined by @code{VALUE} used by @code{TO}: +@cindex name not defined by @code{VALUE} used by @code{TO} +@cindex @code{TO} on non-@code{VALUE}s +@cindex Invalid name argument, @code{TO} +@code{-32 throw} (Invalid name argument) (unless name is a local or was +defined by @code{CONSTANT}; in the latter case it just changes the constant). + +@item name not found (@code{'}, @code{POSTPONE}, @code{[']}, @code{[COMPILE]}): +@cindex name not found (@code{'}, @code{POSTPONE}, @code{[']}, @code{[COMPILE]}) +@cindex Undefined word, @code{'}, @code{POSTPONE}, @code{[']}, @code{[COMPILE]} +@code{-13 throw} (Undefined word) + +@item parameters are not of the same type (@code{DO}, @code{?DO}, @code{WITHIN}): +@cindex parameters are not of the same type (@code{DO}, @code{?DO}, @code{WITHIN}) +Gforth behaves as if they were of the same type. I.e., you can predict +the behaviour by interpreting all parameters as, e.g., signed. + +@item @code{POSTPONE} or @code{[COMPILE]} applied to @code{TO}: +@cindex @code{POSTPONE} or @code{[COMPILE]} applied to @code{TO} +Assume @code{: X POSTPONE TO ; IMMEDIATE}. @code{X} performs the +compilation semantics of @code{TO}. + +@item String longer than a counted string returned by @code{WORD}: +@cindex String longer than a counted string returned by @code{WORD} +@cindex @code{WORD}, string overflow +Not checked. The string will be ok, but the count will, of course, +contain only the least significant bits of the length. + +@item u greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell (@code{LSHIFT}, @code{RSHIFT}): +@cindex @code{LSHIFT}, large shift counts +@cindex @code{RSHIFT}, large shift counts +Processor-dependent. Typical behaviours are returning 0 and using only +the low bits of the shift count. + +@item word not defined via @code{CREATE}: +@cindex @code{>BODY} of non-@code{CREATE}d words +@code{>BODY} produces the PFA of the word no matter how it was defined. + +@cindex @code{DOES>} of non-@code{CREATE}d words +@code{DOES>} changes the execution semantics of the last defined word no +matter how it was defined. E.g., @code{CONSTANT DOES>} is equivalent to +@code{CREATE , DOES>}. + +@item words improperly used outside @code{<#} and @code{#>}: +Not checked. As usual, you can expect memory faults. + +@end table + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node core-other, , core-ambcond, The Core Words +@subsection Other system documentation +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex other system documentation, core words +@cindex core words, other system documentation + +@table @i +@item nonstandard words using @code{PAD}: +@cindex @code{PAD} use by nonstandard words +None. + +@item operator's terminal facilities available: +@cindex operator's terminal facilities available +After processing the command line, Gforth goes into interactive mode, +and you can give commands to Gforth interactively. The actual facilities +available depend on how you invoke Gforth. + +@item program data space available: +@cindex program data space available +@cindex data space available +@code{UNUSED .} gives the remaining dictionary space. The total +dictionary space can be specified with the @code{-m} switch +(@pxref{Invoking Gforth}) when Gforth starts up. + +@item return stack space available: +@cindex return stack space available +You can compute the total return stack space in cells with +@code{s" RETURN-STACK-CELLS" environment? drop .}. You can specify it at +startup time with the @code{-r} switch (@pxref{Invoking Gforth}). + +@item stack space available: +@cindex stack space available +You can compute the total data stack space in cells with +@code{s" STACK-CELLS" environment? drop .}. You can specify it at +startup time with the @code{-d} switch (@pxref{Invoking Gforth}). + +@item system dictionary space required, in address units: +@cindex system dictionary space required, in address units +Type @code{here forthstart - .} after startup. At the time of this +writing, this gives 80080 (bytes) on a 32-bit system. +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Block word set, The optional Double Number word set, The Core Words, ANS conformance +@section The optional Block word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, block words +@cindex block words, system documentation + +@menu +* block-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* block-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +* block-other:: Other System Documentation +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node block-idef, block-ambcond, The optional Block word set, The optional Block word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, block words +@cindex block words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item the format for display by @code{LIST}: +@cindex @code{LIST} display format +First the screen number is displayed, then 16 lines of 64 characters, +each line preceded by the line number. + +@item the length of a line affected by @code{\}: +@cindex length of a line affected by @code{\} +@cindex @code{\}, line length in blocks +64 characters. +@end table + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node block-ambcond, block-other, block-idef, The optional Block word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex block words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, block words + +@table @i +@item correct block read was not possible: +@cindex block read not possible +Typically results in a @code{throw} of some OS-derived value (between +-512 and -2048). If the blocks file was just not long enough, blanks are +supplied for the missing portion. + +@item I/O exception in block transfer: +@cindex I/O exception in block transfer +@cindex block transfer, I/O exception +Typically results in a @code{throw} of some OS-derived value (between +-512 and -2048). + +@item invalid block number: +@cindex invalid block number +@cindex block number invalid +@code{-35 throw} (Invalid block number) + +@item a program directly alters the contents of @code{BLK}: +@cindex @code{BLK}, altering @code{BLK} +The input stream is switched to that other block, at the same +position. If the storing to @code{BLK} happens when interpreting +non-block input, the system will get quite confused when the block ends. + +@item no current block buffer for @code{UPDATE}: +@cindex @code{UPDATE}, no current block buffer +@code{UPDATE} has no effect. + +@end table + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node block-other, , block-ambcond, The optional Block word set +@subsection Other system documentation +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex other system documentation, block words +@cindex block words, other system documentation + +@table @i +@item any restrictions a multiprogramming system places on the use of buffer addresses: +No restrictions (yet). + +@item the number of blocks available for source and data: +depends on your disk space. + +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Double Number word set, The optional Exception word set, The optional Block word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Double Number word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, double words +@cindex double words, system documentation + +@menu +* double-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node double-ambcond, , The optional Double Number word set, The optional Double Number word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex double words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, double words + +@table @i +@item @var{d} outside of range of @var{n} in @code{D>S}: +@cindex @code{D>S}, @var{d} out of range of @var{n} +The least significant cell of @var{d} is produced. + +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Exception word set, The optional Facility word set, The optional Double Number word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Exception word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, exception words +@cindex exception words, system documentation + +@menu +* exception-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node exception-idef, , The optional Exception word set, The optional Exception