@InProceedings{ertl07, author = {M. Anton Ertl}, title = {Gforth's libcc {C} Function Call Interface}, crossref = {euroforth07}, pages = {7--11}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/ertl.pdf}, psurl = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/papers/ertl07euroforth.ps.gz}, OPTnote = {not refereed}, abstract = {A major problem in our earlier proposal for a C interface was that a part of the interface was not portable between platforms. The libcc interface solves this problem by using a C compiler and its \code{.h}-files. The \code{.h}-files contain knowledge about the specific platform, and the C compiler automatically inserts the necessary conversions between Forth and C types. In this paper we describe the libcc implementation and interface. We also discuss how a Forth-C interface might be standardized. } } @InProceedings{lynas&stoddart07, author = {Angel Robert Lynas and Bill Stoddart}, title = {A Reversible Computing Approach to {Forth} Floating Point}, crossref = {euroforth07}, pages = {12--22}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/stoddart.pdf}, OPTnote = {not refereed}, keywords = {Forth, Floating Point, Reversible Computing, Garbage Collection}, abstract = {We describe an implementation of floating point numbers in Reversible Forth using immutable references, and outline the advantages and disadvantages of this approach for the user and system. Via a probabilistic algorithm example which requires a large number of random trials to create a sufficient sample size, we demonstrate the disadvantage of a naive program with regard to garbage creation, and its semi-automatic resolution using inbuilt features of the reversible virtual machine. This allows otherwise prohibitively memory-intensive operations to be split into manageable pieces, interim results being saved while garbage is collected after each stage.} } @InProceedings{guzeman07, author = {David Guzeman}, title = {Imagine a Sea of Processors}, crossref = {euroforth07}, pages = {23-33}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/guzeman.pdf}, note = {Presentation slides} } @InProceedings{paysan07, author = {Bernd Paysan}, title = {Audio GUI: MINOS@work}, crossref = {euroforth07}, pages = {34--36}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/paysan-selected.pdf}, note = {Presentation slides} } @InProceedings{ceballos07, author = {Federico de Ceballos}, title = {A Framework for Data Structures in a Typed Forth}, crossref = {euroforth07}, pages = {37--42}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/ceballos.pdf}, note = {Presentation slides} } @InProceedings{ertl07context, author = {M. Anton Ertl}, title = {How to Deal with Context}, crossref = {euroforth07}, pages = {43--45}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/ertl-context.pdf}, note = {Presentation slides} } @Proceedings{euroforth07, title = {23nd EuroForth Conference}, booktitle = {23nd EuroForth Conference}, year = {2007}, key = {EuroForth'07}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth2007/papers/proceedings.pdf} }