5 Towns

Towns and cities will crop up throughout the game. Why do they exist, who lives there, what do they do, why is it the size it is, how old is the town, who runs it if anyone, does it use the rules of the country or does it have its own laws?

A small description upon entering a town can make all the difference, smells, sounds, sights, etc.


Your horses take you over the crest of the hill, and the city before you sprawls across your vision. Hailed as the jewel of the civilised world you realise it is more like coal then a diamond. Dreary shanty buildings cling to the outskirts of the city, the walls crumbling, serving no further use. The smell of the sea, and the stench of Deepwater pervade your nostrils and you gag upon its intensity, reminding you of distant spices mixed together in a burning food. Even at this distance the noise is like a soft whisper, industry and commerce at their best...
Population: 120,000
20,000 0th level militia (un-trained city folk), no armour.
5,000 0th level standing army, poor armour.
1,000 0th level town guard, poor armour.
500 1st level elite mounted calvalry.
25 2nd level commanders, mounted, good armour.
(Most merchants also put up some of their guards if city is seriously threatened.)
Leaders: Mechants guild. Money equals power.
Quote: "Meat ina Bun, Getyer Meat ina bun `ere..."

Talonroach Keep

You notice the distant shouts of orders, and hear the rumble of a thousand boots walking in time, before you clasp a look at talonroach keep. Guards in brightly polished steel stand around a forboding wall. The ominous spires of the keep loom above the tree line, and you feel your movements are being watched from the ditant windows...
Population: 35,000
20,000 0th level standing army, good armour.
2,000 1st level elite troups, mounted, good armour.
25 3rd level commanders, mounted, great armour.
Leaders: Strict military structure.
Quote: "Are you eyeballing me boy? EYES DOWN! don't look at me..."


The only sound you hear is the call of a lone swallow (European-unladen), and the cry of crickets. As you tread on the rocky ground you slowly realise that the stone forms shapes. Walls, houses, buildings long since destroyed..
population: 367 undead.
Quote: "Whoooaaaaooooooo!"


The long road winds past a field of wheat, and in the distance you can hear the steady beat of metal upon metal and the high voice of children as they play in the harvest sun. Slowly the shape of four small buildings become clearer as you enter Wellford...
Population: 1,200
Army: 600 militia, pitch forks, etc
Leaders: No-one.
Quote: "Ar, it'll be a tidy step, that'll be."


You become aware that you are being watched as movement flitters around the various trees. The voices of the forest creatures becomes dim as if the sense you invading their territory. Instantly the forest seems to disappear, into a clearing containing a quite lake. The feeling that you are being watched is proved when several arrows land before your feet...
Population: 45,000
20,000 0th level, longs swords and bows.
5,000 elite 1st level troups, chain mail.
1,000 commanders 2nd level, chain mail.
200 leaders, 3-7th level, elven chain.
Quote: "Jarath, tor starak loi ta-bereth!"