word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, exception words +@cindex exception words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item @code{THROW}-codes used in the system: +@cindex @code{THROW}-codes used in the system +The codes -256@minus{}-511 are used for reporting signals. The mapping +from OS signal numbers to throw codes is -256@minus{}@var{signal}. The +codes -512@minus{}-2047 are used for OS errors (for file and memory +allocation operations). The mapping from OS error numbers to throw codes +is -512@minus{}@code{errno}. One side effect of this mapping is that +undefined OS errors produce a message with a strange number; e.g., +@code{-1000 THROW} results in @code{Unknown error 488} on my system. +@end table + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Facility word set, The optional File-Access word set, The optional Exception word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Facility word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, facility words +@cindex facility words, system documentation + +@menu +* facility-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* facility-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node facility-idef, facility-ambcond, The optional Facility word set, The optional Facility word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, facility words +@cindex facility words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item encoding of keyboard events (@code{EKEY}): +@cindex keyboard events, encoding in @code{EKEY} +@cindex @code{EKEY}, encoding of keyboard events +Not yet implemented. + +@item duration of a system clock tick: +@cindex duration of a system clock tick +@cindex clock tick duration +System dependent. With respect to @code{MS}, the time is specified in +microseconds. How well the OS and the hardware implement this, is +another question. + +@item repeatability to be expected from the execution of @code{MS}: +@cindex repeatability to be expected from the execution of @code{MS} +@cindex @code{MS}, repeatability to be expected +System dependent. On Unix, a lot depends on load. If the system is +lightly loaded, and the delay is short enough that Gforth does not get +swapped out, the performance should be acceptable. Under MS-DOS and +other single-tasking systems, it should be good. + +@end table + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node facility-ambcond, , facility-idef, The optional Facility word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex facility words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, facility words + +@table @i +@item @code{AT-XY} can't be performed on user output device: +@cindex @code{AT-XY} can't be performed on user output device +Largely terminal dependent. No range checks are done on the arguments. +No errors are reported. You may see some garbage appearing, you may see +simply nothing happen. + +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional File-Access word set, The optional Floating-Point word set, The optional Facility word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional File-Access word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, file words +@cindex file words, system documentation + +@menu +* file-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* file-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node file-idef, file-ambcond, The optional File-Access word set, The optional File-Access word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, file words +@cindex file words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item file access methods used: +@cindex file access methods used +@code{R/O}, @code{R/W} and @code{BIN} work as you would +expect. @code{W/O} translates into the C file opening mode @code{w} (or +@code{wb}): The file is cleared, if it exists, and created, if it does +not (with both @code{open-file} and @code{create-file}). Under Unix +@code{create-file} creates a file with 666 permissions modified by your +umask. + +@item file exceptions: +@cindex file exceptions +The file words do not raise exceptions (except, perhaps, memory access +faults when you pass illegal addresses or file-ids). + +@item file line terminator: +@cindex file line terminator +System-dependent. Gforth uses C's newline character as line +terminator. What the actual character code(s) of this are is +system-dependent. + +@item file name format: +@cindex file name format +System dependent. Gforth just uses the file name format of your OS. + +@item information returned by @code{FILE-STATUS}: +@cindex @code{FILE-STATUS}, returned information +@code{FILE-STATUS} returns the most powerful file access mode allowed +for the file: Either @code{R/O}, @code{W/O} or @code{R/W}. If the file +cannot be accessed, @code{R/O BIN} is returned. @code{BIN} is applicable +along with the returned mode. + +@item input file state after an exception when including source: +@cindex exception when including source +All files that are left via the exception are closed. + +@item @var{ior} values and meaning: +@cindex @var{ior} values and meaning +The @var{ior}s returned by the file and memory allocation words are +intended as throw codes. They typically are in the range +-512@minus{}-2047 of OS errors. The mapping from OS error numbers to +@var{ior}s is -512@minus{}@var{errno}. + +@item maximum depth of file input nesting: +@cindex maximum depth of file input nesting +@cindex file input nesting, maximum depth +limited by the amount of return stack, locals/TIB stack, and the number +of open files available. This should not give you troubles. + +@item maximum size of input line: +@cindex maximum size of input line +@cindex input line size, maximum +@code{/line}. Currently 255. + +@item methods of mapping block ranges to files: +@cindex mapping block ranges to files +@cindex files containing blocks +@cindex blocks in files +By default, blocks are accessed in the file @file{blocks.fb} in the +current working directory. The file can be switched with @code{USE}. + +@item number of string buffers provided by @code{S"}: +@cindex @code{S"}, number of string buffers +1 + +@item size of string buffer used by @code{S"}: +@cindex @code{S"}, size of string buffer +@code{/line}. currently 255. + +@end table + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node file-ambcond, , file-idef, The optional File-Access word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex file words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, file words + +@table @i +@item attempting to position a file outside its boundaries: +@cindex @code{REPOSITION-FILE}, outside the file's boundaries +@code{REPOSITION-FILE} is performed as usual: Afterwards, +@code{FILE-POSITION} returns the value given to @code{REPOSITION-FILE}. + +@item attempting to read from file positions not yet written: +@cindex reading from file positions not yet written +End-of-file, i.e., zero characters are read and no error is reported. + +@item @var{file-id} is invalid (@code{INCLUDE-FILE}): +@cindex @code{INCLUDE-FILE}, @var{file-id} is invalid +An appropriate exception may be thrown, but a memory fault or other +problem is more probable. + +@item I/O exception reading or closing @var{file-id} (@code{INCLUDE-FILE}, @code{INCLUDED}): +@cindex @code{INCLUDE-FILE}, I/O exception reading or closing @var{file-id} +@cindex @code{INCLUDED}, I/O exception reading or closing @var{file-id} +The @var{ior} produced by the operation, that discovered the problem, is +thrown. + +@item named file cannot be opened (@code{INCLUDED}): +@cindex @code{INCLUDED}, named file cannot be opened +The @var{ior} produced by @code{open-file} is thrown. + +@item requesting an unmapped block number: +@cindex unmapped block numbers +There are no unmapped legal block numbers. On some operating systems, +writing a block with a large number may overflow the file system and +have an error message as consequence. + +@item using @code{source-id} when @code{blk} is non-zero: +@cindex @code{SOURCE-ID}, behaviour when @code{BLK} is non-zero +@code{source-id} performs its function. Typically it will give the id of +the source which loaded the block. (Better ideas?) + +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Floating-Point