Article: 14994 of Newsgroups: Path: email!!!!!!!uunet!mcsun!sunic!!!brunborg From: (]dne Brunborg) Subject: A complete specialisation and crit-system Message-ID: <> Sender: (NetNews Administrator) Organization: Norwegian Institute of Technology Date: Fri, 28 May 93 16:16:43 GMT Lines: 415 OK, after all the talk about "20 always hit when you need 1000" etc, we (,,, and have come up with a system that works fairly well, and we'd like you great netters to come with _constructive_ criticism about it. Any congratulations should be posted to the net, so that everybody can see how clever we are :-) IMHO, this is a good system [gee, I'm modest] and we would like to have it tested by you people out there, and give one of us your opinion (most probably me, as I'm the one sending this out from my account. The entire stuff is written in LaTeX(tm) -format, and should be easily accessible to most of you. I'd prefer not to write it over to ASCII-format (I have my finals at the moment). OK, here it comes. Enjoy! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + "Yeah, alright! I've got something to say: + + + It's better to burn out, than fade away!" + + + + + o + (Def Leppard: "Rock of Ages", Pyromania 1983) + + - Adne Brunborg - + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CUT^^^^^^^^^HERE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \documentstyle[a4]{article} \oddsidemargin=-0.25in \evensidemargin=-0.25in \textheight=10.5in \textwidth=6,60in \begin{document} \begin{center} {\huge \bf Specialisation systems for use with\\ 2nd ed. AD\&D.}\\ \end{center} Single-classed fighters may specialise in one melee weapon and one missile weapon at 1st level. Specialisation in multiple weapons is only possible with those weapon the fighter is proficient in at first level (he may not become proficient in dagger at 3rd level, and then specialise in dagger at 6th level). A character must train with someone with a highest grade of specialisation than himself when advancing in specialisation levels. He may train himself, but at double cost. He may 'reserve' slots for future specialisation. Multi-classed fighters, paladins and rangers have a limited option of specialisation.\\ \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \multiput(-18,8)(0,0.5){3}{ \thicklines \line(6,0){485}} \end{picture} \begin{center} {\Large Specialisation in Melee Weapons\\} \end{center} Only single-class finghters may ever achieve a higher specialisation-level than {\it Specialist}. Paladins and multi-classed fighters may specialise in one single weapon upon reaching 3rd level (or above), but no further specialisation is possible. Rangers may not specialise in melee-weapons. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|l|}\hline {\bf Slots}&{\bf To-Hit}&{\bf Damage}&{\bf Att/Round} &{\bf Chart Bonus {\scriptsize $^{\ddag \ddag}$}} &{\bf AC bonus {\scriptsize $^{\dag \dag}$}}&{\bf Title}\\\hline 2 &+1 &+1/4 {\scriptsize $^{\dag}$}& & &+1{\scriptsize $^{\ddag \dag}$} &Specialist\\ 3 & &+1/4 {\scriptsize $^{\dag}$}&+1/2 &+1 & &Double-Specialist\\\hline 4 &+1 & & &+1 &+1 &Expert\\ 5 &+2{\scriptsize $^{\ddag}$} & &+1/2 & &+1{\scriptsize $^{\ddag \dag}$} &Master\\\hline 6 &+1 &+1/4 {\scriptsize $^{\dag}$}& &+1 &+1 &Champion\\ 7 &+1 &+1/4 {\scriptsize $^{\dag}$}&+1/2 &+1 &+1 &Grand Master\\\hline \multicolumn{6}{c}{(The numbers are all cumulative)}\\ \end{tabular}\\ \end{center} %\begin{noindent} {\bf {\scriptsize $^{\dag}$}:} Extra damage dice of weapon damage. I.e. 1d8 + 1d2 for a normal longsword specialist.\\ {\bf {\scriptsize $^{\ddag}$}:} For Disarming only (see {\it DAC}).\\ {\bf {\scriptsize $^{\dag \dag}$}:} Melee only, in addition to normal parry rules.\\ {\bf {\scriptsize $^{\ddag \dag}$}:} Verus equal weapon only.\\ {\bf {\scriptsize $^{\ddag \ddag}$}:} The ability to 'shift' in any direction desired on the {\it Critical Hits and Fumbles} charts (q.v.), up to the limit given.