Article: 132522 of Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!usenet From: ]dne Brunborg Newsgroups: Subject: The DM Class Date: 16 Apr 1996 18:48:31 GMT Organization: Norwegian Institute of Technology Lines: 191 Message-ID: <4l0q1v$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 5.4 sun4m) X-URL: This is a text I managed to recover, and is unaltered as far as possible (see note at end of text). Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DM The DM class is the easiest class to qualify for. The reason for this is simple - there are no minimum or maximum requirements. Anyone can be a DM. At low levels the DM is often weak, and inexperienced. The end result of this weakness is usually rampant Munchkinism (see Diseases, Magical). DMs advance only very slowly because their rate of advancement is tied to several factors, the most important of which is real time. The DM can only increase in level once per year. In order to do so he must attend a convention and be trained by a higher level DM. However, this isn't all he needs to do. First he needs to gain the experience to qualify. DMs gain experience much like other classes - killing things, getting treasure, using abilities in new and creative ways, roll playing, etc. A list of specific experience rewards is given in the experience section of this book. All DMs use the following progression chart: Table 4-36: DM's Experience Table Experience Level Hit Dice Title 0 1 1d2 Newbie 5,000 2 1d8 Munchkin Stomper 20,000 3 10d8 Mixer 50,000 4 100d100 DM 100,000 5 Infinite Master DM Notes: DMs need 50,000 XP per level above 5th. When they reach 5th level, they have infinite Hit Points and Regenerate 100% of their Hit Points every nanosecond even if killed. DMs above fifth level are allowed to choose any name for their title. There are no known DMs above 12th level. A rumor persists of a 20th level DM called Ordania who is believed to be hiding out in Portal (California) or Watertown (Connecticut) but this is highly improbable. DMs have many abilities, but not all are usable at low level. The following is not a complete list of DMonic powers available to DMs in the order that they are gained. The minimum level needed to use a power is also given. DEMONIC POWERS: First Level: 1) Summon Monster - The DM is able to summon any monster he desires from any written work ha has at his disposal. 2) Summon Treasure - The DM is imbued with the power to summon any manner of treasure (usually gold or magic) from any written work at his disposal. 3) Look in books with impunity - This ability allows the DM to look through any of his material without taking damage. 4) Cast Wizard Spell - The DM is empowered to cast any Wizard spell he likes at any time. 5) Fool Police - If a DM is ever caught doing something he really shouldn't be doing, he can claim `AD&D made me do it' and be reasonably sure of copping any insanity plea. Second Level 1) Create Monster - The DM is able to create new monsters from his own sick and twisted imagination. This power also allows the DM to change monsters (increase/decrease hit dice, add special attacks or defenses, etc). 2) Create NPC - Similar to Create Monster, this power allows the DM to create NPCs of any power level. 3) Kill PC - The DM is imbued with the authority and power to mercilessly kill any PC. However, he must use something to do this. A blue bolt of lightning often works, but sometimes a kobold is more appropriate. 4) Create Treasure - The DM is able to create new magical items and treasures. 5) Fudge - This often used ability allows the DM to change to hit & damage rolls, hit points, armor class, possessions, magic items, magic spells, etc without harm. PCs may make intelligence checks to catch the DM fudging. Failure may result in the DM using his Kill PC ability. 6) Cast Priest Spells - The DM is empowered to cast any Priest spells at any time as often as he likes. 7) Distress Parents - This ability works without conscious effort as your parents notice the amount of time you spend playing AD&D Third Level 1) Summon Genre - A DM with this ability is able to change the setting of AD&D to another setting so long as the material component (another game system like Gamma World, Boot Hill, or Star Frontier) is available. 2) Foil Anachronisms - This ability allows the DM to add anachronistic items to his game. Usually used to introduce guns, lasers, powered assault armor, and Mark V Ogres. 3) Locate Rules Quickly - Having memorized the books by now, the DM is able to locate any rule desired on a moments notice. (NOTE: Upon reaching 5th level, this power is lost unless the DM spends all his free time studying the books.) 