word set, The optional Locals word set, The optional File-Access word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Floating-Point word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, floating-point words +@cindex floating-point words, system documentation + +@menu +* floating-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* floating-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node floating-idef, floating-ambcond, The optional Floating-Point word set, The optional Floating-Point word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, floating-point words +@cindex floating-point words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item format and range of floating point numbers: +@cindex format and range of floating point numbers +@cindex floating point numbers, format and range +System-dependent; the @code{double} type of C. + +@item results of @code{REPRESENT} when @var{float} is out of range: +@cindex @code{REPRESENT}, results when @var{float} is out of range +System dependent; @code{REPRESENT} is implemented using the C library +function @code{ecvt()} and inherits its behaviour in this respect. + +@item rounding or truncation of floating-point numbers: +@cindex rounding of floating-point numbers +@cindex truncation of floating-point numbers +@cindex floating-point numbers, rounding or truncation +System dependent; the rounding behaviour is inherited from the hosting C +compiler. IEEE-FP-based (i.e., most) systems by default round to +nearest, and break ties by rounding to even (i.e., such that the last +bit of the mantissa is 0). + +@item size of floating-point stack: +@cindex floating-point stack size +@code{s" FLOATING-STACK" environment? drop .} gives the total size of +the floating-point stack (in floats). You can specify this on startup +with the command-line option @code{-f} (@pxref{Invoking Gforth}). + +@item width of floating-point stack: +@cindex floating-point stack width +@code{1 floats}. + +@end table + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node floating-ambcond, , floating-idef, The optional Floating-Point word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex floating-point words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, floating-point words + +@table @i +@item @code{df@@} or @code{df!} used with an address that is not double-float aligned: +@cindex @code{df@@} or @code{df!} used with an address that is not double-float aligned +System-dependent. Typically results in a @code{-23 THROW} like other +alignment violations. + +@item @code{f@@} or @code{f!} used with an address that is not float aligned: +@cindex @code{f@@} used with an address that is not float aligned +@cindex @code{f!} used with an address that is not float aligned +System-dependent. Typically results in a @code{-23 THROW} like other +alignment violations. + +@item floating-point result out of range: +@cindex floating-point result out of range +System-dependent. Can result in a @code{-55 THROW} (Floating-point +unidentified fault), or can produce a special value representing, e.g., +Infinity. + +@item @code{sf@@} or @code{sf!} used with an address that is not single-float aligned: +@cindex @code{sf@@} or @code{sf!} used with an address that is not single-float aligned +System-dependent. Typically results in an alignment fault like other +alignment violations. + +@item @code{BASE} is not decimal (@code{REPRESENT}, @code{F.}, @code{FE.}, @code{FS.}): +@cindex @code{BASE} is not decimal (@code{REPRESENT}, @code{F.}, @code{FE.}, @code{FS.}) +The floating-point number is converted into decimal nonetheless. + +@item Both arguments are equal to zero (@code{FATAN2}): +@cindex @code{FATAN2}, both arguments are equal to zero +System-dependent. @code{FATAN2} is implemented using the C library +function @code{atan2()}. + +@item Using @code{FTAN} on an argument @var{r1} where cos(@var{r1}) is zero: +@cindex @code{FTAN} on an argument @var{r1} where cos(@var{r1}) is zero +System-dependent. Anyway, typically the cos of @var{r1} will not be zero +because of small errors and the tan will be a very large (or very small) +but finite number. + +@item @var{d} cannot be presented precisely as a float in @code{D>F}: +@cindex @code{D>F}, @var{d} cannot be presented precisely as a float +The result is rounded to the nearest float. + +@item dividing by zero: +@cindex dividing by zero, floating-point +@cindex floating-point dividing by zero +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, FP divide-by-zero +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault) + +@item exponent too big for conversion (@code{DF!}, @code{DF@@}, @code{SF!}, @code{SF@@}): +@cindex exponent too big for conversion (@code{DF!}, @code{DF@@}, @code{SF!}, @code{SF@@}) +System dependent. On IEEE-FP based systems the number is converted into +an infinity. + +@item @var{float}<1 (@code{FACOSH}): +@cindex @code{FACOSH}, @var{float}<1 +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, @code{FACOSH} +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault) + +@item @var{float}=<-1 (@code{FLNP1}): +@cindex @code{FLNP1}, @var{float}=<-1 +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, @code{FLNP1} +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault). On IEEE-FP systems +negative infinity is typically produced for @var{float}=-1. + +@item @var{float}=<0 (@code{FLN}, @code{FLOG}): +@cindex @code{FLN}, @var{float}=<0 +@cindex @code{FLOG}, @var{float}=<0 +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, @code{FLN} or @code{FLOG} +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault). On IEEE-FP systems +negative infinity is typically produced for @var{float}=0. + +@item @var{float}<0 (@code{FASINH}, @code{FSQRT}): +@cindex @code{FASINH}, @var{float}<0 +@cindex @code{FSQRT}, @var{float}<0 +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, @code{FASINH} or @code{FSQRT} +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault). @code{fasinh} +produces values for these inputs on my Linux box (Bug in the C library?) + +@item |@var{float}|>1 (@code{FACOS}, @code{FASIN}, @code{FATANH}): +@cindex @code{FACOS}, |@var{float}|>1 +@cindex @code{FASIN}, |@var{float}|>1 +@cindex @code{FATANH}, |@var{float}|>1 +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, @code{FACOS}, @code{FASIN} or @code{FATANH} +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault). + +@item integer part of float cannot be represented by @var{d} in @code{F>D}: +@cindex @code{F>D}, integer part of float cannot be represented by @var{d} +@cindex floating-point unidentified fault, @code{F>D} +@code{-55 throw} (Floating-point unidentified fault). + +@item string larger than pictured numeric output area (@code{f.}, @code{fe.}, @code{fs.}): +@cindex string larger than pictured numeric output area (@code{f.}, @code{fe.}, @code{fs.}) +This does not happen. +@end table + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Locals word set, The optional Memory-Allocation word set, The optional Floating-Point word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Locals word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, locals words +@cindex locals words, system documentation + +@menu +* locals-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* locals-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node locals-idef, locals-ambcond, The optional Locals word set, The optional Locals word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, locals words +@cindex locals words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item maximum number of locals in a definition: +@cindex maximum number of locals in a definition +@cindex locals, maximum number in a definition +@code{s" #locals" environment? drop .