5 More (familiar) Adventure and Encounter Ideas

Get ideas from films, tv, history, books, landscape. There is a BIG list of good media listed in the r.g.f.d FAQ.

  1. (Alien) The PC's are taking a boat trip, during the night their boat bumps into a `ghost ship'. They board it, and find all the crew are dead, and the whole ship is covered in cob-webs. Later, when they are eating, one of their crew-mates coughs up some spiders...
  2. (Unforgiven) "Can you read? Or did you just not see the sign? NO WEAPONS. You look familiar.. were you the group who slaughtered the whole encampment of orcs? Their families turned up here,.. begging for food.." (The players are surrounded by crossbow wielding sheriffs).
  3. (Terminator) And so it was that the mages wanted to create the ultimate defence. They gave up there magical essences and put them into the automaton. Soon, with all of the thaumaturgical energy, it started to evolve and became sentient. It analysed the threat, and decided it was humanity... (And you get to invent the `mercury golem' for T2!)
  4. (Die Hard) The party have gone to a ball held in the castle (no weapons allowed obviously). One of the kings aids takes them to collect a small gift. Meanwhile the entertainers downstairs are not quite what they seem and the kings coffers will look very empty unless.. (potentially good for a high level adventure).
  5. (Stargate) Need I say more..