\\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%END%%MELEESPEC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \multiput(-18,8)(0,0.5){3}{ \thicklines \line(6,0){485}} \end{picture} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BEGIN%%BOWSPEC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{center} {\Large Specialisation in Bows\\} \end{center} Only single-class fighters may specialise in bows from first level. Rangers may devote two slots at first level, and add the 3rd slot upon reaching 3rd level. They do not get any bonus from specialisation until they have devoted all three slots that's needed. Paladins may not specialise in bows. A bow specialist does not use the standard modifiers for range. Instead, he uses those listed in the table below.. Furthermore, if he have an arrow notched and draw, he may fire one shot before initiative is rolled. He still rolles initiative for his other shots during that round as normal. He also get multiple attacks as noted below.. The ``Max. R.O.F'' - number is only achieveable by sacrificing accuracy, as listed in the table below. To find the penalty, multiply the ``R.O.F.'' with the number in the multiplier listed below that give you the desired number of shots. The penalty listed are applied on all shots during that round. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} \begin{tabular}[t]{|c|c|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf To-Hit modifiers for range}\\\hline {Range}&{Modifier}\\\hline Point Blank (6-60')& +2 \\ Short Range & +1 \\ Medium Range & 0 \\ Long Range & -3 \\\hline \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[t]{|c|c|c|c|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\bf ``Standard'' Multiple Attacks}\\\hline Archer is: & Target is : & R.O.F.\\\hline Still & Still & 4 \\ Still & Moving & 3 \\ Moving & Still & 3 \\ Moving & Moving & 2 \\\hline%& 4 \\\hline \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[t]{|c|c|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf Extra Attacks}\\\hline Multiplier & Penalty \\\hline x 5/4 & -3 \\ x 4/3 & -4 \\ x 3/2 & -6 \\ x 5/3 & -7 \\ x 7/4 & -9 \\ x 2 & -12 \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \multiput(-18,8)(0,0.5){3}{ \thicklines \line(6,0){485}} \end{picture} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%END%%BOWSPEC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BEGIN%%DAC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \multiput(-18,8)(0,0.5){3}{ \thicklines \line(6,0){485}} \end{picture} {\begin{center} {\Large The DAC disarm-system\\} \end{center} This system is based on the principle that it's harder to disarm ar opponent when he's a better fighting man than you, and is not based on what armor type he's wearing. DAC is an abbrivaion for (originally) ``Disarm Armor Class'', wich have been shortened to ``Dis-Armor Class''. In order to disarm an opponent, the attacker must make a successful attack vs. the defender's DAC, as calculaed below.\\ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}[t]{|r| c l|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\bf Calculating DAC's}\\\hline DAC =& &baseTHAC0\\ &|&19("disarm-factor")\\ &|&(to-hit-bonus for strenght)\\ &|&(to-hit bonus specialiation (includes the to-hit bonus for disarm only))\\ &|&(penalty for non-proficency)\\ &|&(AC-bonus for dexterity)\\ &|&(magical bonuses on defender's armor (not counting shield))\\ &|&1(if defender's weapon has a basket hilt)\\\hline Option:&|&1(if defender have chain mail or similar gauntlets)\\ &|&2(if defender have plate mail or better gaunlets)\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The "disarm-factor" is decided like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}[t]{|l|}\hline Joe Average is fighting his cousin Bill Average. They both have\\ Average ability scores (8-12). Joe decides to disarm Bill. They\\ are both 1st level fighters using long swords, in which they are\\ proficient. The question is: What number does need Joe to roll\\ to disarm Bill? This number is the "disarm-factor". In my ruling,\\ this number is 19, and this includes the -4 penalty for called\\ shot to arm. So, Joe tells he DM that he will disarm Bill. He\\ rolls a 17. He hits the hilt of Bill's sword, but not good enough\\ to disarm him.