/* $Id: decstation.h,v 1.3 1994/05/05 17:05:32 pazsan Exp $ Copyright 1992 by the ANSI figForth Development Group This is the machine-specific part for a Decstation running Ultrix */ /* cache flush stuff */ #ifdef DIRECT_THREADED #include #define CACHE_FLUSH(addr,size) \ cacheflush((char *)(addr), (int)(size), BCACHE) #endif /* Cell and UCell must be the same size as a pointer */ typedef long Cell; typedef unsigned long UCell; /* DCell and UDCell must be twice as large as Cell */ typedef long long DCell; typedef unsigned long long UDCell; /* define this if IEEE singles and doubles are available as C data types */ #define IEEE_FP /* the IEEE types are used only for loading and storing */ /* the IEEE double precision type */ typedef double DFloat; /* the IEEE single precision type */ typedef float SFloat; /* define this if the least-significant byte is at the largets address */ /* #define BIG_ENDIAN */ /* some definitions for composing opcodes */ #define JUMP_MASK 0x03ffffff #define J_PATTERN 0x08000000 #define JAL_PATTERN 0x0c000000 /* this provides the first 4 bits of a jump address, i.e. it must be <16 */ #define SEGMENT_NUM 1 #ifdef DIRECT_THREADED /* PFA gives the parameter field address corresponding to a cfa */ # define PFA(cfa) (((Cell *)cfa)+2) /* PFA1 is a special version for use just after a NEXT1 */ # define PFA1(cfa) PFA(cfa) /* CODE_ADDRESS is the address of the code jumped to through the code field */ # define CODE_ADDRESS(cfa) ((Label)(((*(unsigned *)(cfa))^J_PATTERN^(SEGMENT_NUM<<26))<<2)) /* MAKE_CF creates an appropriate code field at the cfa; ca is the code address */ # define MAKE_CF(cfa,ca) ({long * _cfa = (long *)(cfa); \ _cfa[0] = J_PATTERN|((((long)(ca))&JUMP_MASK)>>2); /* J ca */ \ _cfa[1] = 0; /* nop */}) # ifdef undefined /* the following version uses JAL to make PFA1 faster */ # define PFA1(label) ({register Cell *pfa asm("$31"); \ pfa; }) /* CODE_ADDRESS is the address of the code jumped to through the code field */ # define CODE_ADDRESS(cfa) ((Label)(((*(unsigned *)(cfa))^JAL_PATTERN^(SEGMENT_NUM<<26))<<2)) # define MAKE_CF(cfa,ca) ({long *_cfa = (long *)(cfa); \ long _ca = (long)(ca); \ _cfa[0] = JAL_PATTERN|(((((long)_ca)>>2))&JUMP_MASK); /* JAL ca+4 */ \ _cfa[1] = 0; /* *(long *)_ca; delay slot */}) # endif /* undefined */ /* this is the point where the does code starts if label points to the * jump dodoes */ # define DOES_CODE(cfa) ((Xt *)(((char *)CODE_ADDRESS(cfa))+8)) /* this is a special version of DOES_CODE for use in dodoes */ # define DOES_CODE1(cfa) DOES_CODE(cfa) # define DOES_HANDLER_SIZE 8 # define MAKE_DOES_CF(cfa,does_code) \ ({long does_handlerp=((long)(does_code))-DOES_HANDLER_SIZE; \ long *_cfa = (long*)(cfa); \ _cfa[0] = J_PATTERN|((does_handlerp&JUMP_MASK)>>2); /* J ca */ \ _cfa[1] = 0; /* nop */}) /* # define MAKE_DOES_CF(cfa, does_code) ({char *does_handlerp=((char *)does_code)-DOES_HANDLER_SIZE; \ MAKE_CF(cfa,does_handlerp); \ MAKE_DOES_HANDLER(does_handlerp) ;}) */ /* this stores a jump dodoes at addr */ # define MAKE_DOES_HANDLER(addr) MAKE_CF(addr,symbols[DODOES]) #endif #ifdef undefined /* and here are some more efficient versions that can be tried later */ /* the first version saves one cycle by doing something useful in the delay slot. !! check that the instruction in the delay slot is legal */ #define MAKE_DOESJUMP(addr) ({long * _addr = (long *)addr; \ _addr[0] = J_PATTERN|(((((long)symbols[DODOES])>>2)+4)&JUMP_MASK), /* J dodoes+4 */ \ _addr[1] = *(long *)symbols[DODOES]; /* delay */}) /* the following version uses JAL to make DOES_CODE1 faster */ /* !! does the declaration clear the register ? */ /* it's ok to use the same reg as in PFA1: dodoes is the only potential problem and I have taken care of it */ #define DOES_CODE1(cfa) ({register Code *_does_code asm("$31"); \ _does_code; }) #define MAKE_DOESJUMP(addr) ({long * _addr = (long *)addr; \ _addr[0] = JAL_PATTERN|(((((long)symbols[DODOES])>>2)+4)&JUMP_MASK), /* JAL dodoes+4 */ \ _addr[1] = *(long *)symbols[DODOES]; /* delay */}) #endif