4) Bullshit PC - Something no DM should ever be without, yet the power is not gained until 3rd level. This allows the DM to make a PC believe anything. The DM must roll above the PC's wisdom on 1d100 in order to succeed. 5) Steal Material with impunity - This ability allows the DM to steal ideas and material straight from any person, book, place, or thing for use in his game. 6) Edit Thing - This ability allows the DM to change anything about anything. He can change PC ability scores, classes, possessions, etc. He can change monsters, lands, oceans, planets, even suns. In other words, anything. 7) Use Magic Power - The DM is allowed to use any magic power at any time, any range, and as often as he likes. 8) Enrage PC - This ability, which often works when least desired, causes PCs to become enraged when the DM makes a ruling. This usually occurs when the DM rules that Teleportation doesn't work through Walls of Force, but can occur on any DM ruling. Fourth Level 1) Summon PC - This incredible powerful power allows the DM to command any PC in his game to appear before him within a reasonable amount of time. Failure to appear often results in death. 2) Obliterate PC - The Summon PC power is enforced through the use of this one. At 4th level, DMs gain the ability to simply take a PC's sheet and destroy it. Less knowledgeable DMs often simply shred % the sheet apart, which allows the PC to repair it. % % 3) Incorporate Rules - The DM is can incorporate any rule % % from any source % available, and the DM realizes how to do it. 4) Hide Embarrassment - Upon reaching 4th level, the DM suddenly realize many (though not all) of the mistakes they've made. This power allows them to deny mistakes with a straight face, no matter how blatant or mind boggling awful the mistake was. 5) Super Wish - The DM can cast unlimited wish spells at any time he desires and suffer no damage from doing so. 6) Enrage Religious Groups - Depending on the group, a DM of 4th level can easily make almost any religious group attack him verbally and/or physically. Fifth Level 1) Create PC - The ultimate power of creation, the DM is able to convert a dysfunctional human being (i.e. anyone who doesn't play AD&D) into a PC. 2) Withering Look - Nicknamed the Medusa Gaze this power allows the DM to silence anything - fizzling soda, rolling dice, even potato rustle in a bag. 3) Create New Rules - This power, rarely used, allows the DM to create new rules for the AD&D game. 4) Dismiss PC - This power, used so rarely that it is almost legendary, allows the DM to banish a PC from his game, his house and even his life. (Pundits have suggested that a power similar to this was used on E.G.G. by high level DMs working for TSR.) 5) Create New World - This power allows the DM to create whole new worlds instantly. 6) Bestow DM Levels - At 5th level and above, any DM that spends 3 months training a DM of 1st to 3rd level is able to bestow 4th level upon that DM. If training is interrupted, all the time is lost and both DMs must start the entire training process from scratch. 7) Expose Stupidity - This power allows the DM to prove the stupidity of certain religious, political, law enforcing, and news reporting groups of agencies. DMs of this level are often active members of the CARPGA. Additional powers are gained above 5th level, but these are never revealed to lower level DMs , nor to non-DMs. With each level increase, DMs gain 1d6 points per ability score. These additional points can only increase the ability score to a maximum of 28. DMs need a 1 or higher to make any save. DMs attack as 500HD monsters (need a 1 to hit any AC) and do damage according to the weapon choosen (usually the same dice that most DMs use for Serpents (18 - 6 siders), but occassionally the DM will include all of his dice). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: as the file was damaged it (I recovered it from an old 5 1/4 '' floppy disk) the text marked with % is recovered from memory five years back. If anyone has the complete text, mail me. I'm fairly sure about 2), while 3) is more doubtful. I take no credit of the creation of this text, the author is unknown. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + o + + + Adne Brunborg + No matter how subtle the wizard, a + + + knife in the shoulder blades will + + NTH, Trondheim, Norway + seriously cramp his style + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Swordhawk Rules