}. Currently 15. This is a lower +bound, e.g., on a 32-bit machine there can be 41 locals of up to 8 +characters. The number of locals in a definition is bounded by the size +of locals-buffer, which contains the names of the locals. + +@end table + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node locals-ambcond, , locals-idef, The optional Locals word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex locals words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, locals words + +@table @i +@item executing a named local in interpretation state: +@cindex local in interpretation state +@cindex Interpreting a compile-only word, for a local +Locals have no interpretation semantics. If you try to perform the +interpretation semantics, you will get a @code{-14 throw} somewhere +(Interpreting a compile-only word). If you perform the compilation +semantics, the locals access will be compiled (irrespective of state). + +@item @var{name} not defined by @code{VALUE} or @code{(LOCAL)} (@code{TO}): +@cindex name not defined by @code{VALUE} or @code{(LOCAL)} used by @code{TO} +@cindex @code{TO} on non-@code{VALUE}s and non-locals +@cindex Invalid name argument, @code{TO} +@code{-32 throw} (Invalid name argument) + +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Memory-Allocation word set, The optional Programming-Tools word set, The optional Locals word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Memory-Allocation word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, memory-allocation words +@cindex memory-allocation words, system documentation + +@menu +* memory-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node memory-idef, , The optional Memory-Allocation word set, The optional Memory-Allocation word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, memory-allocation words +@cindex memory-allocation words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item values and meaning of @var{ior}: +@cindex @var{ior} values and meaning +The @var{ior}s returned by the file and memory allocation words are +intended as throw codes. They typically are in the range +-512@minus{}-2047 of OS errors. The mapping from OS error numbers to +@var{ior}s is -512@minus{}@var{errno}. + +@end table + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Programming-Tools word set, The optional Search-Order word set, The optional Memory-Allocation word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Programming-Tools word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, programming-tools words +@cindex programming-tools words, system documentation + +@menu +* programming-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* programming-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node programming-idef, programming-ambcond, The optional Programming-Tools word set, The optional Programming-Tools word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, programming-tools words +@cindex programming-tools words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item ending sequence for input following @code{;CODE} and @code{CODE}: +@cindex @code{;CODE} ending sequence +@cindex @code{CODE} ending sequence +@code{END-CODE} + +@item manner of processing input following @code{;CODE} and @code{CODE}: +@cindex @code{;CODE}, processing input +@cindex @code{CODE}, processing input +The @code{ASSEMBLER} vocabulary is pushed on the search order stack, and +the input is processed by the text interpreter, (starting) in interpret +state. + +@item search order capability for @code{EDITOR} and @code{ASSEMBLER}: +@cindex @code{ASSEMBLER}, search order capability +The ANS Forth search order word set. + +@item source and format of display by @code{SEE}: +@cindex @code{SEE}, source and format of output +The source for @code{see} is the intermediate code used by the inner +interpreter. The current @code{see} tries to output Forth source code +as well as possible. + +@end table + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node programming-ambcond, , programming-idef, The optional Programming-Tools word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex programming-tools words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, programming-tools words + +@table @i + +@item deleting the compilation wordlist (@code{FORGET}): +@cindex @code{FORGET}, deleting the compilation wordlist +Not implemented (yet). + +@item fewer than @var{u}+1 items on the control flow stack (@code{CS-PICK}, @code{CS-ROLL}): +@cindex @code{CS-PICK}, fewer than @var{u}+1 items on the control flow stack +@cindex @code{CS-ROLL}, fewer than @var{u}+1 items on the control flow stack +@cindex control-flow stack underflow +This typically results in an @code{abort"} with a descriptive error +message (may change into a @code{-22 throw} (Control structure mismatch) +in the future). You may also get a memory access error. If you are +unlucky, this ambiguous condition is not caught. + +@item @var{name} can't be found (@code{FORGET}): +@cindex @code{FORGET}, @var{name} can't be found +Not implemented (yet). + +@item @var{name} not defined via @code{CREATE}: +@cindex @code{;CODE}, @var{name} not defined via @code{CREATE} +@code{;CODE} behaves like @code{DOES>} in this respect, i.e., it changes +the execution semantics of the last defined word no matter how it was +defined. + +@item @code{POSTPONE} applied to @code{[IF]}: +@cindex @code{POSTPONE} applied to @code{[IF]} +@cindex @code{[IF]} and @code{POSTPONE} +After defining @code{: X POSTPONE [IF] ; IMMEDIATE}. @code{X} is +equivalent to @code{[IF]}. + +@item reaching the end of the input source before matching @code{[ELSE]} or @code{[THEN]}: +@cindex @code{[IF]}, end of the input source before matching @code{[ELSE]} or @code{[THEN]} +Continue in the same state of conditional compilation in the next outer +input source. Currently there is no warning to the user about this. + +@item removing a needed definition (@code{FORGET}): +@cindex @code{FORGET}, removing a needed definition +Not implemented (yet). + +@end table + + +@c ===================================================================== +@node The optional Search-Order word set, , The optional Programming-Tools word set, ANS conformance +@section The optional Search-Order word set +@c ===================================================================== +@cindex system documentation, search-order words +@cindex search-order words, system documentation + +@menu +* search-idef:: Implementation Defined Options +* search-ambcond:: Ambiguous Conditions +@end menu + + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node search-idef, search-ambcond, The optional Search-Order word set, The optional Search-Order word set +@subsection Implementation Defined Options +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex implementation-defined options, search-order words +@cindex search-order words, implementation-defined options + +@table @i +@item maximum number of word lists in search order: +@cindex maximum number of word lists in search order +@cindex search order, maximum depth +@code{s" wordlists" environment? drop .}. Currently 16. + +@item minimum search order: +@cindex minimum search order +@cindex search order, minimum +@code{root root}. + +@end table + +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@node search-ambcond, , search-idef, The optional Search-Order word set +@subsection Ambiguous conditions +@c --------------------------------------------------------------------- +@cindex search-order words, ambiguous conditions +@cindex ambiguous conditions, search-order words + +@table @i +@item changing the compilation wordlist (during compilation): +@cindex changing the compilation wordlist (during compilation) +@cindex compilation wordlist, change before definition ends +The word is entered into the wordlist that was the compilation wordlist +at the start of the definition. Any changes to the name field (e.g., +@code{immediate}) or the code field (e.g., when executing @code{DOES>}) +are applied to the latest defined word (as reported by @code{last} or +@code{lastxt}), if possible, irrespective of the compilation wordlist. + +@item search order empty (@code{previous}): +@cindex @code{previous}, search order empty +@cindex Vocstack empty, @code{previous} +@code{abort" Vocstack empty"}. + +@item too many word lists in search order (@code{also}): +@cindex @code{also}, too many word lists in search order +@cindex Vocstack full, @code{also} +@code{abort" Vocstack full"}. + +@end table + +@c *************************************************************** +@node Model, Integrating Gforth, ANS conformance, Top +@chapter Model + +This chapter has yet to be