Polymorph Other

Q: What creature can the caster specify?

A: The caster may specify a creature type, for example human, ogre, carp, dragon, etc. The caster may not go into more detail, such as height, weight, age, sex etc. So a one-armed man polymorphed into a ogre-mage will become a one-armed ogre-mage male. The stats of the man are then adjusted by standard racial differences,.. no dice are re-rolled. i.e. if the man had been born that creature and suffered the same fate up to that point.

I believe if the caster could specify age, this would become the most sort after spell ever, i.e. you would have a lot of mages who keep each other young. If Polymorph Other can be used to change a creatures sex why is wish needed against a girdle of Feminity/Masculinity?

For Example: A one eyed dwarf with 17 CON if polymorphed into an elf will still be one eyed, and will have -2 CON, +1 CHA, +1 DEX.

Q: What age is the resulting creature?

A: There are two ways of doing this, proportional ageing and direct ageing.

Proportional aging means a middle-aged man becomes an middle-aged crane-fly, direct aging would make for a very OLD crane fly. The example in the PHB 2nd Ed. transforms an orc into a six hit-die white-dragon. this _may_ be interpreted as direct aging into a _very_ young dragon, however it is most likely just an example before the Monstrous Compendium came out.

Q: What are the two saving throws?

A: The character gets a saving throw to see if the spell effects him AT ALL. If he passes then nothing happens, otherwise a physical change will occur. If the character is physically changed then another `save' is made to see whether the character retains his mentality. NOTE: This mentality save must be made EVERY DAY until the polymorph is dispelled or the change occurs.

Note also that a system shock role is required if a change occurs.

If the character maintains his mentality, he has very nearly undergone a polymorph self. He can use any of the creatures natural abilities for that form (i.e. a bird may use its wings.).

If the character looses his mentality he `gains' the mentality of the creature he has become. In addition to the natural abilities, the creature also gains the creatures innate super-natural ones as well, such as breath-weapons, gaze attacks, innate spell abilities, etc.

Q: How long is the transition period.

A: The physical change is almost instant. The mental change may occur over a longer time.

In one of the Drizzt books he meets an Hook Horror who was a Gnome-type-thing (from memory..) and in his case the mental change was taking place very slowly. This being the case I would suggest that the super-natural abilities are gained at a similar rate.

Examples..The prince from a Sinbad film and the Librarian from Discworld. Both are Polymorphed into Orang-Outangs (or something similar anyway). Both failed the physical change and survived the system shock. The Librarian made his intelligence save, the prince failed. The only difference for the Librarian is that he can reach books easier, and always gets a seat at the bar. The prince however slowly looses his mental abilities as the film goes on.

Q: If I am polymorphed into a creature with different abilities when can I use them.

A: The creature will not instinctivly learn how to use its new abilities, some it will learn in time, some may have to be taught.

Q: If I have been polymorphed, but retain my intellect, can I still play my character.

A: It is up to your DM, but most likelly YES.

All that has happened to your character is a form change, intellectually it is still the same. Use of the humanoid handbook for ideas is recommended.

Q: If I have been polymorphed, but loose my intellect, can I still play my character.

A: This is definately up to your DM.

It will most generally depend on your new form. It is likelly that the polymorphed creature can still recognise people it considers friends and enemies. For example, a dog would probably still hang around the party and try to protect them, whereas a gold dragon may decide simply to let them live!

Q: So,.. if I can be polymorphed into a giant, why can't I play one to begin with.

A: Because it is up to your DM. I used the argument once that `if I can summon an elemental why can't I just play it instead?' with a novice DM. It worked.

This sort of argument can make or break a campaign,.. some people like highly unusual adventuring parties, others don't. At the end of the day it is up to everyone involved. Play two campaigns, do one-on-ones, or do one-offs, rather then constantly bug your DM.

Q: What happens if my familiar undergoes a polymorph other?

A: If it undergoes a mentality change then it will no longer act as your familiar, until it is reverted back to its original state.

Q: What happens if my Homonculous undergoes a polymorph other?

A: I would suggest that polymorph self would be needed to be cast on your own homonculi, but if polymorph other was cast by someone else then who knows, but having a dragon that will not go more than 480 yards away is not necessarily a benifit!

Q: What about the offspring of a polymorphed creature.

A: There are obviously two choices, the offspring are of the original or current race. I would suggest that they are of the current race because the eggs/sperm of the creature were indirectly, but independently polymorphed as well. They WOULD have failed a saving throw!

Other arguments for this is that some creatures are thought to be magical experiments. The only way for this is if they are fertile, and the only way of mutation is polymorph other. Which begs the question...

Q: Can I polymorph anything into anything.

A: Most people agree that the caster has to know about the target creature, it is posible to even include a `fowl-up' chance to produce a stange creature if the caster is not sure. This would allow for the `magical-experiment' creatures, such as in Raistlin's tower (although they were not actually the results of polymorph).

Polymorph can only turn a living creature into another living creature, not inanimate objects or corpses. Note also that noncorporeal forms can not be assumed.

Q: If Elminster and Drizzt were polymorphed into chickens and forced to fight who would win?

A: Drizzt has the magical Vorpal Death Beak, however Elminster could still use power word `cluck'.

Polymorph Self

Q: What forms can I assume?

A: You may assume the form of any LIVING CREATURE from the size of a bird to the size of an elephant. The form must be corporeal.

Q: Do I loose my mentality?

A: No. You are still the same ol' wizard, just with a different body.

Q: What abilities do I gain?

A: Technically none. This spell is effectively just a cosmetic change. The wizard only takes the SHAPE of the creature, he does not become it.

If the form is has NATURAL advantages, like wings for flight, claws for damage, the wizard may use those. In all other respects the wizard is still himself (i.e. senses, attack rolls (i.e. thac0), hit points etc).

Polymorph Any Object

Q: What is the size limit for the spell?

A: The description gives no size limit, however the duration of the effect is inversely proportional to the resulting size. That is to say, the larger the object, the sooner the spell ends.

Q: So I can turn a pea into an infinitly large size, for an infinitly small time, thereby distroying the universe?

A: Er, well personally I would put a limit on the maximum size, equal to the range of the spell (5 yards/level).

Q: Alternativly I could turn a pea, in a room, into a pea the size of a room, thereby damaging the inhabitants!

A: Yup, it is an eighth level spell after all. I would suggest the inhabitants take `falling damage' it's just that the ground is coming at them! Also a save vs. crushing blow may be necessary.

Q: Can I turn a corpse or an object into a living being?

A: Yes, however although you can define the level of intellect, you can not define the personality (a dead companion raised by this method will not be the same person). It will create only a generic (i.e. 0th level) creature of that type. More importantly the creature will have no soul, and can never by raised from the dead.

Q: Can I turn a living being into an object?

A: Yes, but remember, they are still alive!

Q: Can I turn `lead into gold' or `coal into diamond'?

A: Yes, but ANY turning of something into another thing of more value is not permanent.

Q: So, what is permanent?

A: Difficult to say, but here is some advice:

The spell can emulate any shapechanging spell of a lower level, but the effect can be greater, for example, `flesh to stone' can become `flesh to jelly'.

It will not be permanent if Kingdom is effected.

The example says that a `lion to androsphinx' will be permenent. This seems powerful, but as I pointed out out earlier it is an eighth level spell.

Q: This does then ask the question, can a Red Dragon be polymorphed into a Gold Dragon..

A: Yes, if you can get past the saving throw and the magic resistance, AND if you include the suggested area of effect rule, it's size!

Q: Isn't this spell a little powerful then.

A: One dispel magic will end it all!