[This version was compiled from postings to the newsgroup and edited by Alexander Forst (alex@complang.tuwien.ac.at)] From: morris.113@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu (The Livewire) Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd Subject: 101 uses for a DM's screen! The List Date: 13 Nov 1995 16:55:33 -0500 Well Here's the list. I've tried to keep names attached to the list, so thanks to everyone who sent stuff in, and a special thanks to Jim Butler, without whom, we'd have to find another TSR guy who did it in his place! 1. Interesting wallpaper. (Aardy R. DeVarque) 2. Coasters. (Aardy R. DeVarque) 3. Framed picture-backing. (Aardy R. DeVarque) 4. Litter-box liners. (Aardy R. DeVarque) 5. Good for those Teething Puppies (The Livewire) 6. For that Rules Lawyer you really don't like (The Livewire) 7. Postcards to Jim Butler :)(The Livewire) 8. Reinforce those cardboard building with Citysystem. (The Livewire) 9. Book Covers for college textbooks (The Livewire) 10. Shields from your little sister's nerf darts. (The Livewire) 11. Making sure NPC's hit/save :) (Jody D. Bowman) 12. Fan, on those hot July nights of gaming (Jody D. Bowman) 13. Keeping player pop spills from spreading to your stuff (Jody D. Bowman) 14. Pizza Tray (Mike M.) 15. Cover your games stuff to protect from spilled drinks when you have Pizza. (Mike M.) 16. to Mark Territory with (Mike M.) 17. Can be thrown with deadly force (Mike M.) 18. Can makle annoying sounds (Mike M.) 19. Hide dice rolls you are fudging from others (Mike M.) 20. to Mask obscene gestures (Mike M.) 21. to Mask making faces at someone (Mike M.) 22. Target for rubber-bands when Dm is busy. (Mike M.) 23. Adds stiffness to flopply little monster inserts (Mike M.) 24. Good source of fiber (Mike M.) 25. Relieve tension by throwing it about when you PC dies (Mike M.) 26. Use to simulate a wall of fog when using miniatures (Mike M.) 27. Hmmmmm! new book smell. (Mike M.) 28. Let's the players know who's REALLY in charge (Mark Hills) 29. Use it occasionally for things like looking up saving throws... (Mark Hills) 30. Makes things more impersonal (Good for xenophobic DMs) (Mark Hills) 31. Good place to stick pictures chewing gum that you're saving (Mark Hills) 32. Where you hide that last can of Coca-Cola! (Mark Hills) 33. Makes you realize that you spent $7 for a piece of card board! (Mark Hills) 34. Hides the fact that you forgot your session notes (Mark Hills) 35. Slump behind it and sleep when the PCs debate the fastest way to get anywhere (Mark Hills) 36. Never let them see you sweat! (Important for Dark Sun games) (Mark Hills) 37. A convienient object to knock across the room when they get you mad (Mark Hills) 38. Backing for a patch of Drywall (Charles Johnston) 36. Make a cool maze for your polymorphed-gerbil PC's (requires several) 37. Make neat cutout snowflakes (Noah) 38. Cardboard armor (for the Halloween-costumally challenged) (Noah) 39. Protect yourself from flying dice (Noah) 40. Postcards to ant-DnD religious nuts (Noah) 41. To <*thwack*> those sleeping players (Noah) 42. Tastier than Domino's!! (Noah) 43. The Amazing Flying Rules (tm) (Always out the window...) (Noah) 44. Can be used to swat spider on wall (Barbara Haddad) 45. Use as scoop to remove dead monsters from battlemap (Barbara Haddad) 46. Used as rolling surface when gaming in car/park/etc (Barbara Haddad) 47. A good source of artwork to scan and upload so you can be the source of a year long flame-war. (Carl Lundstedt) 48. A good investment of money...it could be a collectors item. (Carl Lundstedt) 49. Hide behind them at conventions so your boss won't see your picture in the paper. (Carl Lundstedt) 50. Can be used as a book cover for the overpriced softcover TSR books. (Carl Lundstedt) 51. Can be used to make up fictional dice reference i.e. "Nope, you missed your SYSTEM SHOCK roll." (Carl Lundstedt) 52. Can hide you Watchman while you catch the latest Hercules episode. (Carl Lundstedt) 53. You can hang pictures on it to remind you what your wife/girlfriend looks like. (Carl Lundstedt) 54. Can be placed in front of your computer at work when your boss walks in and your surfing at alt.sex.bestiality.dragons.green. (Carl Lundstedt) 55. Hmmmmmm a new spell book (?). (Carl Lundstedt) 56. An emergency and desperate substitution for toilet paper. (Frostbrand) 57. Your pet blue dragon's litter (But you'd have to by 20,000 copies). (Frostbrand) 58. A