written. It will contain information, on +which internal structures you can rely. + +@c *************************************************************** +@node Integrating Gforth, Emacs and Gforth, Model, Top +@chapter Integrating Gforth into C programs + +This is not yet implemented. + +Several people like to use Forth as scripting language for applications +that are otherwise written in C, C++, or some other language. + +The Forth system ATLAST provides facilities for embedding it into +applications; unfortunately it has several disadvantages: most +importantly, it is not based on ANS Forth, and it is apparently dead +(i.e., not developed further and not supported). The facilities +provided by Gforth in this area are inspired by ATLASTs facilities, so +making the switch should not be hard. + +We also tried to design the interface such that it can easily be +implemented by other Forth systems, so that we may one day arrive at a +standardized interface. Such a standard interface would allow you to +replace the Forth system without having to rewrite C code. + +You embed the Gforth interpreter by linking with the library +@code{libgforth.a} (give the compiler the option @code{-lgforth}). All +global symbols in this library that belong to the interface, have the +prefix @code{forth_}. (Global symbols that are used internally have the +prefix @code{gforth_}). + +You can include the declarations of Forth types and the functions and +variables of the interface with @code{#include }. + +Types. + +Variables. + +Data and FP Stack pointer. Area sizes. + +functions. + +forth_init(imagefile) +forth_evaluate(string) exceptions? +forth_goto(address) (or forth_execute(xt)?) +forth_continue() (a corountining mechanism) + +Adding primitives. + +No checking. + +Signals? + +Accessing the Stacks + +@node Emacs and Gforth, Image Files, Integrating Gforth, Top +@chapter Emacs and Gforth +@cindex Emacs and Gforth + +@cindex @file{gforth.el} +@cindex @file{forth.el} +@cindex Rydqvist, Goran +@cindex comment editing commands +@cindex @code{\}, editing with Emacs +@cindex debug tracer editing commands +@cindex @code{~~}, removal with Emacs +@cindex Forth mode in Emacs +Gforth comes with @file{gforth.el}, an improved version of +@file{forth.el} by Goran Rydqvist (included in the TILE package). The +improvements are a better (but still not perfect) handling of +indentation. I have also added comment paragraph filling (@kbd{M-q}), +commenting (@kbd{C-x \}) and uncommenting (@kbd{C-u C-x \}) regions and +removing debugging tracers (@kbd{C-x ~}, @pxref{Debugging}). I left the +stuff I do not use alone, even though some of it only makes sense for +TILE. To get a description of these features, enter Forth mode and type +@kbd{C-h m}. + +@cindex source location of error or debugging output in Emacs +@cindex error output, finding the source location in Emacs +@cindex debugging output, finding the source location in Emacs +In addition, Gforth supports Emacs quite well: The source code locations +given in error messages, debugging output (from @code{~~}) and failed +assertion messages are in the right format for Emacs' compilation mode +(@pxref{Compilation, , Running Compilations under Emacs, emacs, Emacs +Manual}) so the source location corresponding to an error or other +message is only a few keystrokes away (@kbd{C-x `} for the next error, +@kbd{C-c C-c} for the error under the cursor). + +@cindex @file{TAGS} file +@cindex @file{etags.fs} +@cindex viewing the source of a word in Emacs +Also, if you @code{include} @file{etags.fs}, a new @file{TAGS} file +(@pxref{Tags, , Tags Tables, emacs, Emacs Manual}) will be produced that +contains the definitions of all words defined afterwards. You can then +find the source for a word using @kbd{M-.}. Note that emacs can use +several tags files at the same time (e.g., one for the Gforth sources +and one for your program, @pxref{Select Tags Table,,Selecting a Tags +Table,emacs, Emacs Manual}). The TAGS file for the preloaded words is +@file{$(datadir)/gforth/$(VERSION)/TAGS} (e.g., +@file{/usr/local/share/gforth/0.2.0/TAGS}). + +@cindex @file{.emacs} +To get all these benefits, add the following lines to your @file{.emacs} +file: + +@example +(autoload 'forth-mode "gforth.el") +(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.fs\\'" . forth-mode) auto-mode-alist)) +@end example + +@node Image Files, Engine, Emacs and Gforth, Top +@chapter Image Files +@cindex image files +@cindex @code{.fi} files +@cindex precompiled Forth code +@cindex dictionary in persistent form +@cindex persistent form of dictionary + +An image file is a file containing an image of the Forth dictionary, +i.e., compiled Forth code and data residing in the dictionary. By +convention, we use the extension @code{.fi} for image files. + +@menu +* Image File Background:: Why have image files? +* Non-Relocatable Image Files:: don't always work. +* Data-Relocatable Image Files:: are better. +* Fully Relocatable Image Files:: better yet. +* Stack and Dictionary Sizes:: Setting the default sizes for an image. +* Running Image Files:: @code{gforth -i @var{file}} or @var{file}. +* Modifying the Startup Sequence:: and turnkey applications. +@end menu + +@node Image File Background, Non-Relocatable Image Files, Image Files, Image Files +@section Image File Background +@cindex image file background + +Our Forth system consists not only of primitives, but also of +definitions written in Forth. Since the Forth compiler itself belongs to +those definitions, it is not possible to start the system with the +primitives and the Forth source alone. Therefore we provide the Forth +code as an image file in nearly executable form. At the start of the +system a C routine loads the image file into memory, optionally +relocates the addresses, then sets up the memory (stacks etc.) according +to information in the image file, and starts executing Forth code. + +The image file variants represent different compromises between the +goals of making it easy to generate image files and making them +portable. + +@cindex relocation at run-time +Win32Forth 3.4 and Mitch Bradleys @code{cforth} use relocation at +run-time. This avoids many of the complications discussed below (image +files are data relocatable without further ado), but costs performance +(one addition per memory access). + +@cindex relocation at load-time +By contrast, our loader performs relocation at image load time. The +loader also has to replace tokens standing for primitive calls with the +appropriate code-field addresses (or code addresses in the case of +direct threading). + +There are three kinds of image files, with different degrees of +relocatability: non-relocatable, data-relocatable, and fully relocatable +image files. + +@cindex image file loader +@cindex relocating loader +@cindex loader for image files +These image file variants have several restrictions in common; they are +caused by the design of the image file loader: + +@itemize @bullet +@item +There is only one segment; in particular, this means, that an image file +cannot represent @code{ALLOCATE}d memory chunks (and pointers to +them). And the contents of the stacks are not represented, either. + +@item +The only kinds of relocation supported are: adding the same offset to +all cells that represent data addresses; and replacing special tokens +with code addresses or with pieces of machine code. + +If any complex computations involving addresses are performed, the +results cannot be represented in the image file. Several applications that +use such computations come to mind: +@itemize @minus +@item +Hashing addresses (or data structures which contain addresses) for table +lookup. If you use Gforth's @code{table}s or @code{wordlist}s for this +purpose, you will have no problem, because the hash tables are +recomputed automatically when the system is started. If you use your own +hash tables, you will have to do something similar. + +@item +There's a cute implementation of doubly-linked lists that uses +@code{XOR}ed addresses. You could represent such lists as singly-linked +in the image file, and restore the doubly-linked representation on +startup.@footnote{In my opinion, though, you should think thrice before +using a doubly-linked list (whatever implementation).