\\\hline The DM may modify this factor as he likes.\\\hline \end{tabular}\ \end{center} Any disarm attempt causes no damage, as the blow is directed against the weapon and not the man behind it. A disarm must be declared in advance, before initiative is rolled, or the attack is concidered a normal attack.\\ \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \multiput(-18,8)(0,0.5){3}{ \thicklines \line(6,0){485}} \end{picture} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%END%%DAC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BEGIN%%CRITS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{center} {\huge \bf Critical Hit and Fumble system for use with 2nd ed. AD\&D.}\\ \end{center} The d20 is used open-ended. When a natural 20 is rolled the attacker rolls again and adds the results together until a 20 is no longer rolled. The attacker then subtracts the attack-roll from his/her THAC0 the normal way. The margin between what the attacker hits and what sHe needed to hit is read directly from the Critical Hits table.\\ The Critical Fumbles table are done the same way. When a natural 1 is rolled, the attacker rolls again. If a natural 20 is rolled, it is rerolled until something else results, just like it is done with a critical hit. Then the sum is added to the attacker's THAC0. The AC hit is then read directly from the table.\\ Specialists may have modifications to this (q.v.).\\ \bf \small \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Critical Fumbles}\\\hline AC hit&Result\\\hline 16&DEX check at a +2 bonus or trip\\\hline 17&DEX check or trip\\\hline 18&DEX check at a -2 penalty or trip\\\hline 19&DEX check at a +2 bonus or drop item\\\hline 20&Minor Distraction (-2 to hit next attack)\\\hline 21&Hit Other for 1/2 damage (friend if possible), roll to hit\\\hline 22&STR check at a +2 bonus or lodge weapon in something.\\\hline 23&DEX check or hit self for 1/2 damage. No STR or Specialization bonuses.\\\hline 24&DEX check or item must save vs crushing blow or be destroyed\\\hline 25&DEX check or drop item\\\hline 26&Major Distraction (-4 to hit on next attack)\\\hline 27&Hit Other for normal damage (friend if possible), roll to hit\\\hline 28&STR check or lodge weapon\\\hline 29&DEX check or hit self for 1/2 damage\\\hline 30&Item must save vs crushing blow at +2 or be destroyed\\\hline 31&DEX check + 2 or throw item 3d20 feet away\\\hline 32&Complete Distraction (lose all remaining attacks for this round, and all next round)\\\hline 33&STR check - 2 or lodge weapon\\\hline 34&Hit self for 1/2 damage. Automatic hit, but no STR and Specialization bonuses to damage\\\hline 35&Item must save vs crushing blow or be destroyed\\\hline 36&DEX check or throw item 3d20 feet away\\\hline 37&Attack last next round\\\hline 38&Lodge Weapon in something\\\hline 39&Hit self for normal damage. Automatic hit. STR, but not Specialization bonus to damage\\\hline 40&Item must save vs crushing blow -2 or be destroyed\\\hline 41&Drop item. Recovery next round if DEX +5 succeeds. Attacks last in that case\\\hline 42&Open Defence (+2 AC this and next round)\\\hline 43&Trip (prone this \& next round). Foe has +2 to hit\\\hline 44&Open Defence (+4 AC this and next 1d4 rounds)\\\hline 45&Throw item 3d20 feet away\\\hline 46&trip and bash head (stunned for 1d4 rounds). Foe is +4 to hit\\\hline 47&You overextend yourself and pull a few tendons. -2 to hit for 1d3 rounds\\\hline 48&Trip (stunned for 1d4 rounds + 1d3 hit points damage). Foe is +4 to hit \\\hline 49&You overextend yourself. -4 to hit for 1d6 rounds\\\hline 50&Item must save vs disintegration or be destroyed\\\hline 51&Wide Open Defence. Lose DEX-bonus. Foe has 2 extra attacks at +4 to hit \\\hline 52&Trip and hit head. Takes 1d10 points of damage, and is unconscious for 1d6 rounds.