magic trick (Gee! Look! One page folds out into three!!!). (Frostbrand) 59. A great substitution for pizza when the delivery boy "nudges" a pole on his way with your pizza. (Frostbrand) 60. A kite. (Frostbrand) 61. A great place to hide your life saving ("C'mon, leave that cardboard and grab the VCR quick!"). (Frostbrand) 62. A superhero's costume ("Look out! It's Cardboard Face Man!!..."). (Frostbrand) 63. A Censor kit (Cover your son's head when it comes to the rude bits in Debbie Does Dallas...."Daddy, what are those noises those people are making?"). (Frostbrand) 64. Makes great shelter from inclement weather for those sympathetic to the plight of ants. (Synist B) 65. Nifty dressing screen for the modest Barbie dolls (Synist B) 66. A guaranteed 15% cover from projectile vomititng (Synist B) 67. Nice smooth surface for seperating those unwanted seeds and stems (Synist B) 68. Perfect cover for the cat before it pounces on the dice. (Robert Schulz) 69. Marital sex aid. (ebassett1) 70. Particularly well starched underwear. (ebassett1) 71. Cut to size - 3 1/2 floppies! (ebassett1) 72. Karate style chopping blocks - cuts down on wood! (geddit? yea well...) (ebassett1) 73. Ping Pong bats. (ebassett1) 74. Dart board (how many pts for a 120lbs enc?) (ebassett1) 75. Put under short easy chair leg. (ebassett1) 76. Shurikens! (ebassett1) 77. As gaskets for car engines. (ebassett1) 78. To build a wall that Jim Butler cna hide Behind (The Livewire) 79. To cover your notes when the players get up to go get food... (Thor Firesbane) 80. Covering with tables in 3-point typeface, thus drumming up business for the local opthamologist. (Chris Pierson) 81. Ducking for cover when the players chuck their dice after you make a particularly bad pun. (Chris Pierson) 82. Three words, kids: fudge them rolls. (Chris Pierson) 83. Makes a nice, jaunty little hat. (Chris Pierson) 84. Keeps you from feeling naked when everyone else whips out those hot-selling Player's Screens(TM). (Chris Pierson) 85. Gives you a new dice-balancing challenge when the player with the 12th-level mage is deciding which spells to take today. (Chris Pierson) 86. Keeps you from spitting all over the players when you're playing NPCs with exotic accents. (Chris Pierson) 87. Keeps the players from noticing you're making Random Threatening Dice Rolls until they hear that ominous little clunk-clatter-clatter... (Chris Pierson) 88. Useful for representing dragons in flight ("no, really, these are the wings! Look, they flap!"). (Chris Pierson) 90. Good for ducking behind when you don't want passers-by to realize you associate with such a group of geeks, nerds and knobs. :) (Chris Pierson) 91. Tinder when the furnace breaks down in December (Captain Comrade) 92. One word: Hornets (Captain Comrade) 93. Folder for all your NPC sheets (Captain Comrade) 94. Goalposts for tabletop football (James Joseph Cook) 95. Bugsquisher (James Joseph Cook) 96. Fig leaf substitute for when irate players pants you (James Joseph Cook) 97. If you blow accross it it makes a neat whistling sound (James Joseph Cook) 98. You could glue a bunch of them together, add a large piece of canvas (James Joseph Cook) and you have a boat, just like Thor Hyerdahl. (James Joseph Cook) 99. Corners are excellent for picking munchy crumbs from between teeth (James Joseph Cook) 100. Bullhorn (Michael Morris) 101. to hide the infamous smile (Michael Morris) 102. to protect your other D & D materials from rain (Michael Morris) 103. To hide all those naked women in Ed Greenwood books (The Livewire) 104. Can be used to swat spider on wall (Barbara Haddad) 105. Use as scoop to remove dead monsters from battlemap (Barbara Haddad) 106. Used as rolling surface when gaming in car/park/etc (Barbara Haddad) 107. Great to hide behind while you are searching for the 'Item Saving Throws' in the DMG (Alexander Forst) 108. Fix rickety tables (Alexander Forst) 109. Great tool to demonstrate the principle "Divide & Conquer" (Alexander Forst) 110. A MLBSC (magor league Bullshit cover-up) (Michael Morris) 111. Bullhorn (Michael Morris) 112. Gum sticker (Michael Morris) 113. to hide the infamous smile (Michael Morris) 114. to protect your other D & D materials from rain (Michael Morris) 115. makes a good fan when a player who had beens for dinner "casts cloud kill" in real life 116. Fan yourself if the airconditioning in the room is broken 117. Everything but their intended use... (The Livewire)