} + +@item +The code addresses of run-time routines like @code{docol:} cannot be +represented in the image file (because their tokens would be replaced by +machine code in direct threaded implementations). As a workaround, +compute these addresses at run-time with @code{>code-address} from the +executions tokens of appropriate words (see the definitions of +@code{docol:} and friends in @file{kernel.fs}). + +@item +On many architectures addresses are represented in machine code in some +shifted or mangled form. You cannot put @code{CODE} words that contain +absolute addresses in this form in a relocatable image file. Workarounds +are representing the address in some relative form (e.g., relative to +the CFA, which is present in some register), or loading the address from +a place where it is stored in a non-mangled form. +@end itemize +@end itemize + +@node Non-Relocatable Image Files, Data-Relocatable Image Files, Image File Background, Image Files +@section Non-Relocatable Image Files +@cindex non-relocatable image files +@cindex image files, non-relocatable + +These files are simple memory dumps of the dictionary. They are specific +to the executable (i.e., @file{gforth} file) they were created +with. What's worse, they are specific to the place on which the +dictionary resided when the image was created. Now, there is no +guarantee that the dictionary will reside at the same place the next +time you start Gforth, so there's no guarantee that a non-relocatable +image will work the next time (Gforth will complain instead of crashing, +though). + +You can create a non-relocatable image file with + +doc-savesystem + +@node Data-Relocatable Image Files, Fully Relocatable Image Files, Non-Relocatable Image Files, Image Files +@section Data-Relocatable Image Files +@cindex data-relocatable image files +@cindex image files, data-relocatable + +These files contain relocatable data addresses, but fixed code addresses +(instead of tokens). They are specific to the executable (i.e., +@file{gforth} file) they were created with. For direct threading on some +architectures (e.g., the i386), data-relocatable images do not work. You +get a data-relocatable image, if you use @file{gforth-makeimage} with a +Gforth binary that is not doubly indirect threaded (@pxref{Fully +Relocatable Image Files}). + +@node Fully Relocatable Image Files, Stack and Dictionary Sizes, Data-Relocatable Image Files, Image Files +@section Fully Relocatable Image Files +@cindex fully relocatable image files +@cindex image files, fully relocatable + +@cindex @file{kern*.fi}, relocatability +@cindex @file{gforth.fi}, relocatability +These image files have relocatable data addresses, and tokens for code +addresses. They can be used with different binaries (e.g., with and +without debugging) on the same machine, and even across machines with +the same data formats (byte order, cell size, floating point +format). However, they are usually specific to the version of Gforth +they were created with. The files @file{gforth.fi} and @file{kernl*.fi} +are fully relocatable. + +There are two ways to create a fully relocatable image file: + +@menu +* gforth-makeimage:: The normal way +* cross.fs:: The hard way +@end menu + +@node gforth-makeimage, cross.fs, Fully Relocatable Image Files, Fully Relocatable Image Files +@subsection @file{gforth-makeimage} +@cindex @file{comp-image.fs} +@cindex @file{gforth-makeimage} + +You will usually use @file{gforth-makeimage}. If you want to create an +image @var{file} that contains everything you would load by invoking +Gforth with @code{gforth @var{options}}, you simply say +@example +gforth-makeimage @var{file} @var{options} +@end example + +E.g., if you want to create an image @file{asm.fi} that has the file +@file{asm.fs} loaded in addition to the usual stuff, you could do it +like this: + +@example +gforth-makeimage asm.fi asm.fs +@end example + +@file{gforth-makeimage} works like this: It produces two non-relocatable +images for different addresses and then compares them. Its output +reflects this: first you see the output (if any) of the two Gforth +invocations that produce the nonrelocatable image files, then you see +the output of the comparing program: It displays the offset used for +data addresses and the offset used for code addresses; +moreover, for each cell that cannot be represented correctly in the +image files, it displays a line like the following one: + +@example + 78DC BFFFFA50 BFFFFA40 +@end example + +This means that at offset $78dc from @code{forthstart}, one input image +contains $bffffa50, and the other contains $bffffa40. Since these cells +cannot be represented correctly in the output image, you should examine +these places in the dictionary and verify that these cells are dead +(i.e., not read before they are written). + +There are a few wrinkles: After processing the passed @var{options}, the +words @code{savesystem} and @code{bye} must be visible. A special doubly +indirect threaded version of the @file{gforth} executable is used for +creating the nonrelocatable images; you can pass the exact filename of +this executable through the environment variable @code{GFORTHD} +(default: @file{gforth-ditc}); if you pass a version that is not doubly +indirect threaded, you will not get a fully relocatable image, but a +data-relocatable image (because there is no code address offset). + +@node cross.fs, , gforth-makeimage, Fully Relocatable Image Files +@subsection @file{cross.fs} +@cindex @file{cross.fs} +@cindex cross-compiler +@cindex metacompiler + +You can also use @code{cross}, a batch compiler that accepts a Forth-like +programming language. This @code{cross} language has to be documented +yet. + +@cindex target compiler +@code{cross} also allows you to create image files for machines with +different data sizes and data formats than the one used for generating +the image file. You can also use it to create an application image that +does not contain a Forth compiler. These features are bought with +restrictions and inconveniences in programming. E.g., addresses have to +be stored in memory with special words (@code{A!}, @code{A,}, etc.) in +order to make the code relocatable. + + +@node Stack and Dictionary Sizes, Running Image Files, Fully Relocatable Image Files, Image Files +@section Stack and Dictionary Sizes +@cindex image file, stack and dictionary sizes +@cindex dictionary size default +@cindex stack size default + +If you invoke Gforth with a command line flag for the size +(@pxref{Invoking Gforth}), the size you specify is stored in the +dictionary. If you save the dictionary with @code{savesystem} or create +an image with @file{gforth-makeimage}, this size will become the default +for the resulting image file. E.g., the following will create a +fully relocatable version of gforth.fi with a 1MB dictionary: + +@example +gforth-makeimage gforth.fi -m 1M +@end example + +In other words, if you want to set the default size for the dictionary +and the stacks of an image, just invoke @file{gforth-makeimage} with the +appropriate options when creating the image. + +@cindex stack size, cache-friendly +Note: For cache-friendly behaviour (i.e., good performance), you should +make the sizes of the stacks modulo, say, 2K, somewhat different. E.g., +the default stack sizes are: data: 16k (mod 2k=0); fp: 15.5k (mod +2k=1.5k); return: 15k(mod 2k=1k); locals: 14.5k (mod 2k=0.5k). + +@node Running Image Files, Modifying the Startup Sequence, Stack and Dictionary Sizes, Image Files +@section Running Image Files +@cindex running image files +@cindex invoking image files +@cindex image file invocation + +@cindex -i, invoke image file +@cindex --image file, invoke image file +You can invoke Gforth with an image file @var{image} instead of the +default @file{gforth.fi} with the @code{-i} flag (@pxref{Invoking Gforth}): +@example +gforth -i @var{image} +@end example + +@cindex executable image file +@cindex image files, executable +If your operating system supports starting scripts with a line of the +form @code{#! ...