\\\hline 53&Lose item from sight. Recovery possible after 3d4 rounds of searching \\\hline 54&Weapon slips from your grip, sails high above your head and comes straight down. Take triple damage\\\hline 55&Fall and break an appendage. Broken member unusable until 50 points of healing is applied\\\hline 56&Fall and get dirt in your eyes. 1d3 rounds to clean up\\\hline 57&Hit self for double damage\\\hline 58&Hit self. First roll is a 20. Take it from there\\\hline 59&Hit friend. First roll is a 20. Take it from there\\\hline 60&Save vs paralyzation or castrate self (male only)\\\hline \end{tabular}\\ \end{center} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Critical Hits}\\\hline Hit Margin&Result\\\hline 1&minimum 2 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 2&minimum 3 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 3&minimum 4 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 4&minimum 5 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 5&minimum 6 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 6&minimum 7 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 7&minimum 8 points of weapon damage, unless maximum weapon damage is lower\\\hline 8&maximum weapon damage\\\hline 9&Maximum weapon damage, opponent loses initiative next round\\\hline 10&Maximum +3 weapon damage\\\hline 11&Maximum weapon damage, foe is -3 to hit next attack\\\hline 12&Maximum weapon damage, you have +2 to hit on your next attack\\\hline 13&Maximum weapon damage, you receive an extra attack\\\hline 14&Maximum weapon damage, you receive an extra attack at +3 to hit\\\hline 15&Double weapon damage\\\hline 16&Maximum weapon damage, foe loses next round of attacks\\\hline 17&Maximum weapon damage, foe falls down and loses remaining attacks\\\hline 18&Maximum weapon damage, foe is stunned for 1d4-1 rounds\\\hline 19&Maximum weapon damage, you receive an extra attack at +4 to hit\\\hline 20&Maximum weapon damage, foe loses weapon, DEX-check to retrieve\\\hline 21&Maximum weapon damage, foe rolls a 1 on the next attack\\\hline 22&Maximum weapon damage +4\\\hline 23&Maximum weapon damage +5\\\hline 24&Double maximum weapon damage\\\hline 25&Wrist/Hand, double weapon damage, -1 to hit until healed\\\hline 26&Forearm - Bone, double weapon damage,-1 to hit until healed\\\hline 27&Forearm - Flesh, double weapon damage,-1 to hit until healed\\\hline 28&Upper Arm - Bone, double weapon damage,-1 to hit until healed\\\hline 29&Upper Arm - Flesh, double weapon damage,-1 to hit until healed\\\hline 30&Triple weapon damage\\\hline 31&Ankle/Foot, double weapon damage\\\hline 32&Shin, double weapon damage\\\hline 33&Knee, double weapon damage\\\hline 34&Flesh Wound to the leg, double weapon damage, no DEX-bonus\\\hline 35&Hip Socket, double weapon damage\\\hline 36&Pelvis/Groin, double weapon damage (*)\\\hline 37&Rib/Stomach, double weapon damage\\\hline 38&Rib/Liver, double weapon damage\\\hline 39&Lung, double weapon damage (*), CON-check to continue fighting\\\hline 40&Quadruple weapon damage\\\hline 41&Rib/Lung, double weapon damage\\\hline 42&Shoulder Socket, double weapon damage, -2 to hit until healed\\\hline 43&Mouth/Jaw, double weapon damage (\dag)\\\hline 44&Skull, double weapon damage (*\dag)\\\hline 45&Leg wound with damage to the bone, triple weapon damage, no DEX-bonus\\\hline 46&Spine/Intestines, triple weapon damage (*\dag)\\\hline 47&Intestines, triple weapon damage (*)\\\hline 48&Spine/Liver, triple weapon damage (*\dag)\\\hline 49&Liver/Kidney, triple weapon damage (*)\\\hline 50&Quintuple weapon damage\\\hline 51&Stomach/Spleen, triple weapon damage (*)\\\hline 52&Stomach/Liver, triple weapon damage (*)\\\hline 53&Stomach, triple weapon damage (*)\\\hline 54&Liver, triple weapon damage (*)\\\hline 55&Neck, triple weapon damage (*\dag)\\\hline 56&Shoulder, triple weapon damage,-3 to hit until healed\\\hline 57&Eyes/Nose, triple weapon damage (\dag),-3 to hit until healed\\\hline 58&Spine, quadruple weapon damage (*\dag)\\\hline 59&Heart, quadruple weapon damage (**)\\\hline 60&Skull/Brain, Death or quadruple (saving throw determines)\\\hline 61+&Foe is slain\\\hline *&Bleeds 1 hit point (cumulative with more *) per round until healed (magic or prof.)\\\hline \dag&Stunned for 1d4 rounds or until magically healed\\\hline \end{tabular}\\ \end{center} \end{document}