/* some routines for double-cell arithmetic only used if BUGGY_LONG_LONG Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 1995 Dirk Uwe Zoller * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. This has been adapted from pfe-0.9.14 */ #include "config.h" #include "forth.h" /* !! a bit machine dependent */ #define HALFCELL_BITS (CELL_BITS/2) #define UH(x) (((UCell)(x))>>HALFCELL_BITS) #define LH(x) ((x)&((~(UCell)0)>>HALFCELL_BITS)) #define L2U(x) (((UCell)(x))<>(CELL_BITS-1)) #define UD2D(ud) ({UDCell _ud=(ud); (DCell){_ud.hi,_ud.lo};}) #define D2UD(d) ({DCell _d=(d); (UDCell){_d.hi,_d.lo};}) DCell dnegate(DCell d1) { DCell res; res.hi = ~d1.hi + (d1.lo==0); res.lo = -d1.lo; return res; } UDCell ummul (UCell a, UCell b) /* unsigned multiply, mixed precision */ { UDCell res; UCell m,ul,lu,uu; res.lo = a*b; /*ll = LH(a)*LH(b); dead code */ ul = UH(a)*LH(b); lu = LH(a)*UH(b); uu = UH(a)*UH(b); m = ul+lu; res.hi = (uu + L2U(m= v) { q++; h -= v; } if (--i < 0) break; c = HIGHBIT (h); h <<= 1; h += HIGHBIT (l); l <<= 1; q <<= 1; } res.hi = h; res.lo = q; return res; } DCell smdiv (DCell num, Cell denom) /* symmetric divide procedure, mixed prec */ { DCell res; Cell numsign=num.hi; Cell denomsign=denom; if (numsign < 0) num = dnegate (num); if (denomsign < 0) denom = -denom; res = UD2D(umdiv (D2UD(num), denom)); if ((numsign^denomsign)<0) res.lo = -res.lo; if (numsign<0) res.hi = -res.hi; return res; } DCell fmdiv (DCell num, Cell denom) /* floored divide procedure, mixed prec */ { /* I have this technique from Andrew Haley */ DCell res; Cell denomsign=denom; if (denom < 0) { denom = -denom; num = dnegate(num); } if (num.hi < 0) num.hi += denom; res = UD2D(umdiv(D2UD(num),denom)); if (denomsign<0) res.hi = -res.hi; return res; }