}, you can make your image file executable, and you'll +just have to type the image file name to start Gforth with this image +file (note that the file extension @code{.fi} is just a convention). + +I.e., in most Unix systems, you just have to make the image file +@var{image} executable with + +@example +chmod +x @var{image} +@end example + +and then you can invoke it by simply typing @var{image} instead of +@code{gforth -i @var{image}}. + +@node Modifying the Startup Sequence, , Running Image Files, Image Files +@section Modifying the Startup Sequence +@cindex startup sequence for image file +@cindex image file initialization sequence +@cindex initialization sequence of image file + +You can add your own initialization to the startup sequence through the +deferred word + +doc-'cold + +@code{'cold} is invoked just before the image-specific command line +processing (by default, loading files and evaluating (@code{-e}) strings) +starts. + +A sequence for adding your initialization usually looks like this: + +@example +:noname + Defers 'cold \ do other initialization stuff (e.g., rehashing wordlists) + ... \ your stuff +; IS 'cold +@end example + +@cindex turnkey image files +@cindex image files, turnkey applications +You can make a turnkey image by letting @code{'cold} execute a word +(your turnkey application) that never returns; instead, it exits Gforth +via @code{bye} or @code{throw}. + +@c ****************************************************************** +@node Engine, Bugs, Image Files, Top +@chapter Engine +@cindex engine +@cindex virtual machine + +Reading this section is not necessary for programming with Gforth. It +may be helpful for finding your way in the Gforth sources. + +The ideas in this section have also been published in the papers +@cite{ANS fig/GNU/??? Forth} (in German) by Bernd Paysan, presented at +the Forth-Tagung '93 and @cite{A Portable Forth Engine} by M. Anton +Ertl, presented at EuroForth '93; the latter is available at +@*@file{http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/papers/ertl93.ps.Z}. + +@menu +* Portability:: +* Threading:: +* Primitives:: +* Performance:: +@end menu + +@node Portability, Threading, Engine, Engine +@section Portability +@cindex engine portability + +One of the main goals of the effort is availability across a wide range +of personal machines. fig-Forth, and, to a lesser extent, F83, achieved +this goal by manually coding the engine in assembly language for several +then-popular processors. This approach is very labor-intensive and the +results are short-lived due to progress in computer architecture. + +@cindex C, using C for the engine +Others have avoided this problem by coding in C, e.g., Mitch Bradley +(cforth), Mikael Patel (TILE) and Dirk Zoller (pfe). This approach is +particularly popular for UNIX-based Forths due to the large variety of +architectures of UNIX machines. Unfortunately an implementation in C +does not mix well with the goals of efficiency and with using +traditional techniques: Indirect or direct threading cannot be expressed +in C, and switch threading, the fastest technique available in C, is +significantly slower. Another problem with C is that it is very +cumbersome to express double integer arithmetic. + +@cindex GNU C for the engine +@cindex long long +Fortunately, there is a portable language that does not have these +limitations: GNU C, the version of C processed by the GNU C compiler +(@pxref{C Extensions, , Extensions to the C Language Family, gcc.info, +GNU C Manual}). Its labels as values feature (@pxref{Labels as Values, , +Labels as Values, gcc.info, GNU C Manual}) makes direct and indirect +threading possible, its @code{long long} type (@pxref{Long Long, , +Double-Word Integers, gcc.info, GNU C Manual}) corresponds to Forth's +double numbers@footnote{Unfortunately, long longs are not implemented +properly on all machines (e.g., on alpha-osf1, long longs are only 64 +bits, the same size as longs (and pointers), but they should be twice as +long according to @ref{Long Long, , Double-Word Integers, gcc.info, GNU +C Manual}). So, we had to implement doubles in C after all. Still, on +most machines we can use long longs and achieve better performance than +with the emulation package.}. GNU C is available for free on all +important (and many unimportant) UNIX machines, VMS, 80386s running +MS-DOS, the Amiga, and the Atari ST, so a Forth written in GNU C can run +on all these machines. + +Writing in a portable language has the reputation of producing code that +is slower than assembly. For our Forth engine we repeatedly looked at +the code produced by the compiler and eliminated most compiler-induced +inefficiencies by appropriate changes in the source code. + +@cindex explicit register declarations +@cindex --enable-force-reg, configuration flag +@cindex -DFORCE_REG +However, register allocation cannot be portably influenced by the +programmer, leading to some inefficiencies on register-starved +machines. We use explicit register declarations (@pxref{Explicit Reg +Vars, , Variables in Specified Registers, gcc.info, GNU C Manual}) to +improve the speed on some machines. They are turned on by using the +configuration flag @code{--enable-force-reg} (@code{gcc} switch +@code{-DFORCE_REG}). Unfortunately, this feature not only depends on the +machine, but also on the compiler version: On some machines some +compiler versions produce incorrect code when certain explicit register +declarations are used. So by default @code{-DFORCE_REG} is not used. + +@node Threading, Primitives, Portability, Engine +@section Threading +@cindex inner interpreter implementation +@cindex threaded code implementation + +@cindex labels as values +GNU C's labels as values extension (available since @code{gcc-2.0}, +@pxref{Labels as Values, , Labels as Values, gcc.info, GNU C Manual}) +makes it possible to take the address of @var{label} by writing +@code{&&@var{label}}. This address can then be used in a statement like +@code{goto *@var{address}}. I.e., @code{goto *&&x} is the same as +@code{goto x}. + +@cindex NEXT, indirect threaded +@cindex indirect threaded inner interpreter +@cindex inner interpreter, indirect threaded +With this feature an indirect threaded NEXT looks like: +@example +cfa = *ip++; +ca = *cfa; +goto *ca; +@end example +@cindex instruction pointer +For those unfamiliar with the names: @code{ip} is the Forth instruction +pointer; the @code{cfa} (code-field address) corresponds to ANS Forths +execution token and points to the code field of the next word to be +executed; The @code{ca} (code address) fetched from there points to some +executable code, e.g., a primitive or the colon definition handler +@code{docol}. + +@cindex NEXT, direct threaded +@cindex direct threaded inner interpreter +@cindex inner interpreter, direct threaded +Direct threading is even simpler: +@example +ca = *ip++; +goto *ca; +@end example + +Of course we have packaged the whole thing neatly in macros called +@code{NEXT} and @code{NEXT1} (the part of NEXT after fetching the cfa). + +@menu +* Scheduling:: +* Direct or Indirect Threaded?:: +* DOES>:: +@end menu + +@node Scheduling, Direct or Indirect Threaded?, Threading, Threading +@subsection Scheduling +@cindex inner interpreter optimization + +There is a little complication: Pipelined and superscalar processors, +i.e., RISC and some modern CISC machines can process independent +instructions while waiting for the results of an instruction. The +compiler usually reorders (schedules) the instructions in a way that +achieves good usage of these delay slots. However, on our first tries +the compiler did not do well on scheduling primitives. E.g., for +@code{+} implemented as +@example +n=sp[0]+sp[1]; +sp++; +sp[0]=n; +NEXT; +@end example +the NEXT comes strictly after the other code, i.e., there is nearly no +scheduling. After a little thought the problem becomes clear: The +compiler cannot know that sp and ip point to different addresses (and +the version of @code{gcc} we used would not know it even if it was +possible), so it could not move the load of the cfa above the store to +the TOS. Indeed the pointers could be the same, if code on or very near +the top of stack were executed. In the interest of speed we chose to +forbid this probably unused ``feature'' and helped the compiler in +scheduling: