5 Taverns

It's normally inevitable that the characters will end up in a tavern at some point. If each tavern has is different it can improve a normally mundane aspect of the game. If there is a main tavern that the players use, put in more `pub personalities', and remember, even the same pub has different customers depending on the day of the week.

The Orcs Bladder. (So called because of the authentic sign)
Location: Middle of nowhere. Battered looking, but warm glow.
Rating:   None. Bad food, bad service, the drink is strong and home brewed.
Rooms:    2 small rooms, 1 large room with a fire. No stable.
Landlord: Jameth, middle-aged, human, fat, big and mean! (also the cook)
Landlady: Alasia, middle-aged, human, fat, big and mean!
Barstaff: Kaidra, halfling female, treated like dirt by everyone, timid.
Clients:  Entirely human, fight every night, especial if non-human present, but are usually without weapons. Most are hunters, trappers, woodcutters, and a few farmers. Often used as a neutral ground for smugglers.
Quote:    "Well, if it ain't one o' dem pointy ears, in OUR pub!"

The Come On Inn.
Location: Halfway house, on well used road. Large, clean, warm.
Rating:   **** Cheap, common food and drink, but large servings. Provide free hay and grooming if staying the night, large stable.
Rooms:    5 medium size rooms with fires, 2 small rooms without.
Landlord: Erik, middle-aged, human, fat, friendly.
Landlady: Delia, young, half-elven, pretty, flirty.
Barstaff: Josh, human, young, cook. Simon, human, boy, stable-hand. Selia and Natasha, human female, maids.
Clients:  Almost any type of character found here.
Quote:    "Oh yeah! Well I caught one THIS big!"

The Cat `n' Bucket.
Location: Middle of a small village. Small, but warm.
Rating:   *** Cheap, common food and drink, but large servings. Large `self help' stables,
Rooms:    3 medium sized, 1 small, all with fires.
Landlord: Gamry, very old human male. Grumpy.
Landlady: Amy, middle-aged, cook (Gamry's daughter). Friendly, but plain.
Barstaff: Calabar, `dashing-young-wanna-be-a-swashbuckler' type, elven.
Clients:  Locals, farmers, priest, etc. Clear segregation between the card playing elders and the young "I'm gonna go to the city me.." type.
Quote:    "Crop rotation, pah! I jus' lets me `orse crap on it. Crap rotation more like!"

The Bull's Milk (Don't ask!!!)
Location: Near a port. Small and cold.
Rating:   ** Variety of food and drink, but food is badly cooked. No stables.
Rooms:    6 very small rooms, no fires.
Landlord: Kris. Old ugly human. Wierd.
Landlady: none.
Barstaff: Two female twins, Tabatha and Mariella, flirty, heavy make-up.
Clients:  Sailers, traders, smugglers, others. Illegal business is normal. Fights here are quick and with weapons.
Quote:    "If tha's what ye want, I can get it for ye cheap!"

The Dragons Tail
Location: Near a merchants guild. Huge, warm, segregated stables.
Rating:   ***** If you've got the money of course.
Rooms:    4 small, 4 medium, 2 large, all with fires.
Landlord: Thalamos, middle aged, been-there-down-that look about him.
Landlady: Sheadra, slender, attractive middle age. Mind like a knife.
Barstaff: Too many, and they don't seem to have names!
Clients:  Merchants and Nobles. Security on the door prevents weapons.
Quote:    "My word, they let anyone in here these days!"