NEXT is divided into the loading part (@code{NEXT_P1}) and +the goto part (@code{NEXT_P2}). @code{+} now looks like: +@example +n=sp[0]+sp[1]; +sp++; +NEXT_P1; +sp[0]=n; +NEXT_P2; +@end example +This can be scheduled optimally by the compiler. + +This division can be turned off with the switch @code{-DCISC_NEXT}. This +switch is on by default on machines that do not profit from scheduling +(e.g., the 80386), in order to preserve registers. + +@node Direct or Indirect Threaded?, DOES>, Scheduling, Threading +@subsection Direct or Indirect Threaded? +@cindex threading, direct or indirect? + +@cindex -DDIRECT_THREADED +Both! After packaging the nasty details in macro definitions we +realized that we could switch between direct and indirect threading by +simply setting a compilation flag (@code{-DDIRECT_THREADED}) and +defining a few machine-specific macros for the direct-threading case. +On the Forth level we also offer access words that hide the +differences between the threading methods (@pxref{Threading Words}). + +Indirect threading is implemented completely machine-independently. +Direct threading needs routines for creating jumps to the executable +code (e.g. to docol or dodoes). These routines are inherently +machine-dependent, but they do not amount to many source lines. I.e., +even porting direct threading to a new machine is a small effort. + +@cindex --enable-indirect-threaded, configuration flag +@cindex --enable-direct-threaded, configuration flag +The default threading method is machine-dependent. You can enforce a +specific threading method when building Gforth with the configuration +flag @code{--enable-direct-threaded} or +@code{--enable-indirect-threaded}. Note that direct threading is not +supported on all machines. + +@node DOES>, , Direct or Indirect Threaded?, Threading +@subsection DOES> +@cindex @code{DOES>} implementation + +@cindex dodoes routine +@cindex DOES-code +One of the most complex parts of a Forth engine is @code{dodoes}, i.e., +the chunk of code executed by every word defined by a +@code{CREATE}...@code{DOES>} pair. The main problem here is: How to find +the Forth code to be executed, i.e. the code after the +@code{DOES>} (the DOES-code)? There are two solutions: + +In fig-Forth the code field points directly to the dodoes and the +DOES-code address is stored in the cell after the code address (i.e. at +@code{@var{cfa} cell+}). It may seem that this solution is illegal in +the Forth-79 and all later standards, because in fig-Forth this address +lies in the body (which is illegal in these standards). However, by +making the code field larger for all words this solution becomes legal +again. We use this approach for the indirect threaded version and for +direct threading on some machines. Leaving a cell unused in most words +is a bit wasteful, but on the machines we are targeting this is hardly a +problem. The other reason for having a code field size of two cells is +to avoid having different image files for direct and indirect threaded +systems (direct threaded systems require two-cell code fields on many +machines). + +@cindex DOES-handler +The other approach is that the code field points or jumps to the cell +after @code{DOES}. In this variant there is a jump to @code{dodoes} at +this address (the DOES-handler). @code{dodoes} can then get the +DOES-code address by computing the code address, i.e., the address of +the jump to dodoes, and add the length of that jump field. A variant of +this is to have a call to @code{dodoes} after the @code{DOES>}; then the +return address (which can be found in the return register on RISCs) is +the DOES-code address. Since the two cells available in the code field +are used up by the jump to the code address in direct threading on many +architectures, we use this approach for direct threading on these +architectures. We did not want to add another cell to the code field. + +@node Primitives, Performance, Threading, Engine +@section Primitives +@cindex primitives, implementation +@cindex virtual machine instructions, implementation + +@menu +* Automatic Generation:: +* TOS Optimization:: +* Produced code:: +@end menu + +@node Automatic Generation, TOS Optimization, Primitives, Primitives +@subsection Automatic Generation +@cindex primitives, automatic generation + +@cindex @file{prims2x.fs} +Since the primitives are implemented in a portable language, there is no +longer any need to minimize the number of primitives. On the contrary, +having many primitives has an advantage: speed. In order to reduce the +number of errors in primitives and to make programming them easier, we +provide a tool, the primitive generator (@file{prims2x.fs}), that +automatically generates most (and sometimes all) of the C code for a +primitive from the stack effect notation. The source for a primitive +has the following form: + +@cindex primitive source format +@format +@var{Forth-name} @var{stack-effect} @var{category} [@var{pronounc.}] +[@code{""}@var{glossary entry}@code{""}] +@var{C code} +[@code{:} +@var{Forth code}] +@end format + +The items in brackets are optional. The category and glossary fields +are there for generating the documentation, the Forth code is there +for manual implementations on machines without GNU C. E.g., the source +for the primitive @code{+} is: +@example ++ n1 n2 -- n core plus +n = n1+n2; +@end example + +This looks like a specification, but in fact @code{n = n1+n2} is C +code. Our primitive generation tool extracts a lot of information from +the stack effect notations@footnote{We use a one-stack notation, even +though we have separate data and floating-point stacks; The separate +notation can be generated easily from the unified notation.}: The number +of items popped from and pushed on the stack, their type, and by what +name they are referred to in the C code. It then generates a C code +prelude and postlude for each primitive. The final C code for @code{+} +looks like this: + +@example +I_plus: /* + ( n1 n2 -- n ) */ /* label, stack effect */ +/* */ /* documentation */ +@{ +DEF_CA /* definition of variable ca (indirect threading) */ +Cell n1; /* definitions of variables */ +Cell n2; +Cell n; +n1 = (Cell) sp[1]; /* input */ +n2 = (Cell) TOS; +sp += 1; /* stack adjustment */ +NAME("+") /* debugging output (with -DDEBUG) */ +@{ +n = n1+n2; /* C code taken from the source */ +@} +NEXT_P1; /* NEXT part 1 */ +TOS = (Cell)n; /* output */ +NEXT_P2; /* NEXT part 2 */ +@} +@end example + +This looks long and inefficient, but the GNU C compiler optimizes quite +well and produces optimal code for @code{+} on, e.g., the R3000 and the +HP RISC machines: Defining the @code{n}s does not produce any code, and +using them as intermediate storage also adds no cost. + +There are also other optimizations, that are not illustrated by this +example: Assignments between simple variables are usually for free (copy +propagation). If one of the stack items is not used by the primitive +(e.g. in @code{drop}), the compiler eliminates the load from the stack +(dead code elimination). On the other hand, there are some things that +the compiler does not do, therefore they are performed by +@file{prims2x.fs}: The compiler does not optimize code away that stores +a stack item to the place where it just came from (e.g., @code{over}). + +While programming a primitive is usually easy, there are a few cases +where the programmer has to take the actions of the generator into +account, most notably @code{?dup}, but also words that do not (always) +fall through to NEXT. + +@node TOS Optimization, Produced code, Automatic Generation, Primitives +@subsection TOS Optimization +@cindex TOS optimization for primitives +@cindex primitives, keeping the TOS in a register + +An important optimization for stack machine emulators, e.g., Forth +engines, is keeping one or more of the top stack items in +registers. If a word has the stack effect @var{in1}...@var{inx} @code{--} +@var{out1}...@var{outy}, keeping the top @var{n} items in registers +@itemize @bullet +@item +is better than keeping @var{n-1} items, if @var{x>=n} and @var{y>=n}, +due to fewer loads from and stores to the stack. +@item is slower than keeping @var{n-1} items, if @